Assignment 1 Oktober 2017

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1. Explain the boundary conditions used in momentum transport for fluid-solid, liquid-
gas and liquid-liquid interfaces.

2. A incompressible fluid of density is in laminar flow in a plane narrow slit of

length L and width W that formed by two flat parallel walls with a distance 2B apart.
End effects may be neglected because B << W << L. The fluid flows under the
influence of both a pressure difference p and gravity.

Figure 3 Fluid flow in plane narrow slit.

i. List your postulate and assumption.

ii. Establish the following expression for the steady-state shear stress distribution and
the velocity profile for a Newtonian fluid (of constant viscosity ) using equation
of motion in Appendix 1 (Table B5 and B6).

0 L 2

B x2
3. Consider the flow depicted in the schematic below. Flow takes place in the narrow
space between two very wide and very long plates. The flow i driven by an imposed
pressure, which is higher upstream (P0) than a distance L downstream (PL). The flow
is steady, well developed, and we are considering the region only far from all edges.
The fluid is an incompressible, Newtonian fluid. For full credit you will need to
correctly indicate the assumptions you used in arriving at your answers.
(a) Derive the distribution of the fluid, vx as a function y using equation of motion
(Table B5 and B6) and momentum shell balance equation.

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