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Preferences and
Effectiveness of
By –
Ankur Dubey
Sumit Thakur
Shoubhik Sen
Mahendra Kumar

Pioma Industries Ltd. (Pioma) is perhaps not a familiar name for the average
Indian consumer. However, Pioma's brand 'Rasna' is very well known. In fact,
the name Rasna is almost a generic name for soft drink concentrates (SDC), a
segment that had been created and nurtured by the company in the Indian
beverages market. Rasna's extremely popular advertisements with the tagline,
'I love you Rasna,' had become an integral part of the Indian advertising
folklore. In March 2002, Pioma announced a radical overhauling of its strategies
for the Rasna brand. This development was rather unexpected, as the brand
had been lying dormant since long. Rasna is the market leader in the Rs 250
crore Indian Soft drinks concentrate industry. The SDC industry is miniscule
compared to the 5000 crore carbonated soft drink industry (CSD). The
powdered softdrink concentrate industry is worth around 90 crore.

Rasna pioneered this category and virtually owns this market with a market
share of 93%.Rasna was launched in 1982 by Pioma Industries Ltd. Rasna
positioned its product on the economy platform. The company aims to capture
the customer's " every moments of thirst " using Rasna.


Rasna began with 9 flavours in 1982. The 10th flavour was added in 1987.

i. In March 2002, It dawned a new look with new logo and a new baseline "
Relish a gain" highlighting the economy of using Rasna. Rasna also tried
lot of new products and variants. Realising that the market has shifted to
"health and natural” proposition, Rasna launched a new product "Juc fit"
which is a fruit based health drink. The new Leaf logo also signifies this
shift. The logo signifies value for money and health (the company

ii. Rasna Utsav (Rasna Festive) and Rasna Rozana (Rasna Daily) in March

iii. Rasna also entered the 1000 crore milk foods category with its Shake Up
brand which has not been able to make a dent in to the highly
competitive market dominated by the likes of Horlicks and Complan.

iv. Rasna also tried to take the competition for Colas by launching "Rasna
Cola Cola".

v. Now Rasna have in the market a subbrands Juc Up, Rasna International
and Utsav in the Powdered SDC category. In 2005 Rasna has launched a
range of traditional refreshers like Nimbu pani and Jaljira under the
subbrand “Ghar Ka ".

In the initial phase Rasna is a soft drink product mainly concentrating on
Middle and Lower class society. They followed the strategy of concentrating
CHILDREN market. Rasna was using children in advertising the brand. Like
the Johnson's baby, Rasna girl was very popular among the public. Rasna
have used the catchy baseline “I love u Rasna “for decades. Even now
people remember Rasna Baseline.

But in 2002, Rasta decided on a makeover. The company no longer wanted to

be a kid's drink. It dawned a new look with new logo and a new baseline “Relish
a gain" highlighting the economy of using Rasta. Rasna also tried lot of new
products and variants. Rasna recently has been struggling to find its soul. All
the way it was promoting itself on economy platform which has become
redundant because of the competitive pricing from carbonated soft drinks. It
has also changed the famous “I love you Rasna” campaign to “Relish A Gain”
baseline which is little confusing for the customers. Customers still remember
the Rasna Girl and "I love U” baseline. Rasna is also trying to move away
from children and trying to become everything to every one which is a
risky proposition. Although the brand has a generic status in the
category, it is witnessing stiff competition from Sunfill from Coke. Rasna
is trying to excite the market with new products and variants.

Rasna as a brand has lost its soul, not knowing what it stands for, trying
to become everything to everyone.

Methodology of the study
Objective of the study
• To find out consumer preference about Rasna.

o To find out the attitude and expectations of the end consumers

towards Rasna beverage product. Also to find out likes and dislikes
of the consumers.

• To find out the relative position of Rasna in the market

o To find out the relative preference given to Rasna by the

customers. To track its relative position in the market and its
market competency.

• To find out the awareness of the customers about the product and the

o To find out whether customers remember Rasna as a brand or not.

To track their awareness towards the brand and to analyze the
effectiveness of the previous promotion campaign.

• To find the consumer purchase pattern.

o To find the purchase pattern of customers in the current scenario

so as to plan future strategies.

Sample size
We have done sampling on random basis so as to cover people with different
mindsets for broader study. We have done our survey on 38 people of random
age group. The survey was conducted in few places. They are listed below –

• Near Cool Joint, Jai Nagar, 4th Block

• Art of Living, International Ashram, Kanakpura road

Sampling method
The sampling was done randomly. We have done this survey over people of
different age group. The benefits of random sampling are –

• Age variations

• Multiple preferences

• Psychological variations etc.

Also a large variety of customers can be covered and as it is a random

sampling, collection of data is easier.

Limitation of the sampling

• Some people did not reveal complete information. Even if they have
interacted with us, they gave us incomplete information.

• Respondents did not entertain with the data collection procedure. They
were unwilling to answer all the question of the questionnaire.

• Scope of the study is limited to few places in Bangalore only. But we

tried to collect data from respondents of different demographies.

Analysis of data

What do you prefer to quench your thirst in summer?

• Water - 1

• Packaged beverages - 2

• Homemade beverages – 3

Customer Preference to quench thirst

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Water 17 44.7 44.7 44.7

Packaged Beverages 10 26.3 26.3 71.1

Homemade beverages 11 28.9 28.9 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – From the above table and graph it is inferred that 44.74% people
prefer water to quench their thirst 28.95% prefers homemade beverages and
26.32% prefers packaged beverages.

Which beverages do you like the most?

• Coca Cola

• Pepsi

• Thums up

• Sprite

• Maaza

• Mountain Dew

• Slice

• Real Juice

• Amul Cool

• Tropicana

• Ruh Af Jaa

• Rasna

Favourite Beverage

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Coca Cola 3 7.9 7.9 7.9

Pepsi 5 13.2 13.2 21.1

Thums up 2 5.3 5.3 26.3

Sprite 5 13.2 13.2 39.5

Maaza 4 10.5 10.5 50.0

Mountain Dew 3 7.9 7.9 57.9

Slice 3 7.9 7.9 65.8

Real Juice 2 5.3 5.3 71.1

Amul Cool 2 5.3 5.3 76.3

Tropicana 3 7.9 7.9 84.2

Ruh-Af-Jaa 4 10.5 10.5 94.7

Rasna 2 5.3 5.3 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – from the above set of data it is inferred that about 84% of the
people like packaged beverage like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Real Juice etc. And
only 16% people like homemade beverages like Ruh-Af-Jaa and Rasna.

Have you ever drunk rasna?
• Yes

• No

• Don’t Remember

• First time heard about it.

Have You Ever Drank rasna

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Yes 30 78.9 78.9 78.9

No 2 5.3 5.3 84.2

Don't remember 5 13.2 13.2 97.4

First time heard about it 1 2.6 2.6 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – It is inferred that about 79% of the people used Rasna ans still remember
it. 5.26% of the people never used it, 13.16% don’t remember about it and 2.63%
first time heard about it.

What is the most noticeable thing about it?

• Taste

• Price

• Variety

• Availability

• East to prepare

• Healthy

• Packaging

• Promotion

Most noticeable thing about Rasna

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Taste 15 39.5 39.5 39.5

Price 12 31.6 31.6 71.1

Variety 3 7.9 7.9 78.9

Easy to Prepare 3 7.9 7.9 86.8

Healthy 1 2.6 2.6 89.5

Promotion 4 10.5 10.5 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference - It is inferred that most of the people like the taste of Rasna and they were
also satisfied with its price, about 39.47% & 31.58% people gave them as most
noticeable thing about Rasna. The third importance was given to the promotional
activities of the product.

Which flavors do you like the most? How many different flavors do you
• Coca Cola

• Orange

• Mango

• Shahi Gulab

• Nimbu pani

• Pine apple

Favourite Flavour

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Coca Cola 5 13.2 13.2 13.2

Orange 12 31.6 31.6 44.7

Mango 5 13.2 13.2 57.9

Shahi Gulab 3 7.9 7.9 65.8

Nimbu Pani 9 23.7 23.7 89.5

Pine Apple 4 10.5 10.5 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – It was found that most of the people like the orange flavor(about
31.58%), Nimbu Pani was accepted by 23.68% people. Then coca cola and mango
flavors were accepted equally by the people(13.16%), then comes pineapple
flavor(10.53%) and Shahi Gulab in the last with 7.89% acceptance.

Do you remember its tagline or any advertisement?
• Yes

• No

Awareness about the Tagline

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Yes 16 42.1 42.1 42.1

No 22 57.9 57.9 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – It is inferred that 57.89% people still remembers the headline that
shows the effectiveness of the promotional activities. On the other hand
42.11% people have forgotten or were confused about rasna campaign.

Do you remember its price? Were you satisfied with its price?
• Remember Price & Satisfied

• Remember price & Not Satisfied

• Don’t Remember

Price v/s Value

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Remember Price & Satisfied 25 65.8 65.8 65.8

Remember Price & Not 6 15.8 15.8 81.6


Don't Remember 7 18.4 18.4 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – About 66% people were satisfied with its price, 16% were not
satisfied and about 18% people don’t remember the price of rasna.

Which other beverage would you prefer over rasna and why?
• Coca Cola

• Pepsi

• Maaza

• Slice

• Mirindaa

• Thums Up

• Ruh Af Jaa

OthersPreference over Rasna
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Coca Cola 16 42.1 42.1 42.1

Pepsi 3 7.9 7.9 50.0

Maaza 2 5.3 5.3 55.3

Slice 1 2.6 2.6 57.9

Mirindaa 2 5.3 5.3 63.2

Thums Up 3 7.9 7.9 71.1

Ruh Af Jaa 3 7.9 7.9 78.9

Others 8 21.1 21.1 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – Aboutq 42.11% people prefer coca cola over rasna, 21% prefer other
beverages, 7.9% people prefer Pepsi, Thums up and Ruh-af-jaa.

Do you know any other product of rasna? Can you name them?

• Rasna Fruit kick jam

• Rasna Jellies

• Rasna jams(others)

• Rasna Juc fit

• Rasna Shake up

Awareness about Rasna product

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Rasna Fruit Kick jam 20 52.6 52.6 52.6

Rasna Jellies 9 23.7 23.7 76.3

Rasna Jams(Other) 2 5.3 5.3 81.6

Rasna Juc Fit 3 7.9 7.9 89.5

Rasna Shake up 4 10.5 10.5 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0

Inference – On the other product categories, Rasna is well known for its fruit kick jam.
About 53% people are aware of that, 23% people are aware about the jellies and the other
product categories are also known and remembered.

Findings, Suggestion & Conclusion

The following inferences were drawn from the above survey –

1. The preferences of the people have changed totally. They are more likely
to buy packaged and carbonated beverages.

2. They prefer natural fruit drinks over other types of drinks.

3. The initial tagline “I LOVE YOU RASNA” and the Rasna girl were
appreciated and remembered by the people. But when Rasna came up
with new advertisement campaign, its reach in the market diminishes.

4. In the current scenario, people still remember rasna but it is limited up to

few sectors only. The youth is more likely to purchase health drinks
instead of normal beverages.

The following suggestion can be given after analyzing the results of
the above survey –
1. Rasna should concentrate in the health drinks sector.

2. It should concentrate more on “Ready to Serve” beverages. Nobody is

bothered to prepare and then consume the beverage in this world.

3. Rasna should redefine its STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)


4. Rasna should break its image of an economic soft drink. So that it can
penetrate other sectors of the society.


This product survey tells us that Rasna as a product was very successful before
2005. The product was appreciated by a large number of people which belongs
to lower and middle class of the society. Its reach in the higher Indian society
was less.

Its fame started diminishing when rasna came out with its new promotional
campaign with a tagline “Relish a Gain” in 2002. The tagline and new
promotional activities were failed to drive Rasna’s success campaign which was
initiated by Rasna girl and “I love you Rasna” tagline.

In the current world, it would be very difficult for Rasna to re-establish itself as
a successful brand in the highly competitive market. But one thing is sure that
Rasna is still alive in the memories of the people as its taste, price and the
heart touching promotions of Rasna girl and still a large number of Indian
customers say “I LOVE YOU RASNA”.


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