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To the Citizens of Miami Township:

The citizens of Miami Township voted me into office on November 13, 2013 to clean up the township which was in
total disarray. I promised Change, Transparency and Fiscal responsibility which I have delivered in the four years I
have been in office. The trustees run the township in a professional manner and once again are looked at with
respect within local, county and state government.

The trustees have put in place a five-year strategic plan. We listened to all residents concerns while adopting the
plan along with the business community as follows; Parks, Staffing, Branding/Public Image, Community Blight,
Communications and Infrastructure. We along with citizens groups around Reeder Park, Miami Village and Miami
View have come together with alternative funding plans. Within reason the township has agreed to matching
funds that are raised by the different groups. We have also dedicated an additional $80,000.00 to the park fund for
the next several years as we continue to work on alternative funding.

The township continues to attract new business to the township. Millions of dollars in new business has relocated
to Miami Township since I was elected four years ago. Austin Landing continues to attract new business and the
new Cinepolis 12 screen theater just opened which serves food and drinks for ones enjoyment while watching a
movie. Federal Express just opened a 250,00-square foot distribution center and additional retail/office space is on
the horizon.

Its a shame but I currently have political opponents who have personal agendas and will do or say anything to get
elected. A recent mailer was just received by the residents of Miami Township and the City of Miamisburg which
has accused the Board of Trustees with alleged mis-management of township funds. I did not want to get involved
in negative campaigning, but I find it odd that the township fiscal officer, Aaron Newell, who is the husband of Don
Culps campaign treasurer, Alyse Rettich-Newell, has not brought this alleged misuse of township funds to the
attention of the Board of Trustees.

The mail piece attacks the township, trustees and specifically, Mr. Mukesh Singh, Compliance Officer. Mr. Singh is a
devoted Christian, committed family man and was hired in 2013 as a consultant by the previous board to perform
a forensic audit of the township finances which is available online. Mr. Singh was hired by the current Board of
Trustees to draft a policy and procedures to insure the policy is being adhered to by all employees and at the same
time provide for an internal audit ability within the township. Mr. Singh is a specialist with two business law
degrees and is highly respected in his chosen field where he could demand double what the township pays for his
expertise. Don Culp first attacked Mr. Singh several months ago and has attempted to get Mr. Singhs employment
with the Bureau of Workers Compensation terminated with negative results. It is ironic that the township needs
Mr. Singh, due to politicians like Don Culp wanting to use the township board for personal gain and Mr. Singh
ensures that every matter before the township trustee board is compliant with the Ohio Revised Code and other
applicable statutes. Therefore, one must wonder if this recent attack is a personal vendetta against Mr. Singh and
if so, why?

I am proud of what I and the Board of Trustees have accomplished in the past four years and it has been my
pleasure to serve you as a township trustee. I have said from the day I started campaigning four years ago that I do
not have any personal interests and that I will always do what is in the best interest of the township residents and
the township. Re-elect your current trustees and stay the course in our continuing efforts to build a united, more
prosperous community.


Andrew J Papanek
Board President | Miami Township Trustees

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