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To be forgiven for your sin and a stepping stone to eternity, and that

brought into a right relationship anyone who leaves this life without first
with God, you must accept Jesus having been made right with God

Christ as your personal Lord and through personal, saving faith in Jesus
Savior. If you confess with your Christ will spend all of eternity in pain-
mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe ful separation from him (see Revelation
in your heart that God raised him 20:10, 12a, 15).

Much Is
from the dead, you will be saved. The Next Step
For it is by believing in your heart If you have accepted Jesus Christ as
that you are made right with God, your personal Lord and Savior, then the
and it is by confessing with your next step is to start growing and matur-

mouth that you are saved. (Romans

Having given control of your life to
ing in your faith. The key is to focus on
the basic building blocks of the Chris-
tian life: prayer, Bible study, and fellow-
Your Soul
Christ, you must decide to stop liv- ship.* And of course it is vital that you
quickly find and join a Bible believing
ing for self and start living for God.
church for both support and accounta-
Then, calling the crowd to join his
disciples, [Jesus] said, "If any of you
wants to be my follower, you must
turn from your selfish ways, take up *See Hiking the Christian Life at http://
your cross, and follow me. If you try
to hang on to your life, you will lose HikingTheChristianLife
it. But if you give up your life for my
sake and for the sake of the Good
News, you will save it. And what do Provided courtesy of
you benefit if you gain the whole
world but lose your own A Century 21 Disciple of Jesus
soul?" (Mark 8:34-36) (all New Liv-
ing Translation)
My prayer is that you will take a serious Also available online at
look at where you are in life. If you are
living without Christ, you are not really
living at all. But even more than that, howMuchIsYourSoulWorth.html
the Bible teaches us that this life is only
In actuality, every person is a combina- once and after that comes judgment
How Much Is tion of the material and the immaterial
-- body and soul. And while the human
(Hebrews 9:27 NLT).

Your Soul Worth? body is an incredible thing (medically/

That is the bad news. The good news is
that God himself has already done eve-
scientifically speaking), the soul is liter- rything necessary to enter into a per-
ally priceless. And yet as cheaply as sonal and permanent relationship with
some people treat human life, they val-
Body and Soul us. He is ready right now, this very in-
ue their own soul even less.
What do human trafficking, abortion on stant, to forgive the sins that separate
demand, and homelessness all have in The Afterlife us from him, and to adopt us into his
common? Answer: they treat life as a Where will you go when you die? Do forever family. Why? Because that is
cheap commodity -- something to be you ever slow down long enough to how much he loves us.
sold, discarded, or ignored. However, think about the answer to that ques- Jesus Christ
because they are such huge, over- tion? Most people don't. Most people Everything hinges on Jesus Christ and
whelming problems, if/when we hear are too busy dealing with everyday life his mission to rescue the human race.
or read about them, we may spend a to think about something as deep and In simplest terms, here is what the Bible
few seconds feeling bad for the people mysterious as life after death or the teaches us about our greatest need and
involved, and we may even whisper a eternity of the human soul. Most peo- God's loving provision to meet that
quick prayer -- but then we hurriedly ple who believe in heaven and hell need:
refocus our attention back to ourselves hope that they will have been good Every human being is sinful and
and our wants and needs. enough to make it into heaven when thus separated from a pure and ho-
they die. But do we really value our ly God. For everyone has sinned; we
Why should we care about the poor
souls so cheaply? If this life truly is but a all fall short of God's glorious stand-
and suffering in the world, anyway? Put
stepping stone to eternity, shouldn't we ard. (Romans 3:23)
simply, it is because every person on
do everything within our power to be The penalty for sin is death -- that
this planet is a human being. And, if you
ready for the next phase of our exist- is, eternal separation from God. For
believe the Bible, that means each per-
ence? the wages of sin is death ... (Romans
son is created in God's image. Which
means that every person has inherent, The Bible teaches us that no one is 6:23a)
good enough to share heaven with God: Jesus Christ died in your place so
infinite value and worth; no human be-
ing is cheap or worthless. And yet the For everyone has sinned; we all fall that your sin can be forgiven and
external self -- what we see on the out- short of God's glorious standard you can be brought into a right rela-
side -- provides only the merest hint of (Romans 3:23 NLT). If we are depending tionship with God. But God showed
who we really are. You know, the hopes on a mixture of our own goodness and his great love for us by sending
and dreams, fears and uncertainties, God's mercy, we will be profoundly dis- Christ to die for us while we were
love and joy that is a part of our inner appointed on the day we stand before still sinners. (Romans 5:8)
life or soul. him, since each person is destined to die

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