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Fire Sprinkler Reports


Hipermercados Tottus

Av. Angamos Este 1805 - Surquillo

Lima - Per

Prepared By:

Alejandro Chumpitaz
Grupo Tcnico en Ingenieria SAC
Calle Jose Sabogal N388, Int404
Miraflores, Lima - Per

Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 2

General Project Data Report

General Data
Project Title: Tottus Trujillo Golf Project File Name: TT GOLF - SPK BODEGA..fiw
Designed By: Alejandro Chumpitaz Date: 24/06/2017
Code Reference: NFPA 13, Ed 2013 Approving Agency:

Client Name: Hipermercados Tottus Phone:

Address: Av. Angamos Este 1805 - Surquillo City, State Zip Code: Lima - Per

Company Name: Grupo Tcnico en Ingenieria SAC Representative: Anderson Sanchez

Company Address: Calle Jose Sabogal N388, Int404 City And State: Miraflores, Lima - Per

Building Name: Building Owner:

Contact at Building: Phone at Building:
Address Of Building: City, State Zip Code:

Project Data
Description Of Hazard: Sprinkler System Type: Wet
Design Area Of Water Application: 196 ft Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 196 ft
Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 25.20 K Default Pipe Material:
Inside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm
In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 gpm

Sprinkler Specifications
Make: Model:
Size: Temperature Rating: 154 F

Water Supply Test Data

Source Of Information:
Test Hydrant ID: Date Of Test:

Hydrant Elevation: 0 ft Static Pressure: 0.00 psi

Test Flow Rate: 0.00 gpm Test Residual Pressure: 0.00 psi
Calculated System Flow Rate: 1080.46 gpm Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 60.97 psi

Calculation Project Data

Calculation Mode: Demand
HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 30.00 psi Minimum Desired Flow Density: 0.70 gpm/ft
Maximum Water Velocity: 15.00 ft/s Maximum Frictional Loss / 100 feet: 10.00 psi
Number Of Active Nodes: 18
Number Of Active Pipes: 20 Number Of Inactive Pipes: 0
Number Of Active Sprinklers: 6 Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0

C:\ ...\TT GOLF - SPK BODEGA.fiw lunes, 26 de junio de 2017, 3:53 p.m.
Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 3

Fire Sprinkler Input Data

Node Input Data

Sprinkler Pressure Node Elev (ft) Non-Sprinkler
Area Group
Node Node Description KFactor (K) Estimate (psi) Branch Non- Flow (gpm)
Branch Dia.
No. Branch Description Branch Len. Branch Stnd Stnd Fittings Branch Sprk
(ft) Fittings (ft) KFactor (K)

No Discharge ---- N/A 35.44 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

Sprinkler ---- 25.20 30.23 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

Sprinkler ---- 25.20 30.00 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 30.12 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 35.52 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

Sprinkler ---- 25.20 30.27 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

Sprinkler ---- 25.20 30.04 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 30.14 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 35.85 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

Sprinkler ---- 25.20 30.46 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

Sprinkler ---- 25.20 30.10 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 30.18 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 36.42 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 30.27 27.89 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 51.92 0.00 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 58.34 -13.09 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 60.97 -13.12 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

No Discharge ---- N/A 60.97 -13.12 0.00

---- 0.000 0.0 ---- 0.0 0.00

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Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 4

Fire Sprinkler Input Data

Pipe Input Data

Nominal Nominal Fitting Total CFactor
Beg. End. Type Fitting
Pipe Description Diameter Length Length Length (gpm/inch-
Node Node Group Data
(inch) (feet) (feet) (feet) psi)

1 2 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 T 23.62 12.00 35.62 120

2 3 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 13.12 0.00 13.12 120

3 4 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 5.58 0.00 5.58 120

5 6 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 T 23.62 12.00 35.62 120

6 7 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 13.12 0.00 13.12 120

7 8 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 4.27 0.00 4.26 120

9 10 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 T 19.19 12.00 31.19 120

10 11 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 13.12 0.00 13.12 120

11 12 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 6.73 0.00 6.73 120

13 14 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 T 30.18 12.00 42.18 120

1 5 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 T 11.32 30.00 41.32 120

5 9 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 T 19.36 30.00 49.36 120

9 13 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 T 8.86 30.00 38.86 120

4 8 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 T 12.30 30.00 42.30 120

8 12 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 T 18.54 30.00 48.54 120

12 14 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 T 15.26 30.00 45.26 120

13 15 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 5E 66.93 70.00 136.93 120

15 16 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 EG 13.12 17.00 30.12 120

16 17 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 6.000 0 4E 48.90 56.00 104.90 120

17 18 Fire Pump, Boost Ignored Pump

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Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 5

Fire Sprinkler Output Data

Group Peak Node Groupings Output Data

Pipe Segment Pipe Pipe Sprinkler Flow Non-Sprinkler Flow Beg. Node Imbalance
Beg. End. Type Flow Rate At Beg. Node Out (+) In (-) Residual Flow At Beg.
Node Node Group (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) Pressure (psi) Node (gpm)

1 2 0 202.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.44 0.00000

1 5 0 -202.84

2 1 0 -202.84 138.54 0.00 0.00 30.23 -0.80326

2 3 0 63.49

3 2 0 -63.49 138.03 0.00 0.00 30.00 1.85128

3 4 0 -72.69

4 3 0 72.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.12 -0.98573

4 8 0 -73.67

5 1 0 202.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.52 -0.00007

5 6 0 203.42
5 9 0 -406.26

6 5 0 -203.42 138.65 0.00 0.00 30.27 0.03711

6 7 0 64.81

7 6 0 -64.81 138.12 0.00 0.00 30.04 0.03605

7 8 0 -73.28

8 4 0 73.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.14 -0.00016

8 7 0 73.28
8 12 0 -146.95

9 5 0 406.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.85 -0.00002

9 10 0 221.72
9 13 0 -627.98

10 9 0 -221.72 139.08 0.00 0.00 30.46 0.03772

10 11 0 82.68

11 10 0 -82.68 138.24 0.00 0.00 30.10 0.03630

11 12 0 -55.53

12 8 0 146.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.18 -0.00005

12 11 0 55.53
12 14 0 -202.47

13 9 0 627.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.42 -0.00001

13 14 0 202.47
13 15 0 -830.46

14 12 0 202.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.27 0.00000

14 13 0 -202.47

15 13 0 830.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.92 0.00000

15 16 0 -830.46

16 15 0 830.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.34 0.00000

16 17 0 -830.46

17 16 0 830.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.97 14.25951

17 18 0 -844.72

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Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 6

Fire Sprinkler Output Data

Group Peak Node Groupings Output Data

Pipe Segment Pipe Pipe Sprinkler Flow Non-Sprinkler Flow Beg. Node Imbalance
Beg. End. Type Flow Rate At Beg. Node Out (+) In (-) Residual Flow At Beg.
Node Node Group (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) Pressure (psi) Node (gpm)
18 17 0 844.72 0.00 0.00 -844.72 60.97

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Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 7

Fire Sprinkler Output Data

Group Peak Pipe Output Data

q (gpm) F. L./ft Pipe-Len.
Beg. Nodal Spk/Hose Residual Nom. Dia. PF-(psi)
Elevation Q (gpm) (psi/ft) Fit-Len.
End. KFactor Discharge Pressure Inside Dia. PE-(psi)
(feet) Velocity Fittings Tot-Len.
Node (K) (gpm) (psi) C-Value PT-(psi)
(fps) Type-Grp (ft)

1 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.44 2.50 138.54 0.14642 23.62 5.216

2 25.20 27.89 138.54 30.23 2.469 202.84 T 12.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 13.59 0 35.62 5.216
WARNING: Maximum friction loss exceeded for this pipe

2 25.20 27.89 138.54 30.23 2.50 63.49 0.01707 13.12 0.224

3 25.20 27.89 138.03 30.00 2.469 63.49 ----- 0.00 0.001
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 4.25 0 13.12 0.225

3 25.20 27.89 138.03 30.00 2.50 72.69 0.02193 5.58 0.122

4 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.12 2.469 72.69 ----- 0.00 0.001
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 4.87 0 5.58 0.124

1 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.44 6.00 0.00 0.00184 11.32 0.076

5 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.52 6.065 202.84 T 30.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 2.25 0 41.32 0.076

5 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.52 2.50 138.65 0.14721 23.62 5.244

6 25.20 27.89 138.65 30.27 2.469 203.42 T 12.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 13.63 0 35.62 5.244
WARNING: Maximum friction loss exceeded for this pipe

6 25.20 27.89 138.65 30.27 2.50 64.81 0.01774 13.12 0.233

7 25.20 27.89 138.12 30.04 2.469 64.81 ----- 0.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 4.34 0 13.12 0.233

4 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.12 6.00 0.00 0.00028 12.30 0.012

8 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.14 6.065 73.67 T 30.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 0.82 0 42.30 0.012

7 25.20 27.89 138.12 30.04 2.50 73.28 0.02226 4.27 0.095

8 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.14 2.469 73.28 ----- 0.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 4.91 0 4.26 0.095

5 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.52 6.00 0.00 0.00665 19.36 0.328

9 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.85 6.065 406.26 T 30.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 4.51 0 49.36 0.328

9 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.85 2.50 139.08 0.17264 19.19 5.385

10 25.20 27.89 139.08 30.46 2.469 221.72 T 12.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 14.86 0 31.19 5.385
WARNING: Maximum friction loss exceeded for this pipe

10 25.20 27.89 139.08 30.46 2.50 82.68 0.02783 13.12 0.365

11 25.20 27.89 138.24 30.10 2.469 82.68 ----- 0.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 5.54 0 13.12 0.365

8 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.14 6.00 0.00 0.00101 18.54 0.049

12 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.18 6.065 146.95 T 30.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 1.63 0 48.54 0.049

11 25.20 27.89 138.24 30.10 2.50 55.53 0.01333 6.73 0.090

12 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.18 2.469 55.53 ----- 0.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 3.72 0 6.73 0.090

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Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 8

Fire Sprinkler Output Data

Group Peak Pipe Output Data

q (gpm) F. L./ft Pipe-Len.
Beg. Nodal Spk/Hose Residual Nom. Dia. PF-(psi)
Elevation Q (gpm) (psi/ft) Fit-Len.
End. KFactor Discharge Pressure Inside Dia. PE-(psi)
(feet) Velocity Fittings Tot-Len.
Node (K) (gpm) (psi) C-Value PT-(psi)
(fps) Type-Grp (ft)

9 0.00 27.89 0.00 35.85 6.00 0.00 0.01489 8.86 0.579

13 0.00 27.89 0.00 36.42 6.065 627.98 T 30.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 6.97 0 38.86 0.579

13 0.00 27.89 0.00 36.42 2.50 0.00 0.14594 30.18 6.156

14 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.27 2.469 202.47 T 12.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 13.57 0 42.18 6.156
WARNING: Maximum friction loss exceeded for this pipe

12 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.18 6.00 0.00 0.00183 15.26 0.083

14 0.00 27.89 0.00 30.27 6.065 202.47 T 30.00 0.000
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 2.25 0 45.26 0.083

13 0.00 27.89 0.00 36.42 6.00 0.00 0.02497 66.93 3.419

15 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.92 6.065 830.46 5E 70.00 12.075
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 9.22 0 136.93 15.494

15 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.92 6.00 0.00 0.02497 13.12 0.752

16 0.00 -13.09 0.00 58.34 6.065 830.46 EG 17.00 5.668
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 9.22 0 30.12 6.420

16 0.00 -13.09 0.00 58.34 6.00 0.00 0.02497 48.90 2.619

17 0.00 -13.12 0.00 60.97 6.065 830.46 4E 56.00 0.014
SCHED 40 WET STEEL 120 9.22 0 104.90 2.634

17 -13.12 60.97 830.46
18 -13.12 60.97

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Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 9

Fire Sprinkler Output Data

Group Peak Sprinkler Output Data

Flowing Sprinkler Residual Flowing Sprinkler
Area Group Sprinkler Flowing Area
Sprinkler Elevation Pressure Density Discharge
Code KFactor (K) (ft)
Node No. (feet) (psi) (gpm/ft) (gpm)

2 25.20 27.89 30.23 196.00 0.707 138.54

Sub Totals For Non-Group 196.00 0.707 138.54

3 25.20 27.89 30.00 196.00 0.704 138.03

Sub Totals For Non-Group 196.00 0.704 138.03

6 25.20 27.89 30.27 196.00 0.707 138.65

Sub Totals For Non-Group 196.00 0.707 138.65

7 25.20 27.89 30.04 196.00 0.705 138.12

Sub Totals For Non-Group 196.00 0.705 138.12

10 25.20 27.89 30.46 196.00 0.710 139.08

Sub Totals For Non-Group 196.00 0.710 139.08

11 25.20 27.89 30.10 196.00 0.705 138.24

Sub Totals For Non-Group 196.00 0.705 138.24

Totals For All Groups 1176.00 0.706 830.67

C:\ ...\TT GOLF - SPK BODEGA.fiw lunes, 26 de junio de 2017, 3:53 p.m.
Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 10

Fire Sprinkler Output Summary

Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node

HMD Sprinkler Node Number: 3
HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 30.00 psi
HMD Actual GPM: 138.03 gpm

Sprinkler Summary
Sprinkler System Type: Wet
Specified Area Of Application: 196.00 ft
Minimum Desired Density: 0.700 gpm/ft
Application Average Density: 4.238 gpm/ft
Application Average Area Per Sprinkler: 32.67 ft
Sprinkler Flow: 830.67 gpm
Average Sprinkler Flow: 138.44 gpm

Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary

Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 9 - 10 ) 14.86 ft/sec
Maximum Velocity Pressure ( In Pipe 9 - 10 ) 1.49 psi

Allowable Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0100 psi

Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0099 psi
Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0052 psi
Actual Maximum Nodal Flow Imbalance: 14.2595 gpm
Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 1.0026 gpm

Overall Network Summary

Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: 20
Number Of Flowing Sprinklers: 6

Pipe System Water Volume: 359.99 gal

Sprinkler Flow: 830.67 gpm

Non-Sprinkler Flow: 0.00 gpm
Demand Flow Excluding Exterior Hose Flow: 830.67 gpm
Exterior Hose Flow: 250.00 gpm

Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow

60.97 psi
Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 1080.46 gpm

C:\ ...\TT GOLF - SPK BODEGA.fiw lunes, 26 de junio de 2017, 3:53 p.m.
Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Contrack International, Inc Tottus Trujillo Golf
Arlington, VA 22209 Page 11

Fire Sprinkler Output Data

Hydraulic Supply/Demand Graph

Fire Pump



P re s su re p si







2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Flowrate(x100) gpm

Pump Curve Data (TT GOLF (750gpm@150psi))

Flow (gpm) 1: 0.00 Pressure (psi) 1: 195.00
Flow (gpm) 2: 750.00 Pressure (psi) 2: 140.00
Flow (gpm) 3: 1125.00 Pressure (psi) 3: 91.00
Flow (gpm) 4: 0.00 Pressure (psi) 4: 0.00
Flow (gpm) 5: 0.00 Pressure (psi) 5: 0.00

Demand Curve Data

Calculated Residual Pressure: 60.97 psi
Calculated Flow Rate: 1080.46 gpm
Exterior Hose Flow: 250.00 gpm
Pressure Required For First Sprinkler Downstream From Inflow Node To Flow: 17.76 psi

C:\ ...\TT GOLF - SPK BODEGA.fiw lunes, 26 de junio de 2017, 3:53 p.m.

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