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The independence of the Unites States

Important event that inspired the liberal revolutions in Europe. The 13 British colonies
of the east coast of North America organised the first colonial insurrection.
American colonists were unhappy with Britain and wanted the independence.

What is an Act?
In legal terms there is not much difference between LAW and ACT. Law is a rule. Act is
the intention of law.

Why did the colonies want the independence? (Reasons)

- Full control of the colonies
- Townshend Act: a series of acts passed by the Parliament of Great Britain
relating to the British colonies in North America. Its purpose was to raise revenue in
the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges so that they would remain
loyal to Great Britain () and to establish the precedent that the British Parliament had
the right to tax the colonies. The Townshend Acts were met with resistance in the
colonies, prompting the occupation of Boston by British troops in 1768, which
eventually resulted in the Boston Massacre of 1770. As a result of protest, Parliament
repealed most of the new taxes, but the tax on tea was retained.
- Tea monopoly
- They didnt have a voice, a representation in British parliament.
- They were forced to come back from west of Appalachian Mountains.
- Quartering Acts: lodging soldiers

What was the Boston Tea Party?

In Boston Harbor, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians
board three British tea ships and dump 342 chests of tea into the harbor.

What happened the 4th of July 1776?

Delegates from the 13 colonies drafted the U.S. Declaration of Independence in
They stated the duty of a government to respect the inalienable rights of its people.

In 1787 they created the first constitution in history. It ensured the separation of
powers, a republican government and a federal system of government.
(Bill of Rights). Equality and freedom

When did the war end?

In 1783, after the Battle of Yorktown.

Who became the first president of the United States?

George Washington

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