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Tunnel Creation in NPT(Native Packet Transport) ECI

1 Select the required NE in the NMS and click on the tunnel creation icon in the
task bar.

2 Give the required details in the Name tab so to identify the tunnel.

3 Select the diff service type tunnel always its recommended to go for
protection 1:1 mode.

4 Select the Head node & Tail node in the given NEs.

5 Choose the Main NE & Protection NE for the completion.

6 Give the OAM parameters.

7 Do the completion of the tunnel.

8 After successful completion give activation of tunnel.

9 Tunnel will be created successfully for NPT in ECI NMS.

Figure represent: - NPT Layer in ECI

Figure represent: - Selection of Nodes in NPT

Figure represent: - Create the Tunnel window

Figure represent: - Selection of Head NE

Figure represent: - Selection of Tail NE

Figure represent: - Selection of Main pass-
through NE

Figure represent: - Selection of Protection

pass-through NE
Figure represent: - Specification of OAM

Figure represent: - Competition of Tunnel

Figure represent: - Activation of Tunnel

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