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Pm -0042-3 60 -DE- 002 [arco — . WAM? HaTéHon, | SP war 07 JUL, 2006 Em RECIBIDO ——_|gonredi'de ooeuh = 1 IMENTOS A = Work May Paces 2. Reise and Re-Sumi Proced Saeco ncporton ol The Comments nee la. fevos end ba sent Wort oto Proce 4 Review nt Reed t ey Paced RR 5- Wor ay Proce Seba al tied Orig sion o pected despot conte sce of aprora of he de, ROUND EIETERS * SPECHNICA OAT AL QeU rah Mg ane GAGE TERIA piso] we |_Aawa | FECHA aL ot He 6 aM. x SZ RUS. Sta FILTRES ROND§,, CATALO! + FILTRIROTONDI CATALOGO TECNICO [CATALOGUE No ‘WA.03608 T, ~ CREATIONDATE: 'SSUE | GRCULAMON] DATEOF LATEST UPORTE 41-1998 | OL owt 400 12.04 re =a) © (2) ea as <= Oo = OS = a im K {lL he products described in | Aloindiosem Kaisog bsschio | Tous les produits décts dane (hiseataloqe are mancfaciod | bonen Erzaugrisss worden In According to WAM? S.p.A. | Korfrmitit mt dem Qualtats- ‘Quality System procedures, | system der WAM" S.p.A. hergesteltt. “Tet prodot desertin questo catalog sono sat rolzat so- conde modalta operative def- rite Sistema Guat dt WAM DA ‘Tha Companys Quality Syetom, | Das im Jull 1904 zertfisers | Le eystime de Qualité de For | istea Ql aiendale,cor Corfod In July 1904 according | Gualtsayetom entspriet dor | epee, café sume da jut | Meat dalluglo 1994 mn confor. {b infomatonal Standards UM! | Norm UNI EN ISO 90024 (on | 1984 en conformite sux Norms | mitaabo Normative iemaonall E EN'SO 8002.94 and extended | Oktober 2002 auf UNI EN ISO | Internationales UNI EN ISO | UNIEN ISO 9002-84 succos~ {UNI ENIS0 8001-2000 ne- | 900-2000 erwettert) und ge- | 9002-94 et succeszivement | sivanenie eseso alle Normal- tebar 2002, ensures thattnen- | wabisstat dom Kunden oie | sandy UNIEN ISO 90012000 | ve Internazionall UNI EN ISO E tre producton procses, start. |stonge Quaftitskontvote in j-| au mola de octobre 2002, est on | 8001-2000 neoiobre 2002, @ ing from the processing of the | dor Phase dos Produkionpro. | masure Zassurar quo le prec | in grado dl assicurae cho Tin- ‘tor tothe torical orice a | Zesses bie hin 2um Kunden: | 8 enter de produston, 8 part | tro procosso produtvo, dalla ter delivery, fe canied ut Ina | dienst nach Auslieferung dar | dela formulation dela commman- | frmulazione delorsine fo a- Convoed mantar that guaran | Ware. (Se jusquau serves technique | Fassistenca tecnica suocacst- toes the quay standard of tho Spite ia vaoon, soft face | va alla consegne, venga off product ddemmanlre conti ot appo-| talon modo conto ed ado F pride fine gerantre standard | guato a garantra Io standard {3 quate du produ, ual del prodot, Possible deviations due omadi- | Abwoichungen infolge Ande- | Nous nous réaervons dos car | Ci servamo event costa ‘ations andlor manufacturing |rangen undloder aulgfund von | ements éventusls dds desmo-| ment dow a roche el ok tolerances te reserved.| Fecgungsoleranzen sind vor|dfeatons sUou des toéranees | lnranze di avorazione, Dehaten ‘tusinage. ° = OPERATING CONDITIONS a EINSATZEINSCHRANKUNGEN wamecor WAM MITES EMPLOI + UT Dt mPIEGO WA.0505 T 6 ‘OPERATING CONDITIONS | EINSATZEINSCHRANKUNGEN_|LIMITES D’EMPLOL um oF mPtEGo “The WAMECO® fitere operat) Under the following condtons: 4) Maximum acceptable alr flow temperature: POSTIVE ‘20°C continsous "100°C peak NEGATIVE: are 2) Maximum acceptable stat {e pressure of filter body: Postive: ‘so0na0 (0.050 bar-5.0 KPa) NEGATE: “350 n,0. (eas bar-25 kPa) ‘The equpment is not deslgned {or operating in Nazardous con Attons or win dangerous mat-| fal therefore, whan he equ ‘nts to be used in thee con- Sins, necessary o advice the Menufactirer = Matriais considered at haz ardous are: explosive, tox, farmable, nant andi si lar ators Dio Fir der Modeleibe WAME-| Las fies WAMECO® exercent|i fei WAKIECO® sorcitano Ia \CO" hnkfonieren unter oige-|leurfonetion ization dans loro frzione uso nal epetto den Boiebebedr-gunger: 4) Hochsteutsssige Tempe-|1) Tempér ratur dos Luftstroms: Pos: BoC Dauervert 100°C Spitzonwer NEGATIVE “20° respect des ites emo su | dl soguort int dinpiago. onto. jures maximumn|1) Temperature _massime Admissibles di fax dale: | ammlssibil dol fusso daria: Posmive Posmva ‘30°C en cont 180" Cin continuo foorcde pie 100" Cu plows Neqarve: NeGaTIVA: "2 “20°C 2) Hochstzuléssiger stat-|2) Pression statique maxi-|2) Pression statica massi- ‘scher Druck di buses: Futerg Post: ‘omit, (O50 bar- 5.0 xP) NEGATE “260 mm,0. (0055 bar -3.5 xa) -|mum admissible au corps|ma ammissibile del corpo fie itr Posmve: Postriva: ‘00rme,0 soon (@.080 bar- 5.03) (0.050 bar 5.0 4a) NegaTVE: NEcATIVA “360 menk,O. “320mm, 0 (60,035 bar-3.5 kPa) (os ear-a5 5) Dee Geritsignet iat richt zum Le machina a pas i pojtée| La macchina non & stata proget- oti in Gefarenzanen oder| pour fravalor dans des eon ata per operra in candi! © nit gefahrichen Materialion.|tons ou ae des mates dan-| con rater pereslol pean. ‘Wenn das Geri solchon Aor |goeuses; sla machine cot re-| to quando la maccina dave 33- [derungen entoprechen sl it| pondre& ose exigenoes le cone-|solere a questa esigonze 8 dr Herstlervorner 24 infr-| ructour dat en éuo obigatote-|obbego informare i costutre entire Als gaftiche aieriaten gel-|- atlas consdéréos dange-|- Si tengona mata patcolo- te explosive ‘lige, fous-| reuses: explosives ‘onues| sk: malarial eaplos, fossil, Seldhriche, schadiche und/| infammables,nockves ou sin | Infammabl,necive inl r - BASE SUPPLY: MATERIALS AND FINISHING 1198 ~ GRUNDVERRION LIEFERUMFANG: WERKCSTOFFE UND FINISH WAMECO" /AME = COMPOSITION BASIQUE: MATERIAUXETFINITION = FORNITURA BASE: MATERIALIE FINTURE WA.0ss0os T 8 . “OPTION: MATERIALS AND FINISHING 190 be ~ VARIANTE : IN: WERKSTOFFE UND FINSH. WAM’ CO OPTION: MATERIAUKET FINITION + OPZIONE: MATERIAL! EFINTTURE wA.03505 7. 10 + f = OPTION: MATERIALS AND FINISHING " 7 NARI WERASTOFFEUNO FSH WAMECO*™ iM Reed Wane + prio MATERIAL ETFAITION q vAM “ordONE MATERIALIE ATURE waoutos 4 ‘our Fore Perr ust RAL 7d Upper auton pip camacton vrire poor 700) 1 | Seersregeetis, aan = Reseed pain tr Sot a feat OF [Races aepracone sete onset also oe oo za UMlen ome. 214867) Caesars emer | OR Ear 2 emcees i cancun sowciiien eerie 2 | Aspiateu Aira Te oii a pouste RAL 7001 etre Spe RAL TOT ee See —— « [eRe sites [Fete een Sees —[gaseeamtize |e [oom Sati abe = masa : aE i ‘a. | Flr bay - Fiergenause at ai iT ‘28 (UNIEN 10088-2144 b _ ‘346 St a Eels 1.4401 — om 7 meneame om PE senda hing —empeemere aw son 28 (UMEN 10086-214-1987) [corms spew Cope superiors ‘318 St at Eilat 1.4401 fmm iis , eee ee : eee ES eae orate Sie tahoe 2 accord to UNLEN 10268 (957) *Gans UNLEN 1006 (1907VAS|*Salon UN-EN {0088 199A | *Sacond UALEN 1086157) ‘rnerey OM tro 986) | foray ON a4 1805), (ssn 9 (988) [$aray rowers (188) WAMECO®” = ORDERCODE + BESTELLCODES = CODES DE COMMANDE + CODICE DIORDINAZIONE 198 WA.03606 1. 14 ®@ © @©® 1 | | | ‘cnt pae otal - Spamungtoqueepletne “ensontequonce tsa Teosonaeqets sheds _vertore votaglele-Spanungtiguen: Vine ‘elongates bee: Tonseouegunss verre “ype ofr ‘ie “rial 8 fe Teel y + ORDERCODE BESTELLCODES WAM WANG 0" oDES DE COMMANDE vAM' = CODICE DIORDINAZIONE 98 WA.03505 1.15 aac CaceA le | epeton tt - pete [Swine - fw - Sans Sons Troe deve Paro specie ___| Sp eager ‘econmaaunceSobne TenstnaPeqeste tree [3 Als 308 (29 met (stor 51) Sieowounes N° Soleo wae ‘Azan gravee NB cay raters EE sel Gotu [y= NOX G6 mm) er). ASI 316 (0 wen (Oponal nyo Ioeraucore AS 304 (0) (2 3 {55.1 318 (20 rm) (Opto! nr ° |« DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS - CARTRIDGE TYPE as rc + ENEALIASSE UNO GEWCTE-PATRONENFLTER r waMeco" ® WAM ” eNCOWBREMENTS ETPOIDS-cARTOUCHES = INGOMBRO EPESI-cARTUCCE WA03S05 T. 16 ( | La ewes | Foes | 3 = | e70 40 76 | 140] 388 | s20| 170] 270| rar | 17 ato| ase] 220] 53 Fewvoe | Fewoe | 3 70 7323] e70| 4 | 78 | 140| 880] 7v0| 170) a7o| oe? | os7| vse] ee2| ao] or Fowes | Fowes | > = 535] 070 “40 | 385 | amo e70] 270| ster | srr] ze ase] cao ao ea | ro| or —__=_}s* —_—o—oe Foss | Foans | = aoe] ro ea] ens | 210] 05 | 62] 225] 500| aces | ra ero] rez] 220] 19 — | Fears | reais | a 7 | 120] os) eas | seo] 98 |770| 125] s60| 005] ror vz oa] «70 veo reaver | Fowe7 | 28 = el 120] one eas | 240| ase | e20| 125 | ean] rasa | va] sare 0a] ozo] wa ° ~ CLEANING SYSTEM 1198 I. eeneere Fee yang MEO berenenerc ® SISTEMA DI PULZIA Wa.0360s 1. 25 For WAMECO® fares pot-| Fur dle WAMECO® Fiter kann| Pour les fives WAMECO® i est| Por fii WAMECO®& posible ‘ie to seloct the iter slmants|man bel der Bestting (Fol | posibe de choar dans lapha-|scegorin fase dori (a= ‘leaning ayetom during tho o-|dee Bstacodes) das Reinigun| te de commande (point 1 du pot del codlee dl ordinszione) ‘der phase (field 1 of order|gssystem der Filterelemente | cade da commande) le syste | sistema dl pullzia degli element r ode): srahlen: ‘de notoyage des Slants | tart: ‘F compressed ai in countet| + Divcktim Gegenstom ver: |rants 4 tia compress in contro. current fahren [i at compriné & conte-cou-|” corrente \¥- Mechanic! vbraton |e machanische Vbraonen |” Fant |v ration mécanique |v Wire mesa ee) ‘THE BLOWING UNIT CONSISTS | DIE ASBLASEINHENT BESTEHT| LE GROUPE DE SOUFFLAGE IL GRUPPO DI SOFFIAGGIO E oF aus: EST COMPOSE DE: /CoMPOSTO DA: 41 -Compressed air pipe con-|t-Druckluftansehius _|1 -Raceord tubo alr compri-| 1 -attacco tubo aria compres nection 2 Drukluttbonatter més oa 2-hie tank 3 cMagnetventl(e) 2-Réservoir d’alr compr|2 -serbatoio por aria com- 3 Electrovatves ‘Nertellerstern me. 4¢7Alr distribution manifold 3 -Electrovannes(s) 4 Rampes de. soutiage| aie “Tne compressed alr has to be| Die Duckuf. welche unbodngt| ar compcim,obigatiroment| Lari compressa, che deve as- reingt, entleuchtet und| propre, sec et déshuilé,al-|soltamont esac pula, dou- oil fntoit ein mu, etrdmt in don| mate fe reservar ect cew-|midifeata a dieoleata viene Iisstoredinthetankta be quit ala Puffa donenden Drckbo|bue tre rapidement vers le |immossa nel eetbatoio ce fn {eleaaed to the ai-ditibuton[niior Und wird dan in exer ramos do soutags. 190 da polar per essere pol ‘mantel. learzen Sten dbor den Verat| 2

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