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To Loop Diagrams in Yang M i l l s Theory

D.R.T. Jones
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Oxford


A calculation of the renormalisation constants of

the Yang-Mills field to O(g^) is presented. The function
0(g) is hence evaluated to 0(g ) and possible implications
for gauge theories of the strong Interactions discussed.


Great i n t e r e s t has been aroused recently In non-abelian

gauge theories of the strong interactions because of the observation '
that such theories can e x h i b i t f r e e - f i e l d asymptotic behaviour a t
large Euclidean momenta, hence providing s natural f i e l d t h e o r e t i c
framework for the explanation of the s c a l i n g phenomena observed in
electroproduction and neutrino-production experiments.' ' However,
i t seems that the introduction of scalar mesons with non-vanishing
vacuum expectation values to give masses t o the gauge f i e l d s destroys
the free f i e l d behaviour, because of the quartic interactions
inevitably present in a renoraaUsable theory. ' _This observation
led to the conjecture '*" that the strong gauge symmetry i s in
f a c t exact, and that the absence of massleoc vector bosons i s
associated with the infra-red dlvergsnoes involved in such a thoory

Asymptotic freedom for non-abelian theories i s a consequence

of the behaviour near the origin of the calculable function 0(g) j
i n view of the above conjecture i t s behaviour away from the o r i g i n
I s a l s o of i n t e r e s t ; a zero of 0 for some f i n i t e . v a l u e of g-would
correspond to an infra-red stable fixed p o i n t , hence rendering the
conjecture suspect. In the absence of non-perturbativa approaches
a two-loop calculation of 0 Is therefore of i n t e r e s t , and i s p e r
formed here, using the dimensional rgularisation technique of
' t Hoof t and Veltman ' .
We. find that for the favoured model (SU(3) with three fenalon
t r i p l e t s ) the second term in P has the same sign as the f i r s t ,
suggesting that the domain of attraction of the origin i s l a r g e .
2, Calculation of th< Kenormalloatlon Constants

The Laftrangian we s h a l l consider c o n s i s t a of a s e t of gauge

f i e l d s V/(JS) and a raultiolet of soin one-half f i e l d s Y ( x ) , and
possesses local gauge Invariance with respect t o a compact semi-
simple Lie Rrouo 6, of dimension r. The bare Lagrangian 1B



&flr. v r + W f w ; (3)

(*v means unrenorraalioed)

a c
.Here f (a 1 , 2 , . , r ) are the r e a l , t o t a l l y antisymmetric
structure constants of 0 ; '(R )j< I s ' t h e matrix representation o f
the a'th generator of 0 on the fermion m u l t i p l e t . (1 = 1 , 2 . . . d ( R ) ,
where d O O i o the dimension of the r e p r c . s n t a t i o n ) . We asBumo t h a t
G la non-ehlral, t o avoid d i f f i c u l t y with' Adler anomalies.
In terms of renormalised quantities the Lagrangian becomes

rtrr/_ ~ ,\ in -*

T ,
-*f(M-:) F M

where have added a gauge terra and a ghotst Lagrangian In the
usual way. The renormalised quantities g , o and M are t'iven toy
' ** /r 'x 3 (5)
ft TM M <>
( 7 )
S 3 ^

(Note that the longitudinal part of the W propagator i s unrenormalioed]

We w i l l work throughout i n the renormaliBed Feyhman gauKe (a = )
The function 0 ( g ) , as we s h a l l s e e i n the next s e c t i o n , iB
r e l a t e d to the renormalisation of the coupling constant g . We
choose to calculate t h i s t o O(g^) toy considering renormalisation of
the Wjtfjfl vertex, and therefore c a l c u l a t e only Z y Z3 and Z, to 0(g ) .
Clearly the calculation of Z would provide a n o n - t r i v i a l check on

the algebra through the Slavnw-Taylor ' identity*.

7*, - 7r*
This c a l c u l a t i o n has in fact, been performed by . Caswell ,
with rsulte* in agreement with those presented here.
..', 1 . 1 . . "?, r ' |J ,- ! '!' 1Tfin b'T .
- . -72- .

*t Hooft ' ; and since t*-.e Pcynnvw i n t e g r a l s ere t o be performed ir.
n -limenciono i t i s convenient to define a new coupling constant
U by

here = U-n and m is an arbitrary mass.
The subtraction constants ( Z ^ i ) , (Z^-1) etc. are chosen
(following 't Hooft ') to contai . only inverse powers of .
in ah expansion about fe = 0, I . follows '' ' that the sub-
traction constants are mass independent; accordingly we set B = 0
*or details of how the p*le teinB are extracted from the
- Feynman integrals see reference (12); here we present only the
Prom one-loop diagre * we obtain

"i*n *


Doing these results *** obtain fron two-loop diagraaa

fc_ - SW^T**)
{'44" +
(^|^^^ ft-i)^
V f
\\hfj \z* >e/ ' . ( )

3. Calculation of B

The renormalleation group equat'on for a single-particle

irreducible Ofrewi* Vf-.ration rtpjjU.ffl.a.M) io

Ul + jBt*)2 -?{*> 2 + Sc*o2 - t (*)] P. o - ( 15)




V* - -.*^ ^Wl ?A,MMfr. 15


Note that we have written P and Y as functions of only (and not


a). For discussion of this point eee rfrence (12) and (13).
The solution of equation (13) ia well known :

where and

Ur - 08)

d* _ < ) 19

( J_ i s the mass dimension c" r ) .

(16) exprflBaes the fact that reacallng the external momenta i s
equivalent to changing the coupling constant mass, and the
gauge. (17) ahow< that the seroee of p control the fcehavicur
of the effective coupling con-.tant 5 in the high or low
momentum limita.
Proa equations (5) i ( 9 ) . (9) and (11) we find

-J- ; I:'
& (>) * * __ _

Substituting from (10) and (12) we f i n d , In the l i m i t fe - ^ 0


U. Discuss, on

Let us consider the case EU(N), with T multiplets of fermions

i n (a) the adjoint and (b) the vector representation.
For; .case (a) we have

c,.c&y s CiU) V N j ' T U ) w (22)

A = W-U M
S * i(ltf-ft)N
For f )/ 3, A ) 0 so that asymptotic freedom is lost. This model
(the particular case f a 3, N = 2) was proponed bj Bailin and.
Love *' as a possible model, of strong interactions, wiah the

obccrvntion that i f g had -a zero s u f f i c i e n t l y near tin origin

the power- violation's of Bcaling predicted might s t i l l be com-
p a t i b l e with the data. The expression (23) for 0 c l e a r l y doss
not support t h i s conjecture
For case (b) we have



.'. t^rjU.,.<f
111* - 3
v<*- .fw
we have A < 0 and B 5 0, and the possibility of a theory with cal-
culable infra-red and ultra-violet behaviour* The number of
fermions required is too large for strong interaction models,
however - for example in SO(3) we would require 15 or 16 triplets
to give a zero at a believable, small ?alue of the expansion para-
For the case SU(3), with three (or four) fermion triplets we
have A = -9 (~T?) and B = -6U C ^ ) For these cases, therefore,
the domain of attraction of the origin is clearly large; we nay even
consider the result as supporting to some extent the conjecture that
the strong gauge .group is unbroXen.

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