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IT 374 C# and Applications/

IT695 C# Data Structures

Module 1: Syllabus Presentation

Xianrong (Shawn) Zheng

Spring 2017

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Course Description
Class Administration

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About Me

Ph.D. in CS, School of Computing, Queens University,

Canada (01/2009-02/2014)
Assistant Professor, Center for Cloud Computing,
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (09/2014-08/2015)
Assistant Professor, Department of Information
Technology, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion
University (08/2015- )

IT374/ IT695 3
My Research

Current Research Interests

Cloud Computing
Big Data
Broad Research Interests
Data Science (Big Data, Cloud Computing, Machine
Learning, and Data Mining)
Electronic Commerce (Recommender Systems and
Reputation Systems)

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About Students

Self Introduction (30 seconds each)

Your name
Your major
Which year in your program
Other information that you want to share with the class

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Course Description

Lecture 3 hours; 3 credits; IT or software elective; data

science track required course.
C# (pronounced C-sharp) is a modern, general-purpose,
object-oriented programming language. It can be used to
build database, web, mobile, and cloud apps. This course
introduces students to programming concepts and skills of
C# programming language and data structures.
Jan 23, 2017Apr 24, 2017 (15 weeks).

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Assumed Background

Some knowledge of object-oriented programming will be

helpful, but is not required.

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Course Objectives

To provide students with knowledge and skills to:

Understand C# programming basics
Understand object-oriented programming concepts
Become familiar with a C# development tool
Be able to develop a web/ cloud app

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Course Outline

1. Introduction to Visual C#
2. C# Programming Basics
3. Object-Oriented Programming
4. LINQ and XML
5. Web App Development with ASP.NET
6. Cloud App Development with Windows Azure

IT374/ IT695 9

Required textbook:
Deitel, P. and Deitel, H. (2016). Visual C# How to
Program (6th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Optional textbook:
Gittleman, A. (2011). Computing With C# and
the .NET Framework (2nd Edition). Burlington, MA:
Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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Instructional Resources

Course Website

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Two tests.
One programming assignment
One course project/ research paper

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Microsoft Office for All Homework

Unless otherwise noted:

All word processing files are .doc or .docx format
No .pdf for homework
All presentation slides are .ppt or .pptx

IT 150G 13
System Support

All support for software use is provided by ITS:

ITS support is across from Starbucks, in the Learning
Commons, or by phone 757-683-
The instructor provides no software support

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All class announcements are by Blackboard

All individual messages back and forth are by the email
Students must check Email and Blackboard
announcements at least every 24 hours

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Marking Schemes

Two In-class Tests (20%*2) 40%

Programming Assignments 15%
Course Project/ Research Paper 35%
Class Attendance and Participation 10%

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Grading Scale

93 or greater A 73-76 C
90-92 A- 70-72 C-
87-89 B+ 67-69 D+
83-86 B 63-66 D
80-82 B- 60-62 D-
77-79 C+ Below 60 F

IT 150G 17
Office Hours

Instructor: Dr. Xianrong (Shawn) Zheng

Office: Room 2054, Constant Hall
Phone: (757) 683-3500
Office Hours: MT 3:00-4:00 pm
TA: Jin Ho Kim,

IT 150G 18
Class Time and Location

CRN 30056 and CRN 31961:

Classroom: Monday (4:207:00 pm), Constant 1060
Computer Lab: TBD

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Important Dates

Week 7 Test 1
Week 14 Test 2
Week 15 Project Demonstration/
Paper Presentation

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The roll will be passed out at every class. You are

responsible for signing the roll.
All excused absences need documentation.
All planned absences require immediate notification.

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Academic Integrity

Students must adhere to the Universitys Standards of

Conduct, specifically those related to the Honor Code and
plagiarism. Honor Code violations in this course are taken

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Channel Reminder

Homework via file attachment in Blackboard.

No homework is to be submitted via Blackboard email,
Blackboard email is for messages only.
Check Blackboard announcements and email at least once
in 24 hours.

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Additional Notes

The class will use Microsoft Office standard for the

submission of all assignments.
The instructor cannot provide text materials.

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