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Handout # 1

Interpersonal Communication: A Brief Introduction

Interpersonal Communication is a more refined form of human communication . In

human communication, one makes sense out of the world and shares that sense with
others,while interpersonal communication emerges as goal oriented process where one person
interacts with another to build mutual influence for the purpose of managing relationship.

The concept of IPC can further be explained by elaborating three elements of

aforementioned statement:
1:Distinctive form of human communication
2:Mutual influence between individuals
3:Management of relationships.

Distinctive form of human communication

IPC is a distinctive form of communication as it is different from an impersonal one which
described by scholars as I-It relationship: in I-It relationship person is viewed as an It rather
than as an authentic genuine person. (Give examples).
IPC,on the other hand, occurs when you interact with another person as a unique ,
authentic individual rather than as an object, Scholars called this kind of relationship a I-Thou
relationship.(Give Examples).

Building of Mutual Influence

Mutual influence means that all communication partners are affected by the interactions.
Here interaction involve both words and nonverbal clues.Every interpersonal interaction
influences its participants and a collaborative environment is maintained through the principle of
give respect ,have respect.(Share examples where verbal and nonverbal gestures are used to
build such influence)

Management of relationship:
One initiates and form a relationship by communicating other. Interpersonal
communication is not only employed to develop and maintain but also to end the relationships in
inevitable circumstances.IPC helps you identify the stage of relationship and you can design or
mold your conversation accordingly.( share examples that how intimate conversations are
different from that one has with mere acquaintances).

How to make IPC more Effective?

There are six steps that can be taken to improve IPC. Which Steps?
For the answer Consult from the course book(page # 28-31 . )
Two to three lines explanation against each factor would be enough . Also
think of one example that could substantiate your answer.

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