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Class XI

Mechanical Properties of Solids

1. The youngs modulus of the material of a wire is 6 x 1012N/m2 and

there is no transverse strain in it. Find its modulus of rigidity?

2. As shown in figure, masses of 2 Kg and 4 Kg are tied to two ends

of a wire passed over a pulley. Cross sectional area of wire is 2
cm2. Calculate longitudinal strain produced in wire. g = 10 m s-1 Y
= 2 x 1011 Pa.

3. A truck is pulling a car out of a ditch by means of steel cable that is

9.1 m long and has radius of 5 mm. when the car just begins to
move, the tension in the table is 800 N. How much has the cable
4. An ideal fluid flows through a pipe of circular cross- section made
of two section with diameters 2.75 and 3.75 cm. what is the ratio of
the velocity in the two pipes.
5. A hot air (assume ideal gas) balloon is a sphere of radius 8m. The
air inside is at a temperature of 60 degree C, How large a mass can
the balloon lift when the outside temperature is 20 degree C? R =
8.314 J mole -1 K-1, 1 atm= 1.013 x 105 Pa , the membrane tension
is 5 Nm-1

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