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EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template for SLO

(40 points)


Name: Alissa Lyons

Lesson Day
Date: October 2, 2017
Grade: Fourth
Topic: Spelling and Word Sorts
Grouping: Whole class
Time: 24 minutes
How will this lesson support the learning goal? (Essential Question)
How do prefixes change the meaning of a word?
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
(1 point)
Students will be able to:
Construct a word sort and properly organize words based on the prefix of a
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
word when given a list of spelling words.
(2 points)
Define of the meaning of the given prefixes pre-, fore-, post-, and after-.
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the objective(s) of
this lesson that will support progress toward the learning goal.

Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will do or

accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured), and target a
specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User Guide for the ABCD
method or I CAN statements that can be used as a guide.

PA Standards (2 points) or CC.1.1.4.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication
patterns, and morphology to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words.

ISTE Standards (if applicable) N/A

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 1

Technology Materials/ Resources 1. Word list (27 copies)- each student and the teacher will be given a word list
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) containing the spelling list. Students will cut out these words to sort them.
(2 points) 2. Document Camera and Smartboard- Used to display the words to the class during
teacher demonstration.
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?
3. Dictionary- Used for the teacher to define the prefixes and words.
How do the materials align with the learning objective(s)? If
4. Scissors- Used to cut out the words.
appropriate, what educational technology will be used to support the
5. Word study notebook- Students will write their closed sort into their word study
learning outcomes of this lesson? How do the resources support the
notebook after completing it on their desk.
learning objectives?
6. Ziploc bag- At the end of the lesson, students will put their cut words into the
Cite publications and any web resources. bags.
7. Templeton, Shane, and Donald R. Bear. Words Their Way: Word Sorts for
Derivational Relations Spellers. 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2009- Instructional book
containing the words and instructions for learning activities.
8. Exit slip- Used at the end of the lesson to check students understanding of the
prefixes. These will be face down on students desks when they get back from
Teacher will explain to students: Last week we learned about words that have the
Anticipatory Set
prefixes in-, un-, dis-, and mis-. Who can tell me what they mean? Accept student
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
answers. We know a prefix is something that is placed in front of a word which
(2 points)
changes the words meaning. This week our spelling words all contain the prefixes
1 minute pre-, fore-, post-, and after-.
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why todays lesson
is important to them as learners?
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson topic?
How will you build on students prior knowledge?
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill?
Provide very detailed steps.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 2

Teacher will pass out a word sort 2 paper to each student. Cut out the words and
Instructional Activities
write your initials on the back. Then try sorting the words on your own at your
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy;
desk. When students are done with the open sort, have the table of 6 students and
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
the back row of students come to the rug.
(15 points)
Teacher will use document camera to model sorting the words. I see that we have
20 minutes four prefixes: pre-, fore-, post-, and after-. I will put those at the top as my
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new concepts? How headings for the word sort. I see my four bolded words are prepare, foretell,
will you model or provide explicit instruction? You MUST include a postpone, and afternoon. Prepare has the prefix pre-, so I will place that in the
teacher think-aloud using student-friendly language here. pre- column. Foretell has the prefix fore-, so I will place that in the fore- column.
Postpone has the prefix post-, so I will place that in the post- column. Afternoon
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they apply has the prefix after-, so I will place that in the after column. Lets sort the rest of
the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with teacher the words. Teacher continues with the remaining 20 words, sorting them
support)? appropriately. Teacher will say each word before sorting it, emphasizing the
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these prefix.
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you monitor After the teacher is done sorting the words, the students will return to their desks.
and provide feedback? Students will make changes to their open sort at their desk. As students finish, the
teacher will walk around and engage students in a closed sort, checking to see if
Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where appropriate. they put the words in the correct columns. The teacher will guide students to put
the wrongly placed words in the correct column.
Once all students have completed the sort, the teacher will review the definitions
of the prefixes used for each word. Lets start with the word prefix, what do you
think pre- means? Give me a thumb up when you think you know what it means.
Allow wait time, then accept student answers. Yes, pre- means before, so prefix
means to fix before. Preposition, even though the pre- is pronounced differently, is
a part of speech that comes before a position. So, if your position was on the hill,
the preposition would be up the hill. Lets see what fore- means. Give me a
thumb up if you think you know what it means. Allow wait time, then accept
student answers. Good, it means before too. So, in the word foresight, it would
mean to see before. Write the word before on the back of the pre- and fore- word
cards. Now lets see what the prefixes post- and after- mean. Give me a thumb up
if you think you know what they mean. Allow wait time, then accept student
answers. Thats correct, post- and after- both mean after. Take a second to write
the word after on your post- and after- word cards. We can compare words with
these prefixes to words with the prefixes pre- and fore-. Preseason means before
the season, whereas postseason means after the season. Forethought means
before a thought, while afterthought means after a thought.
The teacher will have students copy the word sort into their word study notebooks.
Check their notebooks to make sure they write it correctly, give them a star if they
did. Once students are done, they will place the cut word cards into their Ziploc
and place it in the folder in the back of their word study notebook.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 3

Today we learned our new spelling list for the week. We reviewed the prefixes of
all the words by doing a word sort and talking through the meanings. To review,
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
pre- and fore- both mean before and post- and after- both mean after. It is
(2 points)
important to know what these prefixes and words containing them mean because it
3 minutes can help you define a word. If you want a challenge, look for words in your
How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson? independent reading this week that begin with these prefixes. Now, theres a piece
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do so and of paper in the top corner of your desk, turn it over and write the meaning of the
clarify key concepts? prefixes next to them. If you forget, thats okay leave it blank. I will come collect
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for them when youre done.
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson?
For students who get distracted easily, I will differentiate the process by cutting
the words for them before the lesson starts. They will only be responsible for
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
writing their initials on the back. Since the lesson is not on cutting ability, this will
(2 points)
allow students to waste less time on procedures.
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose For students who are below level, I will underline the prefixes of each word on the
academic development is below or above the current grade level? word cards. This will help them to know where to look when sorting the words.
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or For students who are above level, I will extend the lesson by challenging them to
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs of all of look in their independent reading for words that begin with the prefixes. They will
your students? write the words on a post-it note and then write what the word means based on its
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including English prefix.
Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, cultural, and
experiential resources that they bring to their learning?
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking and
Accommodations ** (see note below)
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
(1 points)
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to increase
curriculum access for students identified with special education needs or
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as applicable
(avoid using actual names of students).

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 4

For the two student who are below academic level, they will receive a different
Modifications**(see note below)
spelling list that is at their academic level. They will be taken out into the hallway
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
and another teacher will work though their word sort with them. This will allow
(1 points)
each student to learn at their appropriate level.
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the participation of
students identified with special education needs?
All assessments will be informal.
Assessment (Formal or Informal)
The teacher will observe students to see how they initially sort the words during
(1f: Assessing Student Learning)
the open sort. This will allow the teacher to monitor the students thinking
(3 points)
process. The teacher will recheck the open sort after they demonstrate it to see if
How will you and the students assess where the learning objectives, students thinking process was changed. The teacher will check the word sort once
listed above, were met? students have written it in their word study notebooks to determine if they were
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is aligned to able to correctly construct the word sort.
the above objective(s). The teacher will observe which students give a thumb up to see if they have an
idea as to what the prefix might mean. When students give answers, the teacher
can check again to see if they were correct. The teacher will then check the exit
slip after the lesson to make sure all the students grasped the meaning of the
prefixes taught during the lesson.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 5

During the lesson, I observed the students as they were doing their open sort. All of
Reflection on Instruction
the students were able to place the correct words in the correct columns. When they
(7 points)
wrote the words in their word study books, the students again all had them in the
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. The correct column, though a few students spelled one or two words wrong. After the
reflection should go beyond simply answering the question Was this a lesson, I collected the exit slips to assess whether or not the students remembered the
good lesson? Below are some questions to assist you in your reflective meaning of the prefixes. Out of the 26 slips I handed out, they all got the correct
process (Danielson, 2008): definition of pre-, fore-, and after-. Two students wrote that post- means before. Later
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your students in the week, I will check in with these students to make sure they know the meaning.
have met or are progressing towards the learning If I were to teach this lesson again, I would allow more time for cutting and sorting, as
outcomes/objectives? well as for the teacher guided sort. I did not realize how long I would spend going
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about the over the meanings of the words. Before I started the lesson, I decided to go over the
students level of engagement and comprehension? meanings of all the words because it is something my mentor teacher does so they
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you teach know how the prefix affects the word. This lead to confusion on my part because
this lesson in the future? What misconceptions, if any, do you some words, like predict or precede have difficult root words. Also, I did not hand out
need to clarify before teaching the next lesson? the exit slips before the lesson started because I was afraid students would be
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why? distracted by them. Instead, as I checked to make sure each child copied the sort
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and correctly into their word study notebook, I handed it to them and told them to fill it out
your use of physical space. To what extent did these contribute and then turn it over on their desk and independently read. This worked for the most
to student learning? part except for a few students who didnt listen to everything I said and asked, Do we
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery glue this in our word study book? I followed the same classroom procedures my
(e.g., activities, grouping of students, materials/resources mentor teacher does. I used give me 5 to gain attention. This helped greatly because
utilized). To what extent were they effective? it was something they already knew so I immediately got their attention. I also had
them give me a thumb up. This was used in place of hand raising to avoid students
trying to raise their hand so high to the point they are falling out of their chair. The
students were overall respectful. When the lesson first started, two boys exclaimed
that, Miss Lyons is teaching a lesson! You guys look! It made me feel good that
they appeared excited for me to teach. The activity was effective because it got
students thinking about their words for the week and they were able to organize them
by prefix. It also allowed my students to work toward meeting the objectives for the
lesson. Whole group was the best way to present this lesson. Since each student in the
class had to do the same thing, it made sense to do it all together. With the exception
of the two students who get an alternate spelling list. Overall, I am content with how
my first lesson went and will use what I experienced to develop my lessons in the

**Accommodations and Modifications

Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general curriculum. Both are essential to
consider when planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities. Accommodations refer to changes in how a student learns the material
but they do not change knowledge content. With accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or
express knowledge in different ways. Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to learn. This may include
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 6
adaptations made to instruction and assessment that change or reduce learning expectations. (Please refer to the SLO User Guide and SLO template for additional

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the accommodations
or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of
the lesson plan template.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 7

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