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Philanthropy Forum Schedule - Friday

7:30 A.M. Registration, Networking & Continental Breakfast 10:30 A.M. BREAK
8:30 a.m. The Future: It's Up to us! [HSC Ballroom] 2.1 Crowdfunding 101 [#231]
Members of the conference faculty will share the reasons What do you need to have in place before you begin
why they continue to work in the field of philanthropy and crowdfunding? What are the best platforms, cost options,
the nonprofit sector and why fundraising is critically and projects? During a highly interactive session our
important to create a future that is bright and prosperous. presenters will share examples of successful and
unsuccessful crowdfunding projects and discuss what can
9:30 A.M. INTEREST SESSIONS #1 be learned from each. After learning how to craft your
1.1 Social Media Tips, Tactics, and Apps for Nonprofit story and promote your project, youll have time to
Awesomeness [#231] practice creating your own sample campaign.
Want to get a jumpstart on your social media content and Dave Tinker, MPA,MISSP,CFRE,FAFP, Achieva, Pittsburgh, Pa.
strategy? We will discuss latest trends, strategies, and tools
to help you best tell your organizations story. Learn key 2.2 Working and Embracing Your Legacy Pipeline [#201]
strategies to integrate, before during, and after your The success of any bequest program relies on good
appeals to maximize communication potential and build prospects, inspiring stories and a strategic approach to
buzz. Note: Participants in the Thursday 1/2 day moving donors. But what actions/moves should you do at
masterclass may wish to choose another workshop during every stage of the process? What if you dont have a
this time slot. budget or any resources to move your donors?
Josh Hirsch, MS, Nonprofits First, West Palm Beach, Fla. This session will show you how Greenpeace
International's legacy managers use a pipeline matrix to
1.2 How to Identify Prospects & Get the Conversation move donors through a 6-step process to get to a pledge
Started [#207] and raise more donors and gifts in Wills.
Join us for a session focused on figuring out who you Youll learn (1) How to move donors through an
should talk to, getting the meeting, figuring out what engagement pipeline to generate legacy pledges; (2) How
questions to ask and following up afterward. Chad will to systematically and strategically engage donors that will
walk you step by step through the process he has add value to your legacy program (3) Key messages and
successfully used for years as he works to raise support for activities at every stage of the pipeline.
a charity. Ligia Pea, CFRE, Greenpeace International, Montreal, QC
Chad Barger, CFRE, Productive Fundraising, Harrisburg, Pa.
2.3 Annual Fund Tips & Tricks Clinic [#207]
1.3 Major Gift Fundraising- Relationships are the secret! This session covers the basics of starting and administering
[#210] an annual giving program with emphasis on direct mail,
Do you wish you could raise significantly more money for email, and social media use, particularly in small and
your organization through major gifts fundraising, but are medium-sized shops, including insider tips and practical
not sure where to get started? This session for mid-career skill building ideas.
development officers is designed to help you ensure your Don Rhoten, MS, CFRE, MMC Foundation, Meadville, Pa.
organization has earned the right to put a proposal in
front of potential major gift donors. Whether a major gift 12:00 p.m. LUNCH TABLE TOPICS & AFFINITY
at your organization is $1,000, $10,000, $25,000 or more, NETWORKING SESSIONS (Pick Up Lunch UCOM 231)
you will learn how to ask and receive more major gifts this SEE INSERTED SPECIAL LIST OF LUNCH TOPIC LOCATIONS
year. We will discuss the who, what, why, when and where
of asking.
Paul Strunk, MA, Edwards+Strunk, Scranton, Pa.
All Interest Sessions will be held in the University Center on Main Building (UCOM) unless otherwise noted.

Philanthropy Forum Schedule - Friday


3.1 Reinventing the Ask [#231] 4.1 Nonprofits on Facebook: Deep Dive into Best Practices
Fundraising in the digital age has changed how we [#231]
communicate with our stakeholders and is critical to your Facebook Insights offers a wealth of data for your
communications strategy. Building on their article from the nonprofit fundraising and communication. And third party
Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) Change magazine, apps can help you keep your Facebook communication up
Hirsch and Tinker will share how electronic to date. Through live demonstration, attendees will learn
communications tools such as social media can enhance about both during this in-depth training!
your relationship with your stakeholders. Josh Hirsch, MS, Nonprofits First, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Josh Hirsch, MS, Nonprofits First, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Dave Tinker, MPA,MISSP,CFRE,FAFP, Achieva, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4.2 Nonprofits in Crisis [#210]
We've heard the stories, read about them on social media,
3.2 Ethics Jeopardy [#201] and shook our head at them in the local papers --
Ethics is not just a game but we sure can have fun while nonprofits thrown into crisis because of a scruitinizing
learning! Fundraisers are all good and honest people but Facebook post that went viral, an ethical dilemma, a rogue
ethics has a sneaky grey area that can trip up the best and board member... This workshop explains the types of crisis
brightest professionals. In this turbo-charged, exciting situations modern nonprofits face, how to navigate them,
power session, you will have the chance to brush up on the and how to emerge stronger.
fundamentals of ethical best practices and professional Don Rhoten, MS, CFRE, MMC Foundation, Meadville, Pa.
standards while at the same time, having a ridiculously
good time. Join us for this energized and fun game of 4.3 The Fundraising Development Plan [#207]
Ethics Jeopardy and be ready to sound your buzzer! This workshop provides an in depth nuts & bolts look at the
Ligia Pea, CFRE, Greenpeace International, Montreal, QC fundraising planning process from evaluation, to
planning to systematizing.
3.3 Boosting Donor Retention [#207] Chad Barger, CFRE, Productive Fundraising, Harrisburg, Pa.
Join for a discussion on the importance of donor retention
and learn simple, actionable steps that you can take to 4.4 Sr. Development Professionals Roundtable [HSCMMR]
boost donor retention in your organization. Join fellow senior development professionals addressing
Chad Barger, CFRE, Productive Fundraising, Harrisburg, Pa. executive level topics in philanthropy, fundraising, and
3.4 The War for Fundraising Talent [#210] Paul Strunk, MA, Edwards+Strunk, Scranton, Pa. & Mike
In 1998, McKinsey declared The War for Talent as an Wood, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
international conflict that would play out broadly across
sectors resulting in severe talent shortages, consistent 3:30 p.m.-5:30 CLOSING PLENARY & KEYNOTE (HSC
vacancies, and skyrocketing compensation. While these BALLROOM) ADVENTURES IN PHILANTHROPY
characteristics could describe todays competitive
landscape for fundraisers, the war for fundraising talent 5:30 P.M. RECEPTION W/THE PRESENTERS (Bart & Urby's)
will be waged within the boundaries of the sector and
among those organizations that rely heavily on charitable
giving. Employers will consider how organizational culture WALKING DIRECTIONS TO CLOSING RECEPTION
Exit Henry Student Center on South Street and turn right. Cross South
and job descriptions affect outcomes and whether the
Franklin Street and make the next left onto South Main Street. Bart and
advantages of larger organizations are merely size or a Urbys is past the UCOM building (where the majority of Fridays
fundamentally different philosophy. workshops were held) on the left, across from Marquis Art & Frame.
Jason Lewis, CFRE, Lewis Fundraising, York, Pa.

All Interest Sessions will be held in the University Center on Main Building (UCOM) unless otherwise noted.

Philanthropy Forum Schedule - Friday

All Interest Sessions will be held in the University Center on Main Building (UCOM) unless otherwise noted.

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