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LESSON PLAN: Seventh lesson, 29th August, 2017.
Students: Roldn Grecia, Yorgovan Ramiro
Topic: Families around the world
Aims: To show the children different kind of families and their realities from
an intercultural approach to compare and contrast our Argentinean culture
with others, open their minds and raise awareness of the Other.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson the children will have known other
childrens realities and achieved a more open-minded perspective of the
Grammar: Verb to be
Vocabulary: mother, father, sister, brother, small, big, old, young
Course: 5th grade B & D
Time: 40 minutes
Video (Little Human Planet)
Power Point Presentation
First activity: As a warm up activity, we are going to show the children a
video that shows different families and cultures around the world and we will
make them questions about what they have seen to make them reflect on
the Cultural Diversity. For example, how and where families live.
We will also show them a World map so as to show them the different
countries where such families live.
Second Activity: Then, following the previous activity, we are going to work
with an activity in which kids from different countries introduce themselves
and they will have to complete the blanks with is or am so as to reinforce
the vocabulary and verb To Be seen.

Third Activity: finally, Jasmine will show them her power point presentation
in which she will tell children about her own family, where she lives and how
her life in England is so that children can also tell her about their Argentinean
culture as well.

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