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Business Transaction Entry System

1.0 Introduction:
Business is the organised effort of individuals to produce and sell the good and services for a
profit that satisfies the societies needs [1]. A business transaction is an interaction in the real
world, usually between an enterprise and a person or another enterprise, where something is
exchanged for the motif of profit [3]. A transaction processing system (TPS) means a way to
collect, process, store, display, modify or cancel transaction in a simultaneous pattern. The
data collected by TPS is stored in a database that can be used to produce a regularly
scheduled set of reports like weekly bills, annual inventory records or employee and
customer records [2].

And Business Transaction Entry System (BTES) is really something that is indispensable for
any business personnel, as it encompasses the primary elements needed for a business
company to run effectively. For an instance, a business man wants to know about the status
of his business and to view current and past transaction records. Here, BTES acts as a true
acquaintance that aids him figure out every record and make the business go in a smooth
way. Hence, BTES plays crucial and a concrete role in the field of business application.

2.0 Problem in Brief:

Since the development of computer and information technology, the world has stepped into a
new era of modernization. Every field of work depends on technology now, whether it is in
the development of infrastructures or in bank transactions or in creating architectural
designs. In the situation of my country Nepal, so much hasn’t been yet applied since it is an
under-developed country. But yet there are some fields where the need of some kind of
software could boost the economy of the country.

As an example let us take the business field of our country. Every company needs to keep
records of transactions but due to various factors the past records are hard to maintain to be
used as reference for future transactions. Due to bulk of paperwork to be done to keep all the

transaction records, it takes a lot of time, labor, expenses and space. Finding old records
among the bulk is almost impossible so it is very troublesome.

3.0 Aims and Objectives:

Considering these problems in mind a simple system is being proposed that keeps records of
daily transactions and retrieves particular transactions based on system requirement which
can also help to forecast the future of the business of that particular company that uses the

3.1 Objectives:
Replace the Manual Entry System with Digital Entry System.

 Administrator and User have separate login.

 Facility of database that store customer, supplier and expense details with their
respective transactions.
 The entered records can also be searched from the program and can be retrieved in a
few moments that saves massive amount of time.
 Reports of customer, supplier and expense can be viewed according to the date and
 Attractive User Interface to navigate through the system.
 Create easy to understand user friendly environment.

4.0 Research Methods

Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials, sources etc to find out
new outcomes on any fields [5]. Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise
creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge
that devises new applications [4]. Basically there are two general research methods:

4.1 Quantitative Research

Quantitative research method can be defined as the research strategy that emphasizes
quantification in the collection and analysis of data that generally entails a deductive
approach to the relationship between theories and research [6]. It can be conducted on large
scale and is focused on mathematical model, theories and hypothesis.

4.2 Qualitative Research

Qualitative research method can be defined as the research strategy that emphasizes words
rather than quantification in the collection and analysis of data that predominantly entails an
inductive approach to the relationship between theories and research, in which focus is
placed on generation of theories [6]. It can also be conducted on large scale and is focused on
themes that can be viewed on board way.

4.3 Data collection Method

Data collection is a process of preparing and collecting data to obtain information, to keep on
record and to make decisions about important issues which are then analyzed to make
hypothesis in the research process. Major types of data collections are as follows:

 4.3.1 Primary data collection

It is the data which are collected for the first time and those, which are original. It is the first
time collected data so may not be crucial for the purpose. There are several methods exists
for primary data collections. It includes Social Surveys: Questionnaire survey, Interviews

4.3.2 Secondary data collection

It is data that is already collect by some other person who undergone statistical process.
Learning secondary data's definition is very important. Sometimes, the data may be
unsuitable. Therefore, it is necessary to handle those data’s carefully during the researches.
The methods for secondary data collections are: Published statics, Published texts, Media,
Personal documents: Diaries etc. Interview

Research interview is the prominent data collection methods in both quantitative and
qualitative research and reason to use this method is that it promotes the standardization of
both asking of question and recording of answers. If the interview is properly executed,
variation in people reply will be of two component i.e. true variation and variation due to
error. In other word:
Variation = true variation + variation due to error
So error component must be tried to keep minimum otherwise validity will be jeopardize [6].

Interview can be face to face interview, telephone interview or computer assisted personal
interview. Questionnaires

The most common method of data collection method is questionnaires which consists of
series of questions concerning on the facts of someone’s opinion or on some specific topic.
The recipient of the questionnaires is usually referred as the respondent. Question type may
be open ended of closed ended. In open ended all respondent are freedom to answer in his or
her words on the topic. In closed question respondent have fixed number of option for
answer on the topic [7]. Questionnaires can be conducted as Paper-pencil-questionnaires or
Web based questionnaires etc.

4.0 Proposed System

In this system there are basically two users: administrator and employee. Administrator and
employee have separate login. New employee can be registered only with the Administrator

4.1 Activities involved with Employee

 Enter daily transaction of customer, supplier and expense.

 View reports of transactions by searching in accordance with customer, supplier and
 Modify the entered transaction if required.

4.2 Activities involved with Administrator

Administrator have got entire facility to the system including activities mentioned below that
the employee don’t have.

 Create new employee.

 Add and delete customer, supplier and expense details.

5.0 Functional Requirements
 The system has facility to login for separate users with their valid user name and
passwords otherwise invalid login message will be displayed.
 The system mainly has got three sections. They are:
1. Login;
2. Entry
3. Transaction
4. Report
 New employee is registered from login section. It can edited if required.
 The system has entry section where customer, supplier, expense and stock details can be
added, updated and deleted if required.
 All the transaction of customer, supplier and expense is done from transaction section.
 Transactions of business are done from transaction section. Deleting and updating of
transaction can be done if required in this section.
 All the reporting part of customer, supplier and expense can be done through reporting
section with the efficient searching facility of respective customer, supplier and expense.

6.0 Resource Required

 Personal computer with minimum 700 MHz processor and 256 MB of RAM.

 Microsoft Visual Studio

 SQL Server 2000

7.0 Action plan and Schedule for the Project

This is the time schedule planned to be carried throughout my Project .

Start End Date Duration Task

8/8/2010 15/8/2010 8 days Topic selection and
Proposal Preparation
16/8/2010 16/8/2010 1 day Proposal Submission

16/8/2010 23/8/2010 8 days Analysis and Design

23/8/2010 15/9/2010 23 days Coding, Testing and


[1]. William M.P, Robert J. H, Jack R. K (2009). Business . 10th ed. Mason,USA:
South - Western Cengage Learning. 627.

[2].June J P, Dan O (2008). New Perspectives Computer Concepts. 10th ed. USA:

Thomson Course Technology

[3]. (2010). Making business transaction processing and applications

work. Available:
business-transaction-processing-and-applications-work. Last accessed 18 August

[4]. (2004). Frascati Definition of Research. Available: Last accessed 19 August

[5]. (2010). IDRC's research programs and projects .Available: Last accessed 19 August

[6]. Bryman, A. Bell, E (2007). Business Research Method,. 2nd ed. Oxford

University Press: UK

[7]. Graham,U. Ian, C (1996). Understanding Statistics. 1st ed. Oxford University

Press: New York

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