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News October 27, 2017
Religion: We went to mass on Wednesday. After
mass we went to look at the portrait of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. Fr. Moises invited our class to visit the
sacristy. He showed us many special things in this
*Bring costumes to school on
room next to the altar. He answered many
Tuesday, October 31.
questions for us.
*All Saints Day Mass is Wednesday,
Reading: This week we reviewed the ending
November 1, at 8:15. Please be on
sounds ng and le. We read a story and a poem
time for school.
in the reading text. Just like in the story
Fiddlesticks, we wrote 2 shared stories. One is
*Return library books by Monday of
about Halloween and the other is about an
each week.
adventure into a video game. We wrote in our
October journals.
*Continue to save Box Tops for
Education. Our total of box tops for
Math: We are writing and reading addition and
October is 118.
subtraction sentences. We practiced solving
subtraction problems using pictures, counters or
connecting cubes.

Science: We are learning about ways to classify

animals. We are collecting facts about each animal
group. The groups are: insects, birds, fish, reptiles,
amphibians and mammals.

Language Arts: We wrote stories about being a

scarecrow. We are working on monster stories for
Halloween. Star Students
Magdalena was one of our stars
this week. She brought many
great things to share with us.
Her mom was our guest reader
on Wednesday morning.
Mia was our star this week. She
Dia de los Muertos brought some great photos to
There is a beautiful altar set up in the hall share. Mia showed us some
outside the Spanish classroom. Ms. Rosa has of her favorite things.
all of her classes working on parts of the Her mom was our
altar. Each Spanish class is learning about guest reader on
the special day celebrated in Mexico on Thursday.
November 2.

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