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Set 1

Weave hand like a snake, making
s shapes while saying ssssss

Short a: Wiggle fingers above

a elbow, as if ants are crawling on
you, and say a,a,a
Children imitate watching tennis,
t moving heads side to side saying

Children pretend to be mice by

i wiggling fingers on the end of
their noses and squeaking i,i,i,
Hold up index finger, pretending it
p is a lit candle, and imagine you
are blowing it out by saying p,p,p
Hold out your arms, as if you are
n a plane nose diving, and say
The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007
Set 2

Raise hands and snap fingers, as
if playing castanets, saying k,k,k

Short e: Pretend to hold egg in one

e hand and crack it against the side

of a pan. Use both hands to open
shell saying eh,eh,eh

Act as if panting after a race:
hold had to mouth and say h,h,h

Pretend to be a puppy pulling a

r rag in its teeth. Keep teeth
closed, shake head and say rrrrr
Rub tummy, as if you see tasty
m food, and say mmmmm

Pretend to hold drumsticks and

d beat up and down saying d,d,d,

The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007
Set 3
Spiral hand down, as if water
g gurgling down a plughole, saying

Short o: Pretend you are turning

o a switch on and off, saying o,o,o

Short u: Keep one hand steady

u and raise the other up, as if
raising an umbrella, saying u,u,u

Pretend to lick a lollipop, saying
Place one hand above the other and
f push them together gently, as if a
toy fish is deflating, saying fffff
Place hands together , as if
b batting away a cricket ball, and
say b,b,b.
The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007
Set 4
Long a: Cup had over ear, as if
ai hard of hearing, and say ai,ai,ai

Pretend to be a jelly and wobble,

j saying j,j,j

Long o: Hold hand over mouth,

oa as if you have done something
wrong and say oh!

Stand to attention and salute
saying aye, aye

ee Put hands on ears and pretend

or to be a donkey, saying eeyore,


The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007
Set 5
Pretend to be a buzzing bee, with
z elbows in and arms flapping
while saying zzzzzzzzzzzz

Blow into open hand, like the

w wind, saying wh,wh,wh

Pretend to be a weightlifter, lifting

ng a heavy weight above your head,
and say ng

Pretend to be driving along in a
van saying vvvvv

oo Little and long oo: Imagine being

the cuckoo in the cuckoo clock,

oo bending forwards and back

while saying u,oo, u,oo

The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007
Set 6

Pretend to eat yoghurt from a
spoon, saying y,y,y

Imagine you are taking an x-ray

x with an x-ray gun or camera and
say ks,ks,ks

Pretend you are an old fashioned

ch train moving your arms back and
forth while saying ch,ch,ch

Put your index finger over your
lips and say shshsh

th Hard and soft th: Pretend to be a

naughty clown and stick tongue

th out a little for th (as in this) and

a bit further for th (as in thumb)

The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007
Set 7

Make a ducks beak with your
hands and say qu,qu,qu

Pretend your finger is a needle

ou and prick your thumb, saying

Cup hands around mouth an

oi shout to a boat, saying oi! Ship

Point to people around you and
say you, you, you

Roll hands over like a food mixer

er and say ererer

ar Open mouth wide and say ah

The Jolly Phonics Scheme Jolly Learning , Resource and images produced by
Bev Evans,, 2007

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