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1. Complete the names of food with A, E, I, O, U.

a) S__NDW__CH j) B__TT__R
b) CH__ __ S__ k) C__FF__ __
c) T__ __ l) H__N__Y
d) __C__D T__ __ m) H__M
e) J__M n) C__ __ K __ __S
f) M__LK o) __R__NG__ J__ __ C__
g) Y__G__RT p) BR__ __ D
h) C__K__ q) P__NC__K__S
i) T__ __ST r) C__R__ __ L

2. Write J (junk food) or H (healthy food).

a) French fries ( ) g) Soda ( )
b) Pizza ( ) h) Whole wheat bread ( )
c) Potato chips ( ) i) Hot dog ( )
d) Fruit ( ) j) Grains ( )
e) Vegetables ( ) k) Fish ( )
f) Fruit juice ( ) l) Popcorn ( )

3. Match the columns.

a) A package of ( ) soda
b) A can of ( ) jam
c) A piece of ( ) milk
d) A cup of ( ) cake
e) A jar of ( ) flour
f) A slide of ( ) water
g) A loaf of ( ) bread
h) A glass of ( ) coffee
i) A bar of ( ) chocolate
j) A carton of ( ) cookies
k) A spoon of ( ) pizza
l) A bottle of ( ) orange juice

4. Write 5 countable and 5 uncountable nouns.


5. Circle the words that complete the sentences correctly.

a) (How many/How much) glasses of water do you drink a day?

b) (How many/How much) salt do you consume a day?

c) Did she invite (many/much) friends for her party?

d) I dont have (many/much) money in my wallet.

e) We have (few/little) oranges. We need to buy some more.

f) Theres (few/little) milk left. Its not enough to make a cake.

g) There are (a few/a little) slices of cheese and ham in the refrigerator. You can use them to make a

h) Put (a few/a little) sugar in this recipe. Its gonna be perfect!

i) There are (some/any) cookies on the table.

j) I usually drink (some/any) juice with my meal.

k) There arent (some/any) sandwiches left. The children ate everything.

l) Is there (some/any) cheese in the refrigerator?

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