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Twelve-lead ECG features to identify ventricular tachycardia

arising from the epicardial right ventricle

Victor Bazan, MD, Rupa Bala, MD, Fermin C. Garcia, MD, Jonathan S. Sussman, MD,
Edward P. Gerstenfeld, MD, Sanjay Dixit, MD, David J. Callans, MD, Erica Zado, PA,
Francis E. Marchlinski, MD
From the Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

BACKGROUND Usefulness of 12-lead ECG for predicting an epi- vs endocardial sites (53/73 vs 16/43, P .01). A Q wave in lead I
cardial origin for ventricular tachycardia (VT) arising from the was more frequently present from epicardial vs endocardial ante-
right ventricle (RV) has not been assessed. An epicardial approach rior RV sites (30/82 vs 5/52, P .001). QS in lead V2 was noted
is sometimes warranted to eliminate RV VT. from anatomically matched epicardial anterior RV sites (22/33 vs
13/33, P .05). In the RV outflow tract, no ECG feature distin-
OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was investigate the hy- guishing epicardial/endocardial origin reached statistical signifi-
pothesis that specific ECG features identify an epicardial origin for cance.
CONCLUSION A Q wave or QS in leads that best reflect local
METHODS To mimic an endocardial or epicardial origin, we paced activation suggest an epicardial origin for RV depolarization and
representative sites in 13 patients undergoing RV endocardial/ may help in identifying a probable epicardial site of origin for RV
epicardial mapping (134/180 pace map sites). VT. QRS duration and reported criteria for epicardial origin of VT
in the left ventricle do not identify a probable epicardial origin
RESULTS QRS duration from epicardial vs endocardial sites was in the RV.
not different (183 27 ms vs 185 28 ms, P .3). Reported
cut-off values for identifying epicardial left ventricular origin, KEYWORDS Epicardium; Ventricular tachycardia; Pace mapping;
pseudo-delta wave (34 ms), intrinsicoid deflection time (85 Right ventricle
ms), and RS complex (121 ms) did not apply to the RV. A Q wave (Heart Rhythm 2006;3:11321139) 2006 Heart Rhythm Society.
in lead II, III, or aVF was more likely noted from inferior epicardial All rights reserved.

Introduction Methods
Successful catheter ablation for both left ventricular (LV) Patient population
and right ventricular (RV) tachycardia (VT) sometimes re- Twenty-five patients underwent endocardial and epicardial
quires an epicardial approach.1 6 Specific 12-lead ECG pat- catheter mapping and ablation for drug-refractory ventricu-
terns have been described as helpful for identifying an lar arrhythmias. In each patient, the risks of mapping/abla-
epicardial VT origin in the LV, including pseudo-delta tion were discussed in detail, and all patients gave written
wave 34 ms, intrinsicoid deflection time 85 ms, RS informed consent in accordance with institutional guidelines
complex duration 121 ms, and delayed precordial maxi- of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Each
mum deflection index 0.55.7,8 The 12-lead ECG is useful patient underwent detailed voltage mapping, pace mapping,
for identifying ventricular arrhythmias from specific regions and activation mapping in an attempt to characterize the VT
of the RV endocardium, especially from the RV outflow substrate and target/ablate their arrhythmia.
tract (RVOT).9 11 However, its usefulness in predicting an
epicardial site of origin in the RV has not been established. Study protocol
Thus, characterizing ECG patterns to predict an epicardial To be included in this study analysis, each patient was
origin in the RV is of interest. We sought to describe ECG required to undergo detailed pace mapping from both en-
docardial and epicardial free-wall surfaces of the RV. Each
features that predict an epicardial site of origin for RV
pace mapping site was tagged on an electroanatomic map
arrhythmias by mimicking the origin of VT with RV endo-
(CARTO, Biosense Webster, Diamond Bar, CA, USA) of
cardial and epicardial pace mapping.
the RV chamber of interest for detailed offline analysis. A
detailed electroanatomic map in sinus rhythm was per-
formed using a 4-mm-tip catheter maintaining a fill thresh-
Address reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Francis E. March- old of 20 mm, with the entire surface of the RV endocar-
linski, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 9 Founders Pavilion,
3400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. E-mail address: dium and epicardium documented to be sampled. Pace
francis.marchlinski@uphs.upenn.edu. (Received April 27, 2006; accepted mapping was performed using bipolar pacing (distance be-
June 23, 2006.) tween poles 1 and 2 1 mm) at threshold from both

1547-5271/$ -see front matter 2006 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2006.06.024
Bazan et al ECG Features for Epicardial Right Ventricle VT 1133

epicardial and endocardial free-wall surfaces at cycle

lengths of 400 to 600 ms. This allowed for analysis of the
QRS obtained as a consequence of local and not distant
capture. Data acquisition created an anatomic shell of the
RV that allowed for identification of pace mapping sites in
specific regions of the RV endocardium and epicardium.
The 12-lead ECG QRS complex acquired from each pace
mapping site was recorded and subsequently analyzed using
the Prucka CardioLab recording system (Houston, TX,
USA). The following ECG features were assessed: (1) QRS
duration; (2) initial Q wave or QS complex in leads V2, I, II,
III, and aVF; (3) QRS polarity amplitude ratio between II/III
and between aVL/aVR (if the QRS vector was more posi-
tive or less negative in lead II or aVL, respectively, the ratio
was considered 1); and (4) pseudo-delta wave, intrinsi-
coid deflection time, and shortest RS complex values, as
described in reported data that successfully identified an LV
Figure 1 Schematic right anterior oblique view of the right ventricle
epicardial origin.7 (RV) divided into regions to identify the site-specific influences on ECG
We hypothesized that, comparing epicardial to endocar- criteria for distinguishing endocardial vs epicardial site of origin (see text
dial pace mapping sites, (1) QRS duration would be in- for details).
creased from the epicardium; (2) initial Q waves would
more likely be present from the epicardium with an initial
negative QRS vector in leads I and V2 for anterior (left- for each patient (Figure 1). Of note, the anterior margin
ward) sites and in lead II, III, or aVF for inferior RV sites; of the RV was always established from the endocardium
(3) epicardial sites in the RVOT region would be more to avoid epicardial pace mapping sites obtained from the
leftward and thus would produce polarity ratio 1 for leads interventricular septum. This segmentation allowed us to
II/III and aVL/aVR; and (4) reported criteria for predicting group regions to assess the impact of an outflow tract
epicardial origin in the LV do not apply to the RV. location (RVOT), anterior location (apical superior and
Each pace mapping site had to be separated by at least apical inferior), basal location (basal superior and basal
5 mm as confirmed by electroanatomic mapping in order to inferior), and inferior location (basal inferior and apical
be included as a distinct pace mapping site. QRS duration inferior) on ECG characteristics.
was assessed from the pacing stimulus to the latest QRS in We also measured the QRS duration from RV septal sites
any of the 12 recorded leads. The reviewer was blinded to with the goal of comparing these values to the QRS duration
the location of the pacing site at the time of all measure- of free-wall endocardial and epicardial pace mapping sites.
Anatomically matched RV epicardial/endocardial
Epicardial access site analysis
Epicardial access for activation and pace mapping was ob- In order to avoid unequal weighting of certain ECG patterns
tained using the techniques described by Sosa et al.12 After
related to the heterogeneous sampling of pace mapping for
pericardial puncture, which was guided by use of contrast, a
the RV free wall among patients and between endocardium
wire was deployed into the pericardial space and the needle
and epicardium, a more restrictive analysis was performed
withdrawn. A standard 8Fr sheath was introduced. A 4-mm-
comparing individually epicardial pace mapping sites with
tip CARTO was advanced through the sheath for mapping
and ablation on the epicardial surface. the corresponding (just opposite) endocardial pace mapping
sites. The average anatomic distance between endocardial
RV free-wall sites and epicardial matched sites was 17 6 mm, and no site
To facilitate the identification of region-specific ECG fea- was more than 25 mm apart.
tures that might suggest an epicardial origin, pace mapping
sites in the RV were grouped into distinct anatomic seg- Statistical analysis
ments: from the pulmonic valve to the top of the tricuspid Continuous variables are expressed as mean SD and were
valve (outflow tract region), top of the tricuspid valve to mid compared using a paired or unpaired Student t-test as ap-
tricuspid valve (mid RV region), and mid tricuspid valve to propriate. Categorical variables were compared using Chi-
bottom of the RV (inferior RV region). The mid and infe- square or Fisher exact test as appropriate. P .05 was
rior RV regions were further divided into two equal considered significant. Sensitivity and specificity values
portions basal and apicalin the vertical direction. were determined for each ECG feature that reached statis-
Thus, a total of five distinct anatomic segments were tical significance in anatomically matched pace mapping
defined from either the endocardium or the epicardium analysis.
1134 Heart Rhythm, Vol 3, No 10, October 2006

Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the patient population A total of 180 epicardial and 134 endocardial free-wall
Age (yr) 50 18
pace mapping sites were analyzed. The proportion of epi-
Male/female 10/3 cardial/endocardial pace mapping sites was as follows: an-
Structural heart disease CAD: 2 terior RV 84/52; inferior RV 76/43; basal RV 59/62; and
DCM: 4 RVOT 37/20.
RV CM: 2 Anatomically matched epicardial and endocardial sites
No SHD: 5
Clinical arrhythmia:
were identified for 94 of the 134 endocardial sites, or an
Premature ventricular complex/ 4 average of 7.3 4 sites per patient. In addition, the QRS
nonsustained VT duration was assessed for 51 RV septal sites.
Sustained VT 9
Pace mapping sites performed QRS duration
(epicardium/endocardium) The QRS duration for endocardial septal sites was signifi-
Right ventricular outflow tract 37/20 cantly shorter than both epicardial (154 23 ms vs 183
Basal superior 24/40 27 ms, P .001) and endocardial free-wall (154 23 ms vs
Apical superior 43/31 185 28 ms, P .001) surfaces (Table 2). However, there
Basal inferior 35/22
Apical inferior 41/21 was no difference in QRS duration between epicardial and
Total 180/134 endocardial free-wall sites (P .3). This remained true
Values are presented as number or mean SD.
when only the anatomically matched RV endocardial and
CAD coronary artery disease; DCM dilated cardiomyopathy; RV CM epicardial sites were compared (172 27 ms vs 176 24
right ventricular cardiomyopathy; SHD structural heart disease; VT ms, respectively P .3). No region-specific differences in
ventricular tachycardia. QRS duration were found.
Anterior RV
Results The presence of a Q wave in lead I was noted to be more
Baseline characteristics of the patient population are given frequent when pacing from the epicardial surface (30/84
in Table 1. From a total of 25 patients undergoing epicardial [36%]) than from the endocardial free wall (5/52 [9.6%])
VT procedures, 13 patients (10 men and 3 women; age from RV anterior segments (P .01; Figure 2). In addition,
50 18 years) underwent detailed RV endocardial and the presence of a QS complex in lead V2 was noted from 46
epicardial mapping and were included in the analysis. Eight (55%) of 84 epicardial vs 21 (40%) of 52 endocardial pace
of the 13 patients had structural heart disease, and the mapping sites (P .1). For anatomically matched sites
remaining seven patients presented with idiopathic prema- from the anterior RV region, the presence of Q wave in lead
ture ventricular complexes or sustained VT. I was still significantly more frequent when pacing from the

Table 2 Results of region-specific ECG features distinguishing RV epicardial vs endocardial pace mapping sites

Anterior RV Inferior RV Basal RV RVOT RV all sites

No. of pace mapping sites
Epi 84 76 59 37 180
Endo 52 43 62 20 134
QRSd (ms)
Epi 178 24 190 30 197 28 173 18 183 26
Endo 176 25 192 31 197 27 169 18 185 28
Q lead II, III, or aVF
Epi (%) 42 78* 61* 0 38*
Endo (%) 29 40 32 5 27
Q lead I
Epi (%) 36* 18 5 24 23*
Endo (%) 10 9 3 10 12
QS lead V2
Epi (%) 55 28 36 59 46*
Endo (%) 40 33 27 20 31
aVL/aVR 1
Epi (%) 25 8 2 59 24
Endo (%) 23 9 10 40 19
Epi (%) 18 3 2 51 19
Endo (%) 21 7 5 30 15
QRS duration is presented as mean SD. Values are presented as percentage of pace map sites from the corresponding specific RV region and surface
that meet a particular criteria.
*P .05 comparing epicardial to corresponding free-wall endocardial pace mapping sites.
Endo endocardium; Epi epicardium; QRSd QRS complex duration; RV right ventricle; RVOT right ventricular outflow tract.
Bazan et al ECG Features for Epicardial Right Ventricle VT 1135

Figure 2 Site-specific ECG features for identifying an epicardial site of origin. Distance distance between epicardial and just opposite matched
endocardial pace mapping site for each anatomically matched pace mapping; RV right ventricle; RVOT right ventricular outflow tract.

epicardium (P .001), as was a QS complex in lead V2 region of the RV (P .01). However, excluding inferior
(P .05; Figure 3). Sensitivity and specificity values for Q sites in the basal RV (basal inferior), a Q wave in inferior
wave in lead I in this region were 52% and 94%, respec- leads no longer distinguished an epicardial from an endo-
tively, whereas those of a QS complex in lead V2 were 67% cardial origin. For basal superior RV sites, the presence of
and 61%, respectively. Both a Q wave in lead I and a QS a Q wave in lead V2 was significantly more frequent when
complex in lead V2 were present in 24 (29%) of 84 epicar- pacing from the epicardial surface: 17 (71%) of 24 from the
dial pace mapping sites but in only 5 (9.6%) of 52 endo- epicardium vs 10 (25%) of 40 endocardial pace mapping
cardial pace mapping sites (P .01) and did not enhance the sites (P .01). However, these results did not remain sta-
predictive value of the observed with the individual leads. tistically significant after anatomically matched site analysis
was performed in this RV segment (P .25).
Inferior RV
The presence of a Q wave in inferior leads was noted to be RV outflow tract
more frequent when pacing from the epicardial surface than None of the described criteria were noted to be significantly
from the endocardium from the RV inferior segments. For more prevalent in the RVOT region when pacing from the
lead II, initial Q wave was present when pacing from the epicardial surface. However, leads III and aVR tended to be
epicardial surface in 53 (70%) of 76 pace mapping sites vs more positive and less negative, respectively, when pacing
16 (37%) of 43 sites from the endocardium (P .001). For from the epicardium compared with endocardial pace map-
lead III, the proportion was 59 (78%) of 76 vs 16 (37%) of ping sites in this region. As a result, there was a trend for
43, respectively (P .001). For lead aVF, an initial Q wave lead II/III and aVL/aVR polarity amplitude ratios to be 1
was present for 53 (70%) of 76 epicardial pace mapping vs from the epicardium. For aVL/aVR, 22 (59%) of 37 epicar-
17 (40%) of 43 endocardial pace mapping sites (P .01). dial pace mapping sites had a ratio 1 vs 8 (40%) of 20 in
This remained significant for anatomically matched sites the free-wall endocardium (P .1). Likewise, II/III ratio
obtained from the inferior region in the RV (Figure 3). A Q was 1 if pacing was performed from the epicardium in this
wave in lead II, III, or aVF was present for 71% of epicar- area: 19 (51%) of 37 from epicardium vs 6 (30%) of 20
dial inferior pace mapping sites vs 26% of pace mapping from the endocardial surface (P .1). When anatomically
sites from the endocardium (P .001). The sensitivity and matched pace mapping sites analysis was performed in the
specificity values for Q wave in lead II, III, or aVF when RVOT region, these differences did not reach statistical
pacing from the epicardium were 71% and 74%, respec- significance.
tively, from this inferior RV region.
Previously reported criteria for assessing
Basal RV epicardial origin
The presence of Q wave in lead II, III, or aVF was also more Region-specific differences between epicardial and endo-
frequently observed with epicardial pace mapping in this cardial surfaces with respect to the presence of a pseudo-
1136 Heart Rhythm, Vol 3, No 10, October 2006

Figure 3 Anatomically matched pace mapping sites analysis. Site-specific ECG features for predicting an epicardial ventricular tachycardia origin for
anterior right ventricle (RV) (A), inferior RV (B), right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) (C), and basal RV (D). P .05 is considered statistically significant.
Values are presented as proportion of number of pace mapping (PM) sites that meet particular criteria in that region and as mean SD. Mean distance
between endocardial and epicardial matched pace mapping is shown for every represented RV region.

delta wave, intrinsicoid deflection time, and shortest RS therapy from the epicardial surface in the RV in three
complex in the precordial leads were assessed. Although patients. Of these six VTs, 5 (83%) were successfully ab-
some significant differences between endocardial and epi- lated, with no clinical recurrence over a mean follow-up of
cardial pace map sites were seen (Table 3), none of the 10 2 months. The remaining VT could not be abolished
reported cut-off values for predicting an epicardial origin in despite endocardial and epicardial ablation, and indeed epi-
the LV (pseudo-delta wave 34 ms, intrinsicoid deflection cardial pace mapping did not present a good QRS match of
time 85 ms, and shortest QRS complex throughout pre- the VT. Importantly, each of the five VTs that were suc-
cordial leads 121 ms) significantly applied to the RV to cessfully ablated fulfilled the site-specific ECG criteria de-
differentiate an epicardial origin. scribed for identifying an epicardial origin of the arrhythmia.
Two of these patients presented with RV cardiomyopathy.
Clinical outcome Figure 4 shows an example of VT QRS match from both the
All 13 patients had prior unsuccessful endocardial ablation epicardial and endocardial best pace mapping sites, fulfilling
attempts. After detailed evaluation of both endocardium and the described ECG feature for identifying an epicardial RV
epicardium, a total of six VTs were targeted for ablative VT origin.
Bazan et al ECG Features for Epicardial Right Ventricle VT 1137

Table 3 Reported criteria for predicting epicardial VT origin in the LV applied to the RV

Anterior RV Inferior RV Basal RV RVOT RV all sites

Pseudo-delta wave
Epi 44 16 46 18 54 17 59 13 49 18
Endo 42 14 44 15 53 18 51 13 49 17
P .6 .6 .8 .03 .9
Epi 16 20 36 30 36 32 26 22 25 26
Endo 13 14 44 33 20 19 17 14 17 16
P .3 .02 .01 .06 .01
RS complex
Epi 85 17 95 23 106 21 108 21 95 25
Endo 77 13 88 20 99 14 97 16 90 20
P .01 .1 .03 .03 .06
Values are expressed as mean SD (in milliseconds).
P .05 is considered statistically significant.
Endo endocardium; Epi epicardium; IDT intrinsicoid deflection time, distance from stimulation artifact to peak of R wave in lead V2; LV left
ventricle; pseudo-delta wave interval from stimulation artifact to earliest fast deflection in any precordial lead; RS complex shortest distance between
stimulation artifact to nadir of the first S wave in any precordial lead; RV right ventricle; RVOT right ventricular outflow tract. See text for details.

Discussion present with Q wave or QS complex in lead I and V2, and

The present study shows that when a stimulus rises from the inferior RV epicardial sites show an initial Q wave in
epicardial surface of the RV, the QRS is more likely to inferior leads. These observations were consistently ob-
demonstrate initial negative forces (Q waves) in inferior served overall and when comparative analysis for anatom-
leads, lead I, and/or lead V2, depending upon the region of ically matched epicardial and endocardial pace mapping
origin. More specifically, the anterior epicardial sites sites was performed.
ECG characteristics that predict epicardial site of origin
in the LV and aortic cusps have been defined.7,8 These
features result from the slurring initial portion of the QRS
complex from the epicardium.
No ECG features have been described to predict an
epicardial site of origin in the RV.
Pacing from either endocardial and epicardial surfaces
should reproduce the activation pattern present in focal
arrhythmias and from exit sites in reentrant tachycar-
dias.13,14 We previously used this technique to successfully
develop ECG criteria that can accurately localize RVOT
and basal LV VT.10,15
The ECG features described in the present study appear
to be a manifestation of the vector of the initial wavefront of
the RV activation rising from either the epicardium or the
endocardium. Thus, they should apply for defining a site of
origin or exit site near the endocardial or the epicardial
surface for RV tachycardias.

QRS duration
According to our results, differences in QRS width between
RV epicardial and endocardial free-wall sites of origin do
not exist, as has been reported for the LV.7 We hypothesize
that two contributing factors may play a role in this obser-
vation. The first is related to RV wall thickness. Wall
thickness in the RV is less than in the LV; thus, muscle mass
might not play a significant role in delaying stimulus con-
duction from the epicardium. Second, the extent of the
Purkinje network over the RV free wall is less than that
Figure 4 Comparison between epicardial ventricular tachycardia (VT)
QRS and epicardial vs endocardial best pace mapping (PM) sites. Site-
noted from over the LV free wall. Thus, slowing of con-
specific ECG feature for predicting an epicardial origin for right ventricular duction may be more similar from an endocardial and epi-
VT is included. cardial RV free wall site than noted for the LV. This hy-
1138 Heart Rhythm, Vol 3, No 10, October 2006

pothesis is further supported by the significant difference in omy of the RVOT would suggest that when a stimulus
QRS duration that was observed when comparing pace arises from the epicardium, it will tend to be more leftward
mapping from the endocardium of RV free wall vs septal in origin and support our observations.
locations. Our study population included a subgroup of
patients with RV cardiomyopathy, and, in this specific sub- Ablation strategy for RV arrhythmias
group as well, QRS duration was not noted to be signifi- Epicardial ablation will improve the outcome of ablative
cantly longer when pacing from epicardial vs endocardial therapy for ventricular arrhythmias when the endocardial
locations. Thus, the presence of scar in the RV does not approach fails to suppress the arrhythmia.20,25,26 Of note,
appear to increase QRS duration from the epicardium. we previously demonstrated the usefulness of irrigated-tip
catheter ablation in the RV when RV cardiomyopathy is
Site-specific ECG criteria present.17 Thus, this alternative ablation strategy has to be
Ventricular arrhythmias from the basal and inferior free considered before an epicardial ablation is deemed neces-
wall in the RV are common in the setting of RV cardiomy- sary. Nevertheless, sometimes epicardial ablation may be
opathy, and radiofrequency ablative therapy is frequently warranted, and thus the described ECG criteria are useful
indicated.16,17 Identification of ECG features that predict an for predicting those cases in which epicardial ablation might
epicardial site of origin is important for defining the opti- be needed to guarantee a successful outcome.
mum ablation strategy in this RV region. The present study
shows that initial Q wave in inferior leads but not a longer Study limitations
QRS duration may be helpful in determining the need for an The number of pace mapping sites obtained for our study
epicardial approach in order to achieve successful ablative analysis may be limited, and the results may not apply for
therapy in this region of the RV. ventricular arrhythmias in the setting of RV abnormalities
Although the anterior RV is an infrequent site of origin other than those included in our patient population, such as
for ventricular arrhythmias, it also is worthwhile for iden- congenital heart disease and RV remodeling after pulmo-
tifying criteria that may suggest the need for an epicardial nary hypertension.
approach. The presence of a Q wave in lead I and QS Data regarding successful VT ablation from the epicar-
complex in lead V2 for epicardial pace mapping from this dial RV surface reported here, although providing valuable
region is more likely than from the endocardium. Epicardial preliminary confirmation of our results, are limited and
sites are more anterior (leftward) than are endocardial free- require additional evaluation.
wall opposite sites in this region. Thus, the initial net vector Clinical arrhythmia can occur at faster rates than the
is predominantly traveling away from lead I and lead V2 pacing cycle length used in this study. As previously noted,
posteriorly or rightward, indicating the initial wavefront the QRS occasionally can vary depending on the cycle
traveling from the epicardium to the endocardium in the length during ventricular tachycardia or ventricular pac-
anterior RV. ing.10 However, differences in QRS morphology related to
The superior part of the RV base corresponds to the the rate are subtle, especially in the absence of structural
His-bundle region and its vicinity. ECG features have been heart disease. Thus, in our opinion, the described ECG
defined to predict a site of origin for ventricular arrhythmias features still are applicable.
in this specific region.18 We believe that the assessment of Inability to capture from the epicardial surface has been
an epicardial site of origin based on surface ECG criteria in reported.1 However, in our series, ventricular capture was
basal superior RV requires further investigation. consistently observed, albeit at a higher output threshold
than from the endocardial surface.
RVOT region Our results may not apply to patients who have more
Ventricular arrhythmias frequently originate from the extensive LV disease, especially in the setting of coronary
RVOT.19,20 A late transition in precordial leads, a broader disease with prior infarction, which can manifest on the
QRS, and a less prominent and more notched R wave in lead ECG with an initial Q wave. Furthermore, the shape of the
II were shown to accurately identify septal vs free-wall sites RV can vary importantly among individuals.27 This may
of origin of RVOT VT.10 Joshi and Wilber21 reported sim- affect the initial vector of the wavefront during the ventricu-
ilar criteria that predict a free-wall origin in the RVOT. lar depolarization on which we based our criteria.
Other ECG features predict the site of origin from the LV
outflow tract and from the aortic cusps, as well as from Conclusion
above the pulmonary valve.2224 For arrhythmias that arise from the RV, the presence of an
No previous studies have described ECG patterns that initial Q wave in lead I and QS in lead V2 for anterior sites
might suggest an epicardial origin in the RV outflow tract in the RV strongly predicts an epicardial origin. Similarly,
and its vicinity, although an epicardial approach is some- an initial Q wave in leads II, III, and aVF is observed with
times warranted in this region.25 When pacing from the pace mapping from the inferior epicardial locations in the
epicardium in the RVOT region, we noted a trend toward RV. Further investigation is required to determine reliable
aVL/aVR and II/III QRS polarity amplitude ratios 1. ECG criteria for suggesting an epicardial origin in the
Without overstating the significance of this trend, the anat- RVOT. QRS duration does not distinguish an epicardial
Bazan et al ECG Features for Epicardial Right Ventricle VT 1139

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