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Association of Olfactory Dysfunction and Brain.

Metabolism in Parkinson's Disease


Impact Factor: 5.68 DOI: 10.1002/mds.23602 Source: PubMed


25 45


Atsushi Takeda Takafumi Hasegawa

National Hospital Organization Sendai-Nishit Tohoku University


Shoki Takahashi
Tohoku University


Available from: Takafumi Hasegawa

Retrieved on: 03 November 2015

Association of Olfactory Dysfunction and Brain. Metabolism in

Parkinsons Disease
Toru Baba, MD,1 Atsushi Takeda, MD,1* Akio Kikuchi, MD,1 Yoshiyuki Nishio, MD,2 Yoshiyuki Hosokai, MD,2
Kazumi Hirayama, MD,2,3 Takafumi Hasegawa, MD,1 Naoto Sugeno, MD,1 Kyoko Suzuki, MD,2,4 Etsuro Mori, MD,2
Shoki Takahashi, MD,5 Hiroshi Fukuda, MD,6 and Yasuto Itoyama, MD1

Department of Neurology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Department of Behavioral Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Department of Occupational Therapy, Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Yamagata, Japan
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Yamagata University, Graduate School of Medical Science, Yamagata, Japan
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

A B S T R A C T : Hyposmia is one of the cardinal early least-squares method. We found that olfactory dysfunc-
symptoms of Parkinson disease (PD). Accumulating clini- tion was closely related to cognitive dysfunction, includ-
cal and pathological evidence suggests that dysfunction ing memory impairment. Moreover, brainbehavior partial
of the olfactory-related cortices may be responsible for least-squares analysis revealed that odor-identication
the impaired olfactory processing observed in PD; how- performance was closely associated with broad cortical
ever, there are no clear data showing a direct association dysfunction, including dysfunction of the piriform cortex
between altered brain metabolism and hyposmia in PD.
and amygdala. Our results suggest that the cognitive
In this study, we evaluated brain glucose metabolism and
decit in olfactory perception is an important aspect
smell-identication ability in 69 Japanese patients with
of hyposmia in PD and that this decit is caused by
nondemented PD. Olfactory function was assessed using
the Odor Stick Identication Test for Japanese. The re- altered brain metabolism in the amygdala and piriform
gional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose consumption at cortex. V
C 2011 Movement Disorder Society

rest was measured using 18F-uorodeoxyglucose posi-

tron emission tomography and was analyzed using SPM- Key Words: hyposmia; spatial covariance analysis;
based group comparisons and the brainbehavior partial cluster analysis; PET, amygdala; piriform cortex

Hyposmia is now recognized as one of the major regions during olfactory perception have been demon-
nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson disease (PD).1,2 strated in PD patients with hyposmia.810 Therefore, it
Postmortem studies have demonstrated that the olfac- is plausible that dysfunction of the olfactory-related
tory bulb is one of the earliest affected sites in PD pa- cortices may be responsible for hyposmia in PD. To
thology.3,4 In addition, studies have demonstrated that date, however, no studies have clearly demonstrated a
the amygdala and olfactory cortices are preferentially direct association between altered resting brain metab-
affected in PD,57 and reduced activities in these olism and olfactory performance in PD.
In the present study, we investigated the possible
relationships among olfactory impairment, representa-
------------------------------------------------------------ tive clinical features, and resting-state brain metabo-
*Correspondence to: Atsushi Takeda, Department of Neurology,
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 1-1 Seiryo-machi, lism in PD.
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan;
Relevant conicts of interest/nancial disclosures: Nothing to report. Patients and Methods
Full nancial disclosures and author roles may be found in the online
version of this article. Subjects
Received: 31 August 2010; Revised: 24 November 2010; Accepted: We studied 69 patients with PD in Hoehn and Yahr
29 November 2010 (HY) stages IIII.11,12 Enrolled patients were 5575
Published online 31 January 2011 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/mds.23602 years old, with disease onset after age 40. Exclusion

Movement Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2011 621

B A B A E T A L .

criteria were any history of other neurological or psy- software18,19 to assess the certainty associated with
chiatric diseases, any focal brain lesions diagnosed by each cluster (the ShimodairaHasegawa test). Pvclust
MRI, any family history of parkinsonism, and probable calculates an approximately unbiased probability value
dementia as dened by a score <25 on the MiniMental (AU P value). In this study, multiscale random boot-
State Examination (MMSE). This study was part of a 3- strap resampling of 10,000 iterations was performed,
year prospective study of patients with PD at Tohoku and the distance was calculated using Wards method
University, the design of which has been previously on a correlation-based dissimilarity matrix. An AU
described.13,14 After a full explanation of the study, P > 95% was considered statistically signicant.
written informed consent was obtained from all partici-
pants according to the Declaration of Helsinki. The PET Imaging Acquisition
study was approved by the Ethical Committee of Regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRGlc)
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. was measured using 18F- uorodeoxyglucose positron
emission tomography (18F-FDG PET). Each patient
Olfactory Testing fasted for at least 5 hours before PET scanning. Scans
The odor-identication performance of each subject were performed using a Siemens biograph Duo PET/
was measured using the Odor Stick Identication Test computed tomography scanner (Siemens Medical Sys-
for Japanese (OSIT-J, Daiichi Yakuhin, Co., Ltd., To- tem Inc., Hoffman Estates, IL). A 185218 MBq injec-
kyo, Japan), which consists of 12 odorants familiar to tion of 18F-FDG was administered intravenously under
the Japanese.15 This test has been successfully applied for resting conditions (ie, with eyes closed and wearing an
the assessment of odor identication ability in Japanese eye mask). We used a 10-minute static acquisition
PD patients.16 The procedure for the OSIT-J has been protocol beginning 60 minutes after the injection of
previously described.15 In the present study, the olfaction 18
F-FDG. The in-plane and axial resolutions of the
stages were dened as PD with severe hyposmia scanner were 3.38 mm full width at half maximum
(PDSH, OSIT-J score <5), PD with moderate hypo- (FWHM). Image reconstruction was performed using
smia (PDMH, 5  OSIT-J score 7), and PD with nor- an ordered subset expectation maximization (16 sub-
mal olfactory function (PDNO, OSIT-J score >7). sets) and a 6-iteration reconstruction algorithm (Gaus-
sian lter; lter FWHM, 2.0 mm). Attenuation
Neuropsychological Assessment correction was performed with the built-in CT scan.
We assessed memory and visuoperceptual abilities
because patients with PD are known to experience dif- Voxel-Based Comparison of Metabolism
culty in performing tasks that call on these func- Each scan was preprocessed before statistical analy-
tions.17 We were unable to employ a thorough screen sis using the SPM5 software (Wellcome Department of
of cognitive function because of time constraints in Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) running under
the outpatient clinic. Short-term memory was eval- MATLAB R2007b (MathWorks Inc., Sherborn, MA).
uated using the word-recall task of the Alzheimers All images were normalized to the 18F-FDG template
Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS), and the total num- and smoothed with a 10-mm Gaussian kernel. Re-
ber of correct answers was dened as the word-recall gional metabolic abnormalities were located in all par-
score. Visual perception was assessed using the over- ticipants and subgroups by comparing their metabolic
lapping-gure identication test, which consists of 10 rates at each voxel with comparable values determined
cards, each card bearing 4 images of common objects. for the 11 age-matched control subjects. These com-
In each trial, patients were instructed to nd all 4 parisons were achieved using the 2-sample t test
images on a card. The total number of correctly iden- option in SPM5, with age and sex as covariates. We
tied objects from 10 trials was dened as the gure reduced between-subject variation in global metabolic
identication score. rates by proportionally scaling each image. The statis-
tical threshold selected for this analysis was P < .001
Cluster Analysis (uncorrected), with an extent threshold of 100 voxels.
Hierarchical clustering with the correlation distance
and Wards method was performed to classify clinical BrainBehavior Partial Least-Squares Analysis
symptoms of 69 PD patients based on the degree of We then performed brainbehavior partial least-
similarity. We used the R version 2.10.1 software squares (PLS) analysis to identify distributed patterns of
environment (R Development Core Team, 2008). The brain activity that covaried with standardized clinical
variables were onset age, disease duration, HY stage, ratings (onset age, HY stage, UPDRS3, levodopa equiva-
UPDRS3, levodopa equivalent dose, MMSE, word lent dose, MMSE score, word recall score, gure identi-
recall score, gure identication score, and OSIT-J cation score, and OSIT-J score) using PLSgui software
score. Next, multiscale bootstrap resampling was ( in the total
applied for each cluster using the R package Pvclust PD group (MMSE > 24) and the nondemented PD group

622 Movement Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2011


TABLE 1. Demographic and clinical proles of subjects smia (PDMH), and 17 were classied as having PD
with normal olfactory function (PDNO); see Table 1
(n 17) (n 19) (n 33) P*
and Fig. 1). In the subgroup of 40 nondemented
patients (MMSE > 28), 14 were classied as having
Age, y 62.5 6 7.7 64.1 6 6.7 66.0 6 6.3 .22 PDSH, 14 were classied as having PDMH, and 12
Age of disease 55.9 6 9.3 58.5 6 7.3 61.4 6 7.2 .06 were classied as having PDNO. The distributions of
OSIT-J scores for all cases (MMSE > 24) and for non-
Duration, y 6.7 6 6.4 5.5 6 6.2 4.6 6 3.3 .41
HY scale 2.2 6 0.8 2.4 6 0.6 2.5 6 0.5 .21 demented cases were nearly identical (Fig. 1). Statisti-
UPDRS 3 16.8 6 8.6 19.1 6 7.2 17.2 6 7.1 .61 cally signicant differences (1-way analysis of variance,
L-Dopa equivalent 294.7 6 217.5 303.9 6 264.2 326.5 6 205.4 .88 P < .05) were obtained for MMSE score, word recall
dose score, and gure identication score between the
MMSE 28.8 6 1.4 28.9 6 1.1 27.7 6 1.8 .01
PDSH and PDNO groups (Table 1).
Word recall score 22.1 6 2.7 19.8 6 3.7 17.7 6 3.6 .00
Figure identication 33.7 6 3.2 31.6 6 4.8 29.9 6 5.5 .00
score Clustering Solutions
OSIT-J score 8.8 6 0.9 5.9 6 0.7 2.3 6 1.4 .00 The results obtained using hierarchical clustering
revealed a group of symptoms that demonstrated simi-
Data are given as mean 6 SD.
Abbreviations: HY, Hoehn and Yahr; UPDRS, Unied Parkinsons Disease larity relationships (Fig. 2). One large cluster compris-
Rating Scale; MMSE, MiniMental State Examination; OSIT-J, Odor Stick ing MMSE, OSIT-J, word recall, and gure
Identication Test for Japanese.
*One-way analysis of variance. identication scores was found to be signicant. In
this cluster, the OSIT-J score and the word-recall score
(MMSE > 28). A full explanation of PLS has been pro- showed the closest relationship. Other clinical parame-
vided elsewhere.20 Briey, based on the covariance ters, such as degree of motor impairment and duration
between global metabolism and clinical ratings, PLS of disease, failed to show signicant correlations with
extracts new sets of variables (latent variables) that best olfactory performance.
reect the brainbehavior relationship. Each extracted
latent variable is associated with a brain activity pattern. Voxel-Based Comparison of Metabolism
Each brain voxel has a weight on each latent variable, The results of the between-group comparisons of
known as a salience, which indicates in what way that metabolic proles are shown in Figure 3. Compared
voxel is related to the latent variable. A salience can be with normal controls, the total PD group exhibited
positive or negative depending on whether the voxel rCMRGlc reduction bilaterally in the medial
shows a positive or negative relationship with the overall
pattern identied by the latent variable. Multiplying the
rCMRGlc value in each brain voxel for each subject by
the salience for that voxel, and summing across all vox-
els, gives a brain score for each clinical feature on a
given latent variable. The correlation between brain
scores and clinical ratings indicates the relationship
between brain activity patterns and clinical features. In
this study, the statistical signicance of each latent vari-
able was assessed using a permutation test.20 Five hun-
dred random permutations of data were performed, and
the statistical threshold chosen for this analysis was P <
.05. We also assessed the reliability of the salience (for
particular voxels and clinical ratings) for each latent vari-
able via bootstrap estimation of the standard errors.21
All saliences were submitted to a bootstrap resampling
of 100 iterations. We considered a salience signicant if
the ratio of salience to standard error was greater than
2.0 (bootstrap ratio).

FIG. 1. Scatter and box plots of the OSIT-J scores in patients with
Results PD. A scatter plot of OSIT-J scores is shown on the left, and the box
plots of OSIT-J scores in the total PD group (MMSE > 24; open and
Demographic Data and Subgroup Evaluations closed circles) and the nondemented group (MMSE > 28; open circle)
Of the 69 PD patients assessed in this study, 33 were are presented on the right. The olfaction stages were defined as PD
with severe hyposmia (PD1SH, OSIT-J score <5), PD with moderate
classied as having PD with severe hyposmia (PDSH), hyposmia (PD1MH, 5  OSIT-J score 7), and PD with normal olfac-
19 were classied as having PD with moderate hypo- tory function (PD1NO, OSIT-J score >7).

Movement Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2011 623

B A B A E T A L .

18.1% could be explained by topographic pattern 2b

(permutation P .022). The brain regions constituting
these topographic patterns are shown in Figure 4a,b.
Patterns 1a and 1b were both characterized by posi-
tive salience in the bilateral mPFC, DLPFC, medial
occipital cortex, piriform cortex, cingulate cortex, lat-
eral parieto-occipito-temporal area, and caudate. They
were also characterized by negative salience in the puta-
men, globus pallidus, pons, cerebellum, and paracentral
regions. In addition to these areas, pattern 1b demon-
strated positive salience in the bilateral amygdala. Pat-
terns 2a and 2b, which were essentially identical, were
characterized by positive salience in the bilateral mPFC
and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the antero-medial
temporal and the anterior cingulate regions. The rela-
tionships between these topographic patterns and clini-
cal measures are shown in Figure 4c,d. The OSIT-J and
word recall scores were highly correlated with topo-
FIG. 2. Hierarchical clustering and ShimodairaHasegawa test of clini- graphic patterns 1a and 1b, and onset age was corre-
cal features in the total PD group (n 5 69). Distance was calculated lated with patterns 2a and 2b (Fig. 4c,d).
using Wards method on a correlation-based dissimilarity matrix, and
multiscale random bootstrap resampling of 10,000 iterations was per-
formed. Approximately unbiased probability values (AU P values) are Discussion
presented at branch connections as percentages, and cluster labels
are presented below the branches. Clinical features in the same clus-
Although no participants were demented in this
ter were considered to have high similarities, and clusters with AU P >
95% were considered significant (indicated by the dashed rectangle). study, the PDSH group showed a tendency toward
We observed only 1 large cluster, which was composed of olfactory slightly more severe impairments in general cognitive,
and cognitive functions. memory, and visuoperceptual functions compared with
the PDNO group (Table 1). A close correlation
prefrontal cortex (mPFC), dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
between hyposmia and cognitive impairments in PD
tex (DLPFC), medial occipital cortex, and lateral pari-
was further supported by cluster analysis and the Shi-
eto-temporo-occipital area (Fig. 3a). In subanalyses of
modairaHasegawa test (Fig. 2). Although cluster anal-
total PD patients, the PDSH group showed broader
ysis has been used in some studies investigating
occipital hypometabolism (Fig. 3b), whereas the
PD,22,23 the signicance of the clustering results was
PDNO group showed rCMRGlc reduction only in
difcult to assess. The ShimodairaHasegawa test was
the bilateral DLPFC (Fig. 3c). In further subanalyses
developed as a remedy for this problem and enabled us
of the nondemented PD patients, neither the total
to assess the uncertainty of the clustering results by cal-
cases (Fig. 3d) nor the normosmic subgroup (data not
culating approximately unbiased probability values.18
shown) showed apparent metabolic changes, but the
The present study demonstrated that olfactory, mem-
nondemented PDSH subgroup showed rCMRGlc
ory, general intellectual, and visuoperceptual impair-
reduction in the medial occipital cortex (Fig. 3e). ments in PD converged into 1 large cluster that was
statistically independent of motor symptoms. This nd-
BrainBehavior Partial Least-Squares Analysis ing is consistent with past studies that have demon-
Brainbehavior PLS analysis allowed detection of spe- strated that olfactory decit is not correlated with
cic topographic patterns of metabolic activity, which motor impairment.24 Furthermore, in the present study,
primarily reected underlying pathological processes olfactory dysfunction was most closely correlated with
and enabled quantication of the correlation of each memory impairment, which is consistent with a recent
topographic pattern with clinical features. In 69 PD study demonstrating close correlation between olfactory
patients, 2 signicant topographic patterns were and memory impairments.25 Based on these observa-
obtained using this method. Topographic pattern 1a tions, it is plausible that hyposmia in PD is not an inde-
(permutation P < .001) could explain 58.3% of the cor- pendent symptom. Indeed, hyposmia may be associated
relation matrix for brain metabolism and behavior, and with other cognitive dysfunctions and may share some
18.7% could be explained by topographic pattern 2a underlying mechanism with memory dysfunction.
(permutation P < .001). In the subanalysis of nonde- To investigate the pathophysiology of hyposmia in
mented cases, similar topographic patterns were PD, we analyzed the FDG-PET data obtained for our
detected; 49.8% of the correlation matrix for brain me- participants. As glucose metabolism at rest is thought to
tabolism and behavior could be explained by topo- be mainly affected by regional synaptic metabolism,26
graphic pattern 1b (permutation P < 0.001), and the pattern of glucose metabolism obtained by PET

624 Movement Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2011


FIG. 3. Brain. regions showing reduced glucose metabolism in PD subgroups compared with the normal control group. a: Total PD group showed
reduced metabolism bilaterally in the medial prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), medial occipital cortex, and lateral parieto-
temporo-occipital area. b: Hyposmic PD group demonstrated additional, broader occipital hypometabolism. c: Normosmic PD group showed meta-
bolic reductions only in the bilateral DLPFC. d: Nondemented PD group showed no apparent metabolic changes. e: Nondemented PD1SH group
showed metabolic reductions in the medial occipital cortex (P < .001 uncorrected with an extent threshold of 100 voxels).

seems to reect the distribution of the pathological pro- control group, the total PD group showed mild meta-
cess that alters neuropils and causes functional decits bolic reduction in the mPFC, DLPFC, medial occipital
of the synaptic activities. Therefore, it is plausible that cortices, and lateral parieto-temporo-occipital area
functional decits and metabolic alterations are closely (Fig. 3a). These ndings are consistent with previous
connected to each other. Compared with the normal studies14,27,28 and indicate that our participants were

Movement Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2011 625

B A B A E T A L .

FIG. 4. Correlation between clinical features and topographic patterns. Two orthogonal topographic patterns derived from glucose metabolic scans
at rest in (a) the total PD group (MMSE > 24) and (b) the nondemented PD group (MMSE > 28). Relationships between topographic patterns and
clinical ratings in (c) the total PD group (MMSE > 24) and (d) the nondemented PD group (MMSE > 28). Coordinates along the x, y, and z axes refer
to Montreal Neurological Institute standard stereotactic space. The bootstrap ratio is the ratio of the voxel salience value to its standard error (esti-
mated from 100 bootstrap samples). It is a measure of the stability of high (red scale) and low (blue scale) metabolic values, which constitute the
topographic pattern. The correlation between a topographic pattern and a clinical rating was not considered significant (n.s.) if the 95% CI crossed
zero, as determined by estimation from 100 bootstrap samples.

metabolically typical, as observed in nonadvanced PD. tions in moderate to advanced PD.17 Other studies
Furthermore, the hyposmic PD group showed more that used similar spatial covariance analysis conrmed
prominent occipital hypometabolism, even in nonde- the existence of a disease-specic metabolic pattern at
mented cases (Fig. 3e). These results suggested that ol- rest in PD.29,30 In the present study, we demonstrated
factory dysfunction is a sensitive marker of brain that 2 signicant topographic patterns could be
hypometabolism in PD. detected even in nonadvanced PD (Fig. 4a,b). Further-
Next, we performed brainbehavior PLS analysis more, we found that the expression of topographic
and identied 2 signicant topographic patterns of patterns 1a and 1b was positively correlated with ol-
metabolic alteration at rest that correlated with repre- factory and memory performance. Topographic pat-
sentative clinical features in PD, including olfactory terns 1a and 1b were both characterized by altered
dysfunction (Fig. 4). A topographic pattern of glucose metabolism in multiple brain regions, including the
metabolism at rest is thought to reect a group of mPFC, DLPFC, piriform cortex, cingulate cortex, lat-
structural and functional types of damage to the neu- eral parieto-occipito-temporal area, and caudate.
ropil caused by pathological changes. A recent study These data suggest that hyposmia and memory impair-
used PLS analysis to demonstrate correlations among ment are 2 reliable predictors of cortical hypometabo-
topographic patterns and cognitive and mood func- lism in PD.

626 Movement Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2011


The nding that olfactory and memory dysfunctions potentially predict later development of dementia in
in PD were correlated with the same metabolic pattern PD. Because atrophy correction was not performed
suggested that these 2 symptoms have a common in this study, there is a possibility that our data
pathological etiology. Convergent evidence from path- may reect the combined effect of atrophy and met-
ological57 and imaging studies810,31 has suggested abolic reduction. However, we veried that all par-
that dysfunction of the amygdala and piriform cortex ticipants did not exhibit apparent focal brain
is responsible for olfactory impairment in PD. Further- atrophies, and previous studies comparing resting
more, a recent study demonstrated that central cholin- glucose metabolism with and without voxel-based
ergic dysfunction in the amygdala and hippocampus atrophy correction revealed that regional changes of
correlated with olfactory and memory impairment in glucose metabolism measured by PET are not sim-
nondemented PD.25 Our data showed that the per- ply a reection of focal brain atrophy.39 Thus, it is
formance of olfaction and memory was highly corre- expected that the effect of circumscribed atrophy
lated with topographic patterns 1a and 1b. With on metabolic reduction would be relatively small.
respect to olfaction-related brain regions, patterns 1a However, further study is needed to conrm this
and 1b both included metabolic changes in the piri- point.
form cortex, and pattern 1b encompassed metabolic In conclusion, we investigated the possible relation-
changes in the amygdala (Fig. 4a,b). Previous studies ships among olfactory impairment, representative clin-
have suggested that the link between olfaction and ical features, and resting-state brain metabolism in
memory is mediated by the amygdala32 and the piri- PD. The results suggested that odor-identication
form cortex.33 Taken together, these ndings indicate impairment in PD is closely associated with cognitive
that dysfunction of these areas, which may be due in dysfunctions, especially memory impairment. Further
part to cholinergic dysfunction, may be responsible for analysis revealed that odor-identication decit and
the olfactory and memory impairment in nondemented memory impairment are closely associated with dis-
PD. It was noteworthy that although PLS analysis ease-specic metabolic changes including changes in
demonstrated relative hypometabolism of the piriform the amygdala and piriform cortex. Moreover, we dem-
cortex and amygdala in hyposmic PD patients, the onstrated that onset age is a highly accurate predictor
parametric t test implemented in SPM5 failed to detect of cortical hypometabolism even in nondemented PD
signicant metabolic reductions in these areas (Fig. patients. The results of this study shed light on the
3b,e). These results are explained by the nding that complex involvement of the brain in PD and may
multivariate methods such as PLS are more suitable facilitate the development of better management pro-
for assessing metabolic network abnormalities than is tocols for patients with PD.
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