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Score for this quiz: 15 out of 15.

Question 1
1 / 1 pts
The Washington Conference of 1921

ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States.

attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.

saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it.

attempted to create a world court.

sought to expand the global markets of the United States.

Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE?

Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government the Weimar

Hitler believed in the genetic superiority of the Aryan people.

Hitler argued in favor of extending German territory for the purpose of Lebensraum.

His rise was partially precipitated by ruinous inflation.

Hitler displayed a pathological anti-Semitism and a passionate militarism.

Question 3
1 / 1 pts
President Franklin Roosevelts Good Neighbor Policy

was abandoned by the United States at the start of World War II.

expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover.

limited land purchases by U.S. companies in neighboring countries.

was designed to keep the peace in western Europe.

gave nations allied against fascism preferential loan rates.

Question 4
1 / 1 pts
During the 1920s and 1930s, interest in pursuing an isolationist foreign policy

led the U.S. Senate to assert that no single nation was a threat to world peace.

was strongly supported by President Franklin Roosevelt.

led the United States to give up its membership in the World Court.

declined after the investigations chaired by Senator Gerald Nye of North Dakota.

seemed to grow in the U.S. as it became apparent that Italy would invade Ethiopia.

Question 5
1 / 1 pts
The Neutrality Act of 1935

did not prevent the United States from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia.

included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.
prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations.

sought to protect Americas international trade agreements.

was passed by Congress with recent acts of Nazi aggression in mind.

Question 6
1 / 1 pts
The Neutrality Act of 1937

stripped the president of many of his powers as commander in chief.

allowed warring nations to purchase nonmilitary goods in the United States if they paid

banned the sale of all goods from the United States to any nation at war.

loosened the trade policy for England, while tightening it for Germany and Japan.

exempted Asian nations from the provisions of the 1935 Neutrality Act.

Question 7
1 / 1 pts
In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelts quarantine speech

warned Japan it faced a U.S. embargo if it continued to be aggressive.

received a decidedly hostile response by the American people.

was given in response to the Japanese sinking of the Panay.

saw the president call for further isolation from the nations enemies.

saw Roosevelt challenge England and France to limit the aggression of Germany.

Question 8
1 / 1 pts
The Munich agreement of 1938
put most of Poland under German control.

ended further German aggression until World War II began.

was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt.

was the result of negotiations involving the League of Nations.

was signed by Joseph Stalin despite misgivings about German intent.

Question 9
1 / 1 pts
Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt

ordered a preparedness campaign much like Woodrow Wilson had in 1916.

was unsure whether a majority of Americans supported Germany.

declared the United States would remain neutral.

declared the United States would be the arsenal of democracy.

sent American military advisers to England.

Question 10
1 / 1 pts
President Franklin Roosevelts decision in 1940 to give fifty American destroyers to

both circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts and was in
response to requests by the U.S. ambassador to London.

circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts.

None of these answers is correct.

was in response to requests by the U.S. ambassador to London.

was cancelled by Congress.

Question 11
1 / 1 pts
The America First Committee

called for increased U.S. assistance to England without any actual intervention.

was made up largely of Democrats who favored diplomacy to end the war.

was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war.

tried and failed to enlist the support of Charles Lindbergh.

was strongly opposed by both major political parties.

Question 12
1 / 1 pts
In 1940, the lend-lease plan

saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military.

allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England, to be returned or paid for when the war
was over.

saw the U.S. lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the U.S.

saw England allow the construction of American military bases in British territory.
was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate.

Question 13
1 / 1 pts
In 1941, the Atlantic Charter

saw the United States and England claim to share common principles.

was signed in Washington, D.C.

saw President Roosevelt agree to an eventual invasion of Europe to drive out the Nazis.

gave American merchant ships the authority to fire on German submarines.

was completed by senior military officials in the United States and England.

Question 14
1 / 1 pts
In 1941, Germanys declaration of war against the United States

came the same day that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

occurred before the United States declared war on Germany.

did not occur until two months after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

was never reciprocated by Congress.

occurred after the United States declared war on Germany.

Question 15
1 / 1 pts
Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States knew that a Japanese
attack was imminent, but it did not know where the attack would take place.



Quiz Score: 15 out of 15

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