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Ascension established a division of TED, in 1994 with the effect of privatization of UK railway system.

Purpose of TED was to handle track and signal maintenance and large scale of construction projects. The
large projects were taken but didnt have a proper system or process to manage it. Lack of ownership and
accountability, Ascension was at a risk of closure. Finally with the loss of major maintenance contract
existing team was terminated and brought Jack Warner as the new chief executive. Warner had a chance
of turning the business back to profit. He had struggle with different view of how much change was
needed and the commitment of the employees. He found that there were issues with management skills
and team working. The employees were talking about the business more badly than the reality. Significant
cultural change was needed starting from senior management up to lower levels.

Warner started to consult with the key shareholders and list down the key issues which it is needed to
discussed. He started a programme called Future First. It was three years action plan which was clearly
communicated to the people. It helped you to indicate specific approach that you used and how it sort it
out. Speak openly for all the issues face to face to be honest. Warner had break point in to set of clear
goals which everyone understood. Goals were review every two weeks with key indicators for deadline
dates. Warner had reorganized entire management structure down to the supervisor level and reduced
the senior management team in to half. Warner started open door methodology, which put the kettle on
and listen to the employees concerns at their work environment. Jargon used by management was not a
pattern of Warner, sorted all the concerns of their employees for better workplace at Ascension.

By the end of 2013, TED was receiving top customer rating and good feedback. The threat of closure is
gone and they are back in the business margin. TED had instigate their employee for various training
programs to maintain a coordination between clear ownership. Warner had achieve the profit margin
back within a short time frame. In my point of view if we have clear plan which identifies the issues and
have continuous follow-up with solving the problems of all the level of employees of Ascension, they could
be more succefull towards brighter future.

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