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Certainly, the most popular myth in the Colombian folk culture is the myth of La llorona:

the crying woman who lost her children. A reason, is that this popular character contain most
of the features that belong to the universal figure of the witch, a myth or reality that has been
present in all occidental cultures. The frustrated maternity, the antagonism between womanly
a manly, and the need of this character to obtain (or steal) young people, are features that
coincide with the witch image; so, the myth of the crying woman corresponds to an universal
mythical-female figure. Walter Ong, in his book Orality and literary: the technologizing of
the word, says that one of the features in the oral folk culture is the moralizing purpose of the
narrative (53), so, it constitutes other reason in this argument. This myth is, for example, the
perfect excuse of the parents, for their childrens to go home early, or obey their orders. By
way of the myth of La llorona contain the elements that allow you locate it between the
mythical universal traditions, and determine that is the most important of the Colombian folk

Ong, Water J. Orality and literary: the technologizing of the word. Available from: http://dss-

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