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General features:
Japan is a sovereign island nation in East Asia, located in the Pacific Ocean. The
population is about 127 million people and his capital is Tokyo. The climate on Japan
is very diverse because it could be cold in winters about a 5.1 C and warm on
summers with a temperature of 25.2 C. Actually in japan the type of government is
unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy and the currency is the yen. Also the
official language is japanese. It has an important geographical feature because it
has nine forest ecoregions.
-Staple foods: rice, noodles, such as soba and udon.
-Traditional dishes: Sashimi, tonkatsu, miso soup, steamed with rice
-Touristic destinations: Himeji Castle, Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto and
Nara. Popular tourist attractions include Tokyo and Hiroshima, Mount Fuji, ski resorts
such as Niseko in Hokkaido, Okinawa.

Famous persons:
In Japan there are many famous people and we know they are celebrities because
they are known worldwide. So, the first one is Yoko Ono, who is a multimedia artist
who became known worldwide in the 1960s when she married with John Lennon,
but when he died, she started the LennonOno Grant for Peace award in 2002 and
she became an anti-war activist. The next one is Shoko Asahara, he is a criminal
because was convicted of masterminding the 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo
subway, so he is waiting the day of his death. Then, we have a Kohei Uchimura, who
is a an athlete and he won gold medals at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, so that
made he became the first in the sport to win four world all-around championships.
The last one is Akira Toriyama and he is famous because he is artistic designer and
draw mangas. Those four people are known for their relevant facts, regardless of
whether they were good or bad.

The Japanese government consists of a constitutional monarchy, which is based on
a parliamentary cabinet system. That is to say, the executive power is in the cabinet,
that is formed by a prime minister and with maximum of 17 ministers of State;
currently the prime minister is Shinzo Abe.
The executive power must answer respond to the legislative power or "kokkai" which
in English means "Japanese diet". The "Diet" is responsible for carrying out
according to law the votes, national budgets and international treaties. Then there is
the emperor who is currently Akihito. Furthermore the power of the emperor is very
limited. He is known as a ceremonial figure, who defines the Constitution as "the
symbol of state and unity."
A few months ago, there was a corruption scandal over the sale of public lands
involving Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,which caused the indignation of
Japanese society, and a fall in popularity, the situation that threatens the current
government. On the other hand, we have security in Japan, there are stealings but
they are scarce in the tourists and in the Japanese town, the population can travel
in the cities and in the rest of the country they are possible at all hours. In conclusion,
it is a safe city.
Its economic development grew in the years 1960 to 1970, where it regained its
influence and became one of the main powers of the world. For example, the
relationship between Mexico and Japan has generated 20 million dollars, placing the
Asian country as the fourth trading partner of Mexico and the second of Asia. Another
important fact mentioned by the Ministry of Economy (SE) is that the investments
that Japan has made in Mexico reach 8,000 million dollars, which represents 65%
of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of the resources destined of the Asian
continent in Mexico.

Unknown . (2010). Japan. 5 de september de 2017, the Australian Government.
Website: Editors. (n/a). Kohei Uchimura September 5, 2017,

de The website:
uchimura-071516 Editors. (n/a). Shoko Asahara September 5, 2017,

de The website:
20900591 Editors. (n/a). Yoko Ono September 5, 2017, de

The website:

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