Esmp Essc Guidelines 2017

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Regional Director



DATE 09 January 2017


I- Introduction

The KALAHI CIDSS- National Community Driven Development Program

committed to have the communities in targeted poor municipalities are empowered to
achieve improved access to basic social services and participants in more inclusive local
planning, budgeting, implementation and disaster risk reduction.

Any community driven development initiative must ensure that the Government
of the Philippines(GOP) the World Bank (WB) policies on environmental and social
safeguards assessment are met and all the sub-projects undertaken by the community are
environmentally and socially sound and sustainable.

The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is both applicable

for standard and Disaster Response Operation Procedures (DROP). The three steps in
processing the safeguards requirements must be observed.

First Step. Eligibility Screening of all sub-projects. Concepts against the negative list to
determine the eligibility of sub-projects for support under NCDDP, at the Social
Investigation (SI) and Participatory Situational Analysis (PSA) stages, each beneficiary ,
community must also include an assessment of the possible land acquisition and
resettlement concerns as well as the presence and situation of Indigenous People
(IP) with the objective of evaluating the sub-pro sub-projects potential effects on them.

Second Step. Safeguards Screening . If the sub-project is deemed eligible based on the
first step , the sub-project is screened using ESSC( CBIM) form to determine
potential safeguards risks and categorization . The ESSC provides a series of
questions relating to the environmental and social safeguards policies triggered under
NCDDP. The result of safeguard screening will be the basis for preparing the

Third Step. Preparation of Safeguards Instrument . All Infrastructure sub- projects will
prepare an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) based on the
screening results , the ESMP identifies safeguards risk and corresponding mitigating
measures related with the location and nature of the proposed sub-projects .


The guidelines are hereby formulated for proper observance and compliance of
Environmental and Social Safeguards

In order to accomplish the ESMP ensure first that the sub-project has been
screened against the negative list and once done the sub-project is ready to
undergo site selection ESSC See Annex F. or the Environmental and Social
Safeguards Checklist

Guide 1 .Issue on natural habitats . Put an appropriate rating or label whether, low,
medium or high depending on severity of an issue .
a. low - no natural habitats present of any kind
b. medium - no critical natural habitats ; other natural habitats e.g. birds
but not critical
c. critical natural habitats present within declared protected areas

If the issues on natural habitat is high , better look for a new site for it
is prohibited under RA 9147. Known as Wildlife Resources
Conservation and Protection Act of 2001 or if falls on medium site
sensitivity Fill out Phase 2 of the ESMP under Implementation /
Construction Phase item 2.2 Biological Environment on 2.2.1- Forest and
Plant Life, 2.2.2- Wildlife , 2.2.3 Fisheries, Aquatic Life ,and Phase 3 Operation
and Maintenance Phase on 3.2 Biological Environment. If falls under low
issue category put a remark area that the site has no conflict with issue
on natural habitat.

Guide 2 : Issue on Water Quality and Water Resource Availability Use

If in case there is an issue on intensive water use, multiple water users;
potential for conflicts is high ; water quality issues are important , consider
it at your ESMP project the risk or impact in compliance with other
relevant laws and regulations on Clean Water Act of 2004 on RA 9275 and
during the actual implementation item or Phase 2 on 2.1.2 Water Quality
Guide 3. Natural hazards vulnerability , floods ,soil stability/erosion
a. if there is no issue on this item write down that there is no suspected or no
known volcanic /seismic flood risk at your ESMP
b. If there is a medium risk depending on your sub-project have to identify
at 1.3 of your ESMP PD 1067, specified under DRRM 1021 NIPAS Act, Water
Quality ACT, with issue on Volcanic, Hazard and declaration of Mines and
Geoscience Bureau (MGB),Community Environment and Natural Resources
Office (CENRO) , Environmental Compliance Certificate ( ECC) , Environmental
Impact Assessment and the issue on multi- hazard risk areas
c. If the issue on natural hazards , vulnerability both on social and
environment is high have to observe social and environmental
compliance stress out what specific impact or how to mitigate the
foreseen impact. What are the roles of the inter-agency on this matter ?

Guide 4. Issue on Physical Cultural Property

Is the site has no suspected Physical Cultural Property under PD 260
declaring as National Shrines,Monuments and or Landmarks defining the
implementing and PD 1505 amending the Presidential Decree No.260 as
amended by prohibiting the unathorized modification, alteration, repair and
destruction of originals features of all National Shrines , Monuments,
Landmarks and others, or important Historic Edifices (1978). link this to
other impacts in 2.4 of the ESMP
x if there is no cultural impact put low and reflect on your ESMP that
there is no suspected Physical Cultural Property on this site .

Guide 5. Involuntary Resettlement

Based on your validation is the legal tenure is well defined? If there is no
presence of informal settlers . Then the degree of this issue is low and
At you ESMP reflect that based on validation there is no issue on
involuntary resettlement
Pre- mixed ownership combination of private and private land ( secure
and non secure tenure)- is there a population or a number of families that
will be affected write Medium on the degree of issue under this item,
Consider it at your ESMP on RA 7279, RA 8974 EO 1035
High population density, high number of informal settlers . How many
residents are affected , What mitigation should be done , what is the
plan of the government to provide for compensation, consider the
agreement , how will the BSPMC acquire private property. Prepare a Land
Acquisition and Resettlement Plan ( LARP)

Guide 6. Indigenous People(IP)

Please refer to your SI and National Commission of Indigenous Peoples
listing, if there is no identify IP in your area . If there is no issue on
IP please write down a remark that your area has no listed or identified
IP , or if previously there was a number of IP and but has transferred to
place just put it on your remarks that there is no IP in your area
based on validation and conduct of inventory.
If there is a dispersed population have to fill out Section 1.2 RA 8371 (

If there is a number or highly/IT CADT reserves and or lands, vulnerability-

if there are vulnerable Indigenous populations have to fill out 1.2 RA 8371
(IPRA), fill out 2.3.2 . consider the possible impact ? Is there any
consultation with NCIP and IP , council of Elders ?How will the SP be
pursued, What actions need to be undertaken ?Is there a plan to conduct a
validation ? Is there any CP issued ,Is the ADSPP considered for planning?
In terms of O and M have to proceed at 3.3.2 on IP Participation in O
and M ( Prepare an Indigenous Peoples Plan ( IPP)


1. Risk the Contamination of drinking water - If the answer is yes -

Fill out Phase 2 of ESMP Implementation Section / During construction on
2.1.2 water Quality / Hydrology
2. Cause poor water drainage and increase the risk of water related diseases
such as malaria, dengue and schistomiasis of your ESMP - if the answer is yes
fill out 2.4 of your ESMP other impacts - what mitigation should be
undertaken for the foreseen issue.

3. Harvest or exploit a significant amount of natural resources such as trees ,

wood for fuel or water . consider it under item 2.2 of your ESMP - Biological
environment , ensure to ask a permit from DENR, DAR, DA, if there is an affected
crops, or plants, Assess the value of the crop, document the agreement made

4. Be located within or nearby environmentally sensitive areas, protected areas ( e.

g. intact natural forests, mangroves, wetlands or threatened species. This has the
connection with issue on guide no.1 consider item no. 2.2 under Phase 2
Implementation Construction but on the column under when to conduct prior to
the implementation. yes the impact will occur during the implementation but
have to mitigate the effect prior to its implementation .

5. Create risk of increased soil degradation or erosion . Proceed to Sub- Project

Implementation Phase 2 on Physical Environment of your ESMP. Have to project
the possibility of soil erosion to consider the need soil protection/ slope
protection and other pro-active activities that mitigate the impact of the
possible disaster

6. Create a risk of increasing soil salinity . Is the project will cause to heightened or
increase salt component of the land that will tremendously affect the plantation
or plant life in the community
7. Produce or increase the production of solid waste . If the answer is yes
have to consider it at your ESMP on 2.1.1 for its impact on land under
Physical Environment

8. Affect the quantity or quality of surface waters ( e.g. rivers, streams, wetlands or
groundwater (e.g. wells) example of sub-projects drainage, seawalls, construction of
irrigations - This has to consider 1.3 in compliance with PD 1067 Water Cod e
of the Philippines , regulations on easements, and guidelines on No build, No
dwelling and multi-hazards risk area
9. Result in the production of solid or liquid or result in an increase in waste
production, during construction or operation? - Any infrastructure sub-projects
produce solid or liquid or result in an increase in waste production, do not escape
this area.

10. Require that land(public or private ) be acquired(temporarily or permanently) for its

development? all sub-projects that will be horizontally or vertically constructed
require that land be acquired temporarily or permanently , proceed to section 2 of
ESMP, In compliance of lot acquisition , how will the BSPMC acquire the lot
? what type of lot instrument to be used ? who are in-charge? where to negotiate,
what action to be undertaken ?

11. Use land that is currently occupied or regularly used for productive purposes
(e.g. gardening , farming, pasture, fishing, forests) If the answer is yes , fill out the
biological environment item forest and plant life , wildlife, fisheries, aquatic life
portion of the ESMP on 2.2 under Biological Environment

12.Physically or economically displace individuals, families, businesses?. If the answer

is yes and if you have difficulties in which area of ESMP use the other
impacts part on 2.4

13. Result in the temporary or permanent , partial or total loss of crops, fruit trees,
fixed assets, and or household infrastructure such as crop storage , facilities, outside
toilets and kitchens . If the answer is yes, have to fill out the lot acquisition
section to observe and comply RA 7279 ( Urban Development and Housing Act , EO
1035 Acquisition of Right of Way sites for infrastructure , RA 8974 . Have to fill
out ESMP and do the land acquisition and resettlement program for monitoring
and implementation purposes . We have to plan ahead to avoid delays in our
implementation , KALAHI does not have an allocation for displaced families and
the packaging will be arranged by the LGU.

14. Result in the involuntary restriction of access by people to legally designated parks
and protected areas, If the answer is yes, or have overlooked this. immediately
look for another site, the Social and Environmental Officer will not approve
the sub-project .
15. Issue on women is not mentioned on ESSC, but have to consider it on
Phase 1 on 1.1.1; Phase 2 on 2.3.1, on Phase 3 - 3.3.1 and of the ESMP in
compliance with the government policies on program policies on participation
of women, and Gender and Development and b) Government of the Philippines
RA 9172 Women in Development and Nation Building .

All SRPMOs and ACTs are hereby directed to ensure that the guidelines for
accomplishing , reviewing and monitoring of ESSC and ESMP are properly executed.

For strict compliance ,



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