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Themeasurement of mission & vision is very important for all the institutions
because it indicates the organizations performance. Thats mean how the
organization is running. Besides that it also helps to take the future decision and
action. However, this term paper is prepared on the basis of mission &vision of
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd, comparing with all the Pharmaceuticals Company.
These all pharmaceuticals company is most prominent in Bangladesh. By This
term paper I can know that how Beximco Pharmaceuticals run their business from
comparing all Pharmaceuticals organization. And what are their mission &vision?

As an obligatory requirement of Hon`s program under the Department of

Accounting I prepare this term paper to fulfill the requirements of Accounting
course. As a student of business study I gain plenty of theoretical knowledge. Now
its the time to use this theoretical knowledge practically. But its not a easy task to
compare all institutions mission & vision planning among Beximco. Although by
using the theoretical knowledge we are able to understand the field collecting data
from their website & annual report, which help us to cope up the situation.

Now a days pharmaceuticals company takes great places in this country, the
functions of such institutions are relatively new and challenging to compare.
Producing drugs is one of the main concentrations of these firms. After doing this
term paper as a commerce & Accounting

Background student I can know the past and current mission &vision of Beximco
Pharmaceuticals in our country.

In my term paper entitled Mission & vision

of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd., here I am supposed to analyze the mission &
vision statements regarding its problems and prospects, recent year statistics and in
comparing with this companies particularly in terms of its precise definition,
problems, factors, contributions, and inventions.
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The Beximco Pharmaceuticals committed to enhancing human health and well-

being by providing contemporary and affordable medicines, manufactured in full
compliance with global quality standards. We continually strive to improve our
core capabilities to address the unmet medical needs of the patients and to deliver
outstanding results for our shareholders.
We will be one of the most trusted, admired and successful pharmaceutical
companies in the region with a focus on strengthening research and development
capabilities, creating partnerships and building presence across the globe.
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Mission: A mission is a short statement of an organization's purpose,

identifying the scope of its operations: what kind of product or service it
provides, its primary customers or market, and its geographical region of
operation.A mission is not simply a description of an organization by an external
party, but an expression, made by its leaders, of their desires and intent for the
organization. The purpose of a mission statement is to focus and direct the
organization itself. It communicates primarily to the people who make up the
organizationits members or employeesgiving them a shared understanding of
the organization's intended direction. Organizations normally do not change their
mission statements over time, since they define their continuous, ongoing purpose
and focus.

Vision: A vision statement is a company's road map, indicating both what the
company wants to become and guiding transformational initiatives by setting a
defined direction for the company's growth. Vision statements undergo minimal
revisions during the life of a business, unlike operational goals which may be
updated from year-to-year. Vision statements can range in length from short
sentences to multiple pages. Vision statements are also formally written and
referenced in company documents rather than, for example, general principles
informally articulated by senior management.
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Mission statements can and do vary in length, content, format, and specificity.
Most practitioners and academicians of strategic management feel that an effective
statement should include these nice mission statement components. Because a
mission statement is often the most visible and public part of the strategic
management process, it is important that it include the nine characteristics as
summarized in table 2-3, as well as the following nine components:

1. Customers-Who are the firm`s customer?

2. Products or service`s- What are the firm`s major products or service?
3. Markets-Geographically, Where does the firm complete?
4. Technology-Is the firm technologically current?
5. Concern for survival, growth, and profitability-Is the firm committed to growth
and financial soundness?
6. Philosophy-What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations and ethical priorities
of the firm?
7. Self concept-What is the firm`s distinctive competence or major competitive
8. Concern for public image-Is the firm responsive to social, community, and
environmental concerns?
9. Concern for employees- are employees a valuable asset of the firm?
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Year of Establishment : 1976

Country of Incorporation : Bangladesh
Commercial Production : 1980
Status : Public Limited Company
Business Lines : Manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical Finished
Formulation Products, Large Volume Parenteral and Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
Main Country of operation : Bangladesh
Corporate Headquarter & : 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 2, Dhaka- 1205, Bangladesh
Registered Address Phone : +880-2-58611891
Fax : +880-2-58613470
Email :
Operational Headquarters : 19 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 7, Dhaka- 1205, Bangladesh
Phone : +880-2-58611001-7
Fax : +880-2-58614601
Email :
Website :
Overseas Offices & : Australia, Bhutan, Cambodia, Chile, Ghana, Hong Kong,
Associates Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Vietnam and Yemen
Authorized Capital (Taka) : 9,100 million
Paid-up Capital (Taka) : 4,055.6 million
Number of Shareholders : Around 68,000
: Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges of Bangladesh and
Stock Exchange Listings
AIM of London Stock Exchange
Number of Employees : 3,500
TIDM: (Tradable : BXP
Instrument Display
Date shares were admitted : Dhaka Stock Exchange : 3 July, 1985
to trading Chittagong Stock Exchange : 11 June, 1995
AIM ( Alternative Investment 21 October,
Market) 2005
ISIN : US0885792061
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Company Overview


Beximco Pharma was founded in 1976 and started operations in 1980,
manufacturing products under the licenses of Bayer AG of Germany and Upjohn
Inc. of United States.[3] It has now grown to become a pharmaceutical company in
Bangladesh, and it supplies more than 10% of country's total medicinal
needs.[citation needed] Today Beximco Pharma manufactures and markets its own
branded generics for several diseases including AIDS, cancer, asthma,
hypertension, and diabetes for both national and international markets. It was the
first drug company from Bangladesh to sell its products in the US.

Beximco Pharma manufacturing facilities are spread across a 20-acre (81,000 m2)
site located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The facilities consist of a number of purpose-
built plants, including a new Oral Solid Dosage (OSD) plant. The site includes
manufacturing facilities as well as a research laboratory and a number of
warehouses. The plant and machinery of the facilities were designed, produced and
installed by partners from Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy and the United
Kingdom, amongst others.

On August, 2007, Beximco exported its medicines to the Philippines, the 5th
country of the 10-member Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to
import Beximco's drugs. Beximco Managing Director Nazmul Hassan said that
exports to the Philippines include metered dose inhalers, and nasal sprays, and
other medications. The Philippine pharmaceutical market ($1.3 billion in 2007), is
highly dependent on imported medicines.

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. becomes the First Ever Bangladeshi Pharma

Company to export Medicine to the United States of America, conforming to the
highest standards of quality as set by the US FDA. This is a piece of history, Made
in Bangladesh.
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Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd has made a foray into Australian Pharma market
with the launch of Pantoprazole, a drug for treating gastrointestinal disorder. This
is for the first time pharmaceutical product from Bangladesh is being exported to


The report mainly analyzes the existing and running services of Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
The term paper also analyzes the mission & vision performance of the Beximco
Pharma over three years and evaluates the performance of Beximo pharmaceuticals
Ltd in Comparing with all Pharmaceuticals company.

There exist some limitations in making the report. These are stated below:
There were some restrictions in disclosing some information as it was
assumed to be confidential. Therefore I could not include those in my term

Some of the information that I got from secondary sources were not
arranged consistently.

As some companies do not update their web site, therefore it was difficult to
get the most recent data.
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This report titledMission & vision of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
has been prepared as a partial requirement for the course, Accounting instructed


The report is meant to relate the mission and vision statement analysis
theories learnt in class to the context of a real world scenario to understand
their practical implications.

To introduce the functional mission and vision departments of Beximco


Evaluating mission and vision performance of Beximco Pharmaceuticals in

comparing with all Pharmaceuticals tobring out the position of these
companies in the market.
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In order to make the term paper as perfect as possible I here used data
collection procedures which articulate the way that I have followed in my

Secondary ways of collecting data: The secondary data are those which
have already been collected by someone else and which have already been
passed through the statistical process. From my term paper, secondary data
were collected mainly from internet to collect annual reports as well as
financial highlights of the company. Another important source was the
annual reports of the companies.
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The time period of this study was short.

Preparing this report was troublesome.
Collect data wasnt smooth.
For the lack of our practical knowledge some short coming may be
available in the paper.
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Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd is the manufacturer and marketer of pharmaceutical
product under chemical divisions of Beximco Group. Beximco Pharmaceuticals is
one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh. It also is one of the
biggest suppliers of pharmaceutical product of any Bangladeshi based company.
BPL is the first Bangladeshi company to supply pharmaceutical product to Riffles
Hospital the most prestigious hospital of Singapore.

The study has been carried out with the following objectives:
1. To illustrate how market research and statistics cell works in Beximco
Pharmaceuticals ltd.
2. To identify the problems confronted by Market Research and Statistics Cell of
Beximco Pharmaceuticals ltd.
3. To make some recommendations to overcome the problems.

Research Technique:
for conducting and analyzing this research project the following technique are been
followed which are stated bellow.
1) In order to identify the product collecting the prescription from the patient or
their guardian from the different chemist shop in Dhaka city.
2) Keep standing beside the chemist shop and looking for prescription coming.
3) Talking with the MRC and CPM authority of Beximco Pharmaceuticals whether
the survey findings are been properly implemented or not.

The population for this research project is prescription suggested by doctors
of different chemist shop, hospital and clinics. The target population of this
project is been stated in details in the followings.
>> Elements: Prescriptions.
>> Sampling Units: Hospital, Clinic and chemist shop.
>> Area: Dhaka Metropolitan City.
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Sample Size:
For any research sample size is the most important factor and this research is
also not an exception. For analyzing this research 506 prescriptions and
1231 products are been analyzed for identifying the market survey method
of BPL and other pharmaceuticals company.

Sources Of Information:
For any research work the information plays the most significant part because
without the update information no research can be conducted successfully.
In this case two sources of information are been adopted for further continuation of
the research project.
1. Primary sources.
2. Secondary sources.
The primary sources are that information which has been collected for the first
time relevant with the research project. In this regard the primary sources are the
direct personal prescription observation from the chemist shop are been used.
The secondary sources are that information which has been already collected by
some other research project.
In this case of my research project I have adopted two secondary sources of
1. Internal Sources: For my project the internal secondary sources of information
was the brochures, medical book and annual report of 2006, 2005 & 2004 of
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Besides I have also taken some other unpublished
information from the staffs of MRC dept.
2. External Sources: As an external secondary source of information I have taken
data from some other reports and unpublished information which collected by
personal contact of other pharmaceuticals companies.

Sampling Frame:
There are many hospital, clinics and chemist shop in Dhaka city. I have selected
the following hospital & clinics randomly for my research project.
o New Al Razi Hospital (Green hospital)
o Medico Pharmacy
Medicine is directly related to human life and therefore, its manufacturers have
immense social responsibility of providing safe and effective medicine, demanding
uncompromising efforts, at all levels of its activities. Beximco pharmaceuticals Ltd
the leading health care company in Bangladesh has been making every effort to
ensure the effectiveness and safety of the medicine that it produces. Physicians and
patients of the company reply on the efficacy of the medicines of Beximco
pharmaceuticals at the time of critical needs demonstrating their confidence and
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trust on BPL products. BPL has a remarkable mission statement, which is being
seriously pursued in its thoughts and actions. An increasing amount of contribution
is ploughed back into social causes demonstrating BPLs commitment to the
nation. As we continue to grow, it should not only benefit BPL itself but it should
also positively contribute to the nation and society where we live.
In BPL believe that they manufacture and sell medicine to provide health,
happiness and smile back in life of our fellow citizens. We intend to help realize
the ultimate aspiration of the nation for a lifetime of good health ensuring a
healthier tomorrow for the people.
2.1 History of Beximco group 2.2 Vision of Beximco group
2.3 Mission of Beximco group
2.4 Business division & Sub division of Beximco group
Beximco is the largest business conglomerate of private sector in Bangladesh.
Today it is one of the most known name is the countrys business arena. Beximco
was the first private sector company to be registered in Bangladesh as a public
limited company in September 1972. Since then, Beximco has taken the lead in
public equity offerings in Bangladesh. At the end of 1996, the ten publicly listed
companies of the Beximco Group accounted for Tk. 33.87 billion or 20.4% of the
market capitalization of the Dhaka stock exchange and Tk. 31.12 billion or 21.3%
of the market capitalization in Chittagong stock exchange. Beximco shares are also
the volume leaders on the national bourses, accounting for 22.08% of turnover at
the DSE and 29.23% turnover at the CSE in 1996. The Beximco Group has also
played a pioneering role in establishing and expanding the debt instruments market
in Bangladesh. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd was the first Group Company to
issue debentures in 1988 and has been followed by seven additional Groups
companies since.Beximco equities and debentures continue to perform the market
as a rule, and have been often rated as buys by several foreign investments firms
such as UBS, Crosby Securities, Peregrine and the erstwhile Smith New court.
Beximco stocks are also well represented in the emerging market funds portfolios
of leading mutual funds worldwide.

If there is one characteristic that has typified the BEXIMCO approach it is Vision
to be the best of our nature and human resource. A vision to establish our group
and country as respected and valued regional presence.
Each of our activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth of our
society. We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of
the constituents with whom we interact; namely: our employees, our customers,
our business associates, our fellow citizens and our shareholders. Each of our
activities must benefit and add value to
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the common wealth of our society. We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we
are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact; namely: our
employees, our customers, our business associates, our fellow citizens and our
shareholders.Beximco Group has got some diversified business units in different
challenging sectors of Bangladesh. Beximco Group is consists of 34 different
companies under 8 divisions.
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BPL has been able to establish a very successful international marketing network
in Asia, Middle East and Africa. In 2001, BPL signed an agreement with one of the
leading distributors of Singapore with an objective to consolidate i9ts presence in
Singapore market. In Pakistan, BPL comes into an agreement with one of the
leading local companies to manufacture BPL brands locally and to market the
same in Pakistan market. So, far Beximco has market its presence in 22 countries.
These countries are.

Hong Kong.
South Korea
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Until now I have tried to explain the performance of Beximco pharmaceuticals Ltd
in the overall market and also in different area of country and abroad. But let us try
to analyze the reason for which Beximco Pharmaceuticals is one of leading Brand
in country. From my point of view I think the following variables plays the most
important part behind the success of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in Bangladesh
and also across the globe. They are-

New Technology
New Innovation.
Nation Wide Distribution Strength.
New People Experienced Work.

New Technology :

Quality is the ultimate factor that works in the mind of the customers which create
brand image at the end of day. The Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is known for its
products. The strength of BPL lies in its quality controls system and up to date
manufacturing facilities. It has established manufacturing facilities conforming to
GMP and WHO standards. During all stages of manufacturing operation from
receiving raw material to the release of the finished product the requirement of
GMP are strictly adopted.
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New Innovation:
Product innovation is successive factor behind the success of Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Ltd in the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh. BPL knew that
in order to survive in this challenging market product innovation is need to focus
on deeply. So, as result research and development department were established in
order to innovate new product, improving production process, product quality for
further strengthen the position of BPL in the industry. This R & D teams is also
continuously monitoring market feedback of various product to find ways of
betterment. In 2005 BPL adds 49 new products lunched across a range of
therapeutic classes with its existing brands including dosage forms and strength

Nation Wide Distribution Strength:

Distribution of product is very important no matter how good product is. In case
Beximco pharmaceuticals Ltd. the distribution of BPL product is really good. In
fact BPL has a distribution unit I & I services Ltd which is the distribution wing of
chemical divisions. It maintained a large distribution network and covers over
25000 retail pharmacies every month all over the country. Along with this a highly
sophisticated computerized order processing system, adequate logistic facilities
like vehicles, depots and also professional sales people are also there in order to
keep pace with increasing market demand. So, strong distribution system of BPL
plays a vital role in the success of BPL in Pharmaceutical industry Bangladesh.
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New People Experienced Work :

BPL is adopting all modern technology which strengthen the quality of product in
more efficient manner. From my point view I think this is another reason for the
success of BPL in Bangladesh and also across the globe. BPLs most vital resource
is its people. Its dedicated team of professionals form various disciplines are
integrated in conducive environment to achieve companies objective. The people
of BPL strongly believe in the companys philosophy of serving the nation and
contributing to the society. BPLs over 1,981 young, energetic, professionals
ensures the timely promotion and smooth running of the product to every parts of
the country. Thus this is another factor for the success of BPL.


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Recommendations and Conclusion

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To conclude the report, it is imperative to mention that default clients have been a
major problem for the Pharmaceuticals Institutions for long and the financial
institutions have been trying to minimize the default problem all along. The
Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (BAPI) has been striving to
assist the pharmaceuticals institutions to get out of the default problem and
formulating policies for that purpose. As a continuance to this, Bangladesh
Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (BAPI) has been providing directives
when and where it seems to be necessary. In Bangladesh many business
organizations are still facing problems in the functioning of smooth business
operations and moreover they concentrate on making profit more than their safety
as a result of this they sometime get out of safety caution to absorb the industry
sock. Therefore fall in to loss and sometimes get liquidated. The consequence of
this is that Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB) do not get their due amount in
time which is a big and foremost risk to the organizations. To overcome this, a
very important factor to which risk weights have to be raised is the past default
behavior of the borrowers.

In financial statement analysis, Beximco shows the average performance in total.

In a competition market, it is very hard to compete with one another.
After all we can say the mission and vision of Beximco Pharmaceuticals is so
efficient more than other Pharmaceuticals industries.
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A typically illustrative list (following APA format) given below related to
the citation example mentioned above.

Marketing management - A south Asian perspective-14/e by phillipkotler,

Kevin,Lane Keller, Abraham kosher, and Mithileshwerjha: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Marketing Management (Thirteen ed.) by PhillpKotler.

Strategic Marketing Management-Meeting the Global Marketing challenges by

Carol H. Anderson & Julian W. Vince published by Houghton Mifflin



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