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Dear Respondent,


The undersigned conducted a research study entitled Readiness to Offer Humanities and
Social Sciences Strand in the Senior High Schools of La Union. As an output of the study, the
researcher prepared a development plan that intends to enhance the offering of HUMSS Strand in the
Senior High.

This questionnaire below aims to determine the validity of the Development Plan. Please answer
the following questions to the best you can.

Rest assured that all responses will be held with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much.


Direction: Please check the number that corresponds to your rating using the following scale:
5 Very Highly Valid; 4 Valid; 3 Moderately Valid; 2 Fairly Valid; 1 Not Valid

Indicators 1 2 3 4 5
1. The Development Plan sufficiently covered the results of the study,
specially the constraints in the offering of HUMSS in the Senior High
Schools of La Union.
2. The goals/objectives of the Plan are clear and specific.
3. The materials covered in the Plan are helpful in enhancing the
offering of HUMSS in the SHS of La Union.
4. The statements are clear and precise to avoid ambiguity to elicit
appropriate response from the readers.
5. The statements are appropriate to the level of understanding and
comprehension of the readers.
6. Correct and appropriate grammar and syntax were used.
7. The style, format and appearance of the Development Plan were
appropriate and acceptable to sustain the interest and enthusiasm of
the reader/s.

Comments and suggestions:


Name & Signature of Validator

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