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freedom of speech necessary in a free society?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:
Freedom of speech is very important for a citizen to upgrade himself and society. Freedom is a key point to initiate
development and bring people closer, start networking and move forward for a mission like the mission of change, the
mission of independence etc.

Freedom of speaking is necessary for anyone either he is 2 years old kid or 60 years old man. It gives people courage
to communicate to make decisions and work on that. For Example Politician: they speak in public places to make the
commitments and plans to develop the country. The audiences listen to them patiently, analyse their words and gives
approval in the form of votes to win, so that he can get a chance to work on his promises and commitments.

Furthermore, freedom is a fragrance of beautiful society. It makes you extrovert and nourishes you to achieve defined
goal. Whereas this privileged is only limited to politicians these days. Those who are not politicians and if they speak
something true about someone, they can be killed or murdered, if the opponent party is stronger than them. It also
limits anyone to take decisions and forces you to think 100 times before speaking in a public place. Hence we become
slaves in our own country.

Therefore, I truly believe that citizen should have freedom to speak in favour or against of anyone. Facing the
problems and keeping quite can bring disaster and put us in soup. Instead of giving up the problems we need to
become unite and work together. Likewise, makes the hay when the sun shines.

Please evaluate my IELTS essay and point out any errors .

Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society?

Being as a part of free society, everyone has right to speak freely regardless of any consequences associated with it.
Education and media play an important role in creating awareness among the people of the society and realize them
about the power of their words. Some people argue that freedom of speech is not necessary. However, others state that
it helps in strengthening rules and regulation of the society. I believe that for the betterment of state offices and to
eliminate the wrongdoing of society, people should raise their voice freely.

In most of the cases the problems arise when people did not raise their voice for their legal rights in the society. By
doing so, they give chance to their opponent to do whatever they want to do. For example, in Pakistan government has
increasing the price of food for the last two years, but nobody was taking any stand against government. Recently,
people stood up very strongly when government suddenly increases the petroleum prices. They raised their voice on all
national and international media and pressurize their state to rollback their decision about fuel prices immediately.

Secondly, everyone has its own view whether other people like it or not. By giving value to people point of view many
things can be improved and run in the way people want.
Finally, according to my point of view, we cannot build better society unless we dont care about the people opinion.
That is why freedom of speech is essential in all permitted societies.

Democracy is based profoundly on the right for people to express their views. Freedom of speech is a basic
human right in all free society, it is essential in decision making from parliament to community level. When this
basic human right is threaten, people become very emotional and will do anything to protect it. This can lead to
social unrest and alternatively have negative effects on the economy. Some people argue that freedom of
speech should only be allowed to a certain extent. In my views in order for any nation to be considered free, it's
citizen must be able to say how they feel.

To begin with, government make laws base on the constitution of a country. In a free society before laws are
made,legislation are examine by those who are in agreement and those opposing. In this case everyone has a
say, so it is very difficult for any leader to take advantage of the system. Further more, individuals feel safe and
valuable in a free country when they are allow to express their feelings by voting during general elections,and
even when making community decisions. Trying to remove or reduce this democratic right can cause protest and
even riots. Take for instance the series of riots that took place in the caribbean during the mid 1900, was mainly
due to the fact that some official leaders were trying to abuse the system in order to introduce communism. This
lead to long term negative economic growth as international trade seized through out the period.

On the the other hand, some people argues that if critical decisions are to be made base on how everyone feels,
the country will remain stagnant to change because we cannot please everyone at the same time. They argues
further by stating that only some social changes should include the population opinion for instance health and
education, where as matters of national security should always remain unclassified.

In short, despite the fact that people in free societies have difference in opinion, it is the duty of policy makers to
keep the people informed and up to date when making decisions on their behalf. There is no justification for
doing otherwise because freedom starts with a voice.

In a free society everyone should be able to express their thoughts and opinions freely. Unfortunately,
if everyone freely expresses their thoughts, there will be more conflicts than consensuses because my
words can offend or hurt another person. Because of this reason I believe that freedom of speech is
essential for the functioning of a free society, but there should be some restrictions on it.
In this age of blogging and social media when anyone can become a writer and a publisher,
freedom of speech is one of the most abused fundamental rights. Just because we are
living in a free society, it does not mean that we should be allowed to say whatever we want.
A lot of people have too much confidence in their constitutional right to freedom of speech.
They freely post all kinds of stuff on social media and online forums. This leads to a lot of
problems, even lawsuits. Posting derogatory stuff about another person just because you
have the right to express your thoughts is not only mean but also illegal. In my opinion,
there should be strict laws to deal with this menace. No one should be allowed to hurt
another person in the name of freedom of speech or expression.

Not only the citizens, the media also sometimes abuse their freedom of speech. They often
publish private or sensational information about public personalities. Recently when the
Indian Army was carrying out a military action against terrorists, a news channel broadcast
up-to-the-minute details of the operation from the scene. They thought they were exercising
their freedom of expression. Unfortunately, such thoughtless actions even put the safety of
soldiers and civilians at risk. Also they reveal vital clues about the place using which
terrorists can refine their attacks in the future.

To conclude, freedom of speech should be entertained as long as it does not hurt the
interests of others or the nation. When people express their thoughts, they have a duty to
think about the consequences. Whats more, there should be stringent laws to deal with
those who abuse their right to express themselves.

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