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Government Positions Reserved for Natural-Born Citizens

1. The President (Art. VII, Sec. 2)

2. Vice-President (Art. VII, Sec. 3)
3. Members of Congress (Art. VI, Sec. 3 & 6)
4. Justices of the Supreme Court and lower collegiate courts (Art. VII, Sec.
5. Ombudsman and his deputies (Art. IX, Sec. 8)
6. Members of the Constitutional Commissions (Art. IX-B to D)
7. Members of Central Monetary Authority (Art. XII, Sec. 20)
8. Members of Commission on Human Rights (Art. XIII, Sec. 17 (1))

Business that Require 60% Capital Owned by Filipinos

1. co-production, joint venture, production sharing in the exploration,

development and utilization of natural resources (Art. XII, Sec. 2)
2. operation of public utility (Art. XII, Sec. 11)
3. educational institutions other than established by religious groups or
mission boards (Art. XIV, Sec. 4 (1))

Other Capitalization Requirements

1. Advertising 70% Filipino capital (Art. XVI, Sec. 11(2))

Business Reserved Wholly to Filipino Citizens

1. Mass media Art. XVI Sec. 11(i)

2. Small scale utilization of natural resources (Art. XII, Sec. 2)
3. Use and enjoyment of marine wealth (Art. XII, Sec. 2)

Constitutional Provisions Recognizing Habeas Corpus

1. Art. III, Sec. 13

2. Art. III, Sec. 15
3. Art. VII, Sec. 18
4. Art. VIII, Sec. 5 (i)

Offices Which Enjoy Fiscal Autonomy

1. judiciary (Art. VIII, Sec. 3)

2. constitutional commissions (Art. IX, Sec. 5)
3. ombudsman (Art. XII, Sec. 14)

Matter that Requires 1/3 Vote

1. resolution of articles of impeachment (Art. XI, Sec. 3)

Matters that Require 2/3 Vote

i. declaration of the existence of war (Art. VI, Sec. 23)

ii. discipline of house members (Art. VI, Sec. 16 (3))
iii. overriding of presidential veto (Art. VI, Sec. 27 (1))
iv. calling of constitutional convention (Art. XVII, Sec. 3)
v. conviction in impeachment trial by senate (Art. XI, Sec. 6)

Matters that Require 3/4 Vote

i. proposal by congress of amendment or revision (Art. XVII, Sec. 1)

Matters Requiring Majority Vote

1. submission of proposal for amendment or revision to the electorate

(Art. XVII, Sec. 1)
2. approval of appointments by CA (Art. VI, Sec. 18)
3. filling up of vacancy (Vice-Pres.) (Art. VI, Sec. 9)
4. revocation of Congress of the proclamation of martial law or
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus (Art. VI, Sec. 18)
5. decision of cases by the constitutional commission (Art. IX, Sec. 7)

Officers that need CA Confirmation

1. heads of executive departments

2. ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls
3. officers of the armed forces from the rack of colonel or naval captain
4. those officers whose appointments are vested in him in the
5. sectoral representatives
6. regular members of the JBC
7. members of the constitutional commission

Officers that Need No CA Confirmation

1. commissioner of customs
2. chairman of CHR
3. CB Governor
4. Chairman and Commissioner of NLRC
5. head of PNP
6. Officers of Phil. Coast Guard
7. Members of the SC and judges of lower courts


I. Senate
24 Senators

i. natural born-citizen
ii. 35 years old
iii. Able to read and write
iv. Resident of the Phils. for not less than 2 years

II. House of Representative

Not more than 250 members, composed of:

i. natural born-citizen
ii. party-list representatives (20% of the total no. of
iii. sectoral representative (appointed by the President)

III. Party-List Nominees

i. natural-born citizen
ii. registered voter
iii. resident of the Phils. for at least one-year
iv. able to read and write
v. bonafide member of the party he seeks to represent

IV. Senate Electoral Tribunal

3 SC Justices
6 Senators

V. House of Representative Electoral Tribunal
3 SC Justices
6 congressmen

VI. Commission on Appointment

Senate President Ex-officio Chairman
12 Senators
12 Congressmen

VII. Presidential Electoral Tribunal

Composed of the SC sitting en banc

VIII. Members of the Judiciary

1. SC
15 members

i. natural-born citizen
ii. at least 40 years old
iii. 15 years or more as judge of a lower court or engages in the
practice of law in the Phils.

2. lower collegiate court

natural born citizen
member of the Philippine bar

3. lower courts
citizens of the Philippines
member of Philippine bar

IX. Judicial and Bar Council ( 8 members )

SC Chief Justice - Chairman

Secretary of Justice
1 Congressman
IBP representative
Professor of Law
Representative of Private Sector
Clerk of Court of the SC as ex officio secretary
Retired Justice of the Supreme Court

X. Civil Service Commission

Chairman and 2 Commissioners

i. natural born citizen
ii. at least 35 years old
iii. proven capacity for public administration
iv. must not been a candidate for any elective position
immediately preceding appointment


Chairman and 6 Commissioners

i. natural born citizen
ii. at lest 35 years old
iii. holder of a college degree
iv. must not been a candidate for any elective position
immediately preceding appointment
v. chairman and majority of members must be members of
Philippine Bar and engaged in the practice of law for at least
10 years

Chairman and 2 Commissioners

Who must be:

Natural born citizens
At least 35 years of age
CPAs with not less than 10 years of auditing experience or
members of Philippine bar with at least 10 years practice of
Must not be a candidate on the election preceding the

XIII. Ombudsman
Natural born citizen
At least 40 years old
Of recognized probity and independence
Member of the Philippine bar
Must not have been a candidate for any elective office in the
immediately preceding election
Must not have been a judge or engaged in the practice of
law for 10 years or more

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