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Discipline REVATHY

How do I eliminate disruptions while building responsibility and ownership?

Common Causes of Misbehavior

Poor general management

Inappropriate work
Boring instruction
Confusing instruction
Unclear standards, expectations consequences
A need for fun and stimulation
Value and culture clashes
Internal physical cues
Extraordinary emotional baggage

Recognize and Reward

Responsible Behavior

Focus on what you want

Consider involving students in establishing rules/expectations.
Create ownership
Can help to create a sense of community

Provide students with clear explanations regarding consequences

Consequences should be logical, not punitive

Consider different responses to a behavior
E.g Undo homework may result in:
A reminder
Having the students stay in at recess to finish
Phone call home

There must be a range of consequences to fit the severity of the

different behaviors.

Behavior Modification

Based on concept of Replacement Behaviors

All behavior has a function (serves a purpose)
Assess to determine the function of the problem behavior
Assess to determine the function of the problem
Teach a replacement behavior (more appropriate) that serves the same

Personal Influence

Based on strong, positive relationships between students and teacher

Teacher establishes mutual respect with the student by sharing personal
experiences/accomplishments/active listening
Once this trust and respect is established. teachers can draw upon this
relational trust when reacting to misbehavior.

Reality Therapy
Based on theory that teachers can get students to take responsibility for
their behavior if they reflect on the context of the misbehavior. (i.e.
Problem Solving)
What did I do?
How did I feel when I did that?
What problem did this cause me? (Did it help me to do this?)
What problem did this make for others?
What could I do next time? (make a plan)

The Skillful Teacher is organized around the following assumptions:

All behavior has an origin or cause

There are at least twelve causes of inattentive or disruptive behavior
Effective responses to disruptive behavior are chosen from a repertoire
to match the causes
Effective discipline is built on a comprehensive approach that includes:
Laying a foundation of classroom management, solid instructional
design and relationship building
Establishing authority by communicating expectations, limit setting, and
eliminating disruptions
Building a strong classroom climate that nurtures cooperation,
responsibility, and self-discipline.

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