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Lesson Plan Template


What will your students be able to do? How does the objective connect to your
achievement goal?
**VOCABULARY MINI LESSON** My goal is for all students to move at least 5
SWBAT understand the word amusing in context reading a-z levels by the end of the school year.
SWBAT orally use amusing in a sentence Vocabulary and comprehension often hold
SWBAT complete a vocabulary log sheet for the students back so this will help them to achieve
word amusing their goal.


What will your students need to know to master How will you assess students mastery of these

the grade-level objective? foundational skills?

-Anecdotal notes/observations when pre-
-Students must be able to complete a vocabulary questioning (turn and tell your partner what
log sheet independently entertaining means
-Student should be able to understand the word -Review students previously turned in vocabulary
entertaining (previously taught) and funny logs
How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective? How and when
will you assess mastery?
I will informally assess mastery while students are orally using amusing in a sentence during the mini
lesson. I will formally assess mastery through their completed vocabulary log worksheet.

What three to five key points will you emphasize?
-Tier 2 vocabulary words helps use to better comprehend what we are learning
-We can use context clues to help use understand the meaning of a word
-Amusing means something that is entertaining or funny

How will you communicate what is about to happen?


How will you communicate how it will happen?

How will you communicate its importance?
How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Lesson Plan Template 1
Tier 2 words
Students we have been learning all about Ancient Greece and Greek Gods and notecards
Goddesses. We have been learning new tier 2 words to help use better understand
or comprehend what we read! Lets review some of the tier 2 words we have already Prepare in
learned by playing our vocabulary game! advance:
write 10-15
To play vocab game split class into two groups, and have the groups form two lines at tier 2 words
the front of the class. Teacher will read the definition of a tier 2 word, and one on the white
member from each team will compete against the other. The student who points to board
the word first on the board will get a point for their team. For example, teacher will
read To be pleased or happy after receiving a compliment, the student who points to
flattered first will get a point for their team. Keep playing until you have gone
through all the words and all students have had an opportunity to participate.


What key points will you emphasize and reiterate?
How will you ensure that students actively take in information?
How will you vary your approach to make information accessible to all students?
Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Students today while we were reading Prometheus and Pandora we heard a brand Prometheus
new tier 2 word! Knowing this tier 2 word will help us better understand the story we and
read today, as well as stories we will read in the future! Pandora
Today we heard Zeus say to Epimetheus, These toys of yours are quite amusing.

What toys do you think Zeus was talking about?(Student response: the animals he
created- provide support as needed)

If something is amusing it is funny or entertaining. Say the word amusing with me!

***write the word amusing and its definition on the board.

Listen as I use amusing in a sentence: The puppies were amusing to watch as they
wrestled with each other.
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice?
How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard?
How will you monitor and correct student performance?
Why will students be engaged/interested?

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Lesson Plan Template 2
Now it is your turn to practice!

**Have students complete a turn-and-talk to practice using amusing in a sentence.

Before beginning the turn-and-talk review turn-and-talk expectations and answer any
questions students may have about the word amusing.

After turn and talk is complete have each student share their sentence. If needed
correct the sentence with the correct grammar and syntax, and then have the
students say the sentence again.


How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the
How will you provide opportunities for extension?
Why will students be engaged/interested?

Students, now it is time for you to show what you know! You will complete you
vocabulary log for the word amusing! Remember, this is your time to show what you
know so please work individually at a level zero.

***Model for students where they will write the word, definition, sentence and where
they will draw their picture. Teacher should circulate as students are completing the
vocabulary log. Take note of who may need re-teaching in a small group.

CLOSING (5 min.)
How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or
progress toward) the objective?
Why will students be engaged/interested?

Wow! You all worked so hard to complete your vocabulary log! Who can tell me the
definition of amusing? (illicit student response) Great! Now you will share with your
class what you wrote!

At this time have students share their completed vocabulary log with the class. If
needed review the definition and usage. Be sure to strategically use the word
amusing throughout the rest of the unit. After finishing todays lesson, place a
notecard with the word amusing on the word wall.

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Lesson Plan Template 3

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