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In accordance with the scale since July 1, 2015 each company must register its employees to BPJS
Employment to join the accident insurance program, pension program, pension program, and
mortgage insurance program in stages. This was conveyed by Head of BPJS Employment Branch Office
Pioneer, Karo Sanco Simanullang, ST, MT, to Waspada Online, Wednesday (10/2)."No exception to
permanent or casual workers, volunteers and other working time agreements shall be registered in
accordance with the stages in the Regulations," Karo Sanco told reporters.

It is said Karo Sanco, the provisions of the obligations are regulated in Presidential Regulation No.
109/2013 on Stages of Social Security Program Participation. This Presidential Regulation is a mandate
from Law No. 40/2004 on the National Social Security System (SJSN) and Act No24 / 2011 on the Social
Security Administering Body (BPJS). Where registration stages for large and medium-sized businesses
are required to comply with occupational accident insurance programs, old-age insurance programs,
pension programs and mortality programs.

"Scale of business engaged in construction service business that employs freelance, wholesale, and /
or seasonal workers must register workers in occupational accident and death insurance programs,"
he said answering reporters' questions, whether unpaid workers must be listed in BPJS Employment.
In addition, disclosed Karo Sanco, small businesses are also required to follow the accident insurance
program, old-age insurance program, and mortality program. Micro business, he added, must follow
the program of accident insurance and mortality program.

According to him, the amount of the contribution is based on the Worker's Wage, if the wage
component is listed and known, then the amount of Work Accident Guarantee (JKK) for certain daily
freelancers, wholesalers and working contracts working for employers other than the state
entrepreneurs in the construction services sector , Contributions are set at 1.74% of monthly wages.
The death benefit fee (JKM) is set at 0.30% of the monthly wage. Meanwhile, if the Worker's Wages
component is unknown or unlisted, then the amount of the JKK Contribution is calculated based on
the value of the employment contract.

"For example, construction works up to the contract value of Rp 100,000,000.00, JKK contribution of
0.21% of the contract value, JKM contribution of 0.03% of the contract value," said Karo Sanco. He
explained that for participants who have occupational accidents or occupational diseases are entitled
to the benefits of JKK in the form of health services according to medical needs and compensation in
the form of money in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 paragraph (2) PP. 44 of 2015 on the
Implementation of Accident and Death Security Guarantee Program.

"Companies that are proven to not include their workers in social security in the field of employment
shall be subject to sanctions ranging from administration, recommendation of revocation of business
permit to maximum imprisonment of 8 years or maximum fine of Rp 1 billion," explained Karo Sanco
while concluding.

Sanctions not receiving certain public services subject to the Procuring Entity Other Than the State
Organizer include: [8]
a. business related licensing;

b. permit required to participate in the project tender;

c. permission to employ foreign workers;

d. permit of provider company of worker / laborer; or

e. Building Construction Permit (IMB).

Pasal 17 (1) Pemberi Kerja selain penyelenggara negara yang tidak melaksanakan ketentuan
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 15 ayat (1) dan ayat (2), dan setiap orang yang tidak melaksanakan
ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 16 dikenai sanksi administratif. (2) Sanksi administratif
sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat berupa: a. teguran tertulis; b. denda; dan/atau c. tidak
mendapat pelayanan publik tertentu. (3) Pengenaan sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf
a dan huruf b dilakukan oleh BPJS. (4) Pengenaan sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf c
dilakukan oleh Pemerintah atau pemerintah daerah atas permintaan BPJS. (5) Ketentuan lebih lanjut
mengenai tata cara pengenaan sanksi administratif diatur dengan Peraturan Pemerintah.

Sanksi tidak mendapat pelayanan publik tertentu yang dikenai kepada Pemberi Kerja
Selain Penyelenggara Negara meliputi:[8]
a. perizinan terkait usaha;
b. izin yang diperlukan dalam mengikuti tender proyek;
c. izin memperkerjakan tenaga kerja asing;
d. izin perusahaan penyedia jasa pekerja/buruh; atau
e. Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB).

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