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Not just a book of hadith

- Celebrated collection for seven centuries, actually contain 42 hadith

- Short, powerful and comprehensive hadith
o The reason why easy to be comprehensive is because Nabi a.s. was blessed with jawami al-kalim few
words, oceans of knowledge
- Every hadith is significant, fundamental essential pillar of deen / or 1/3 of deen termed by religious scholars /
sound hadith /Contains the minimum required revealed knowledge for every Muslim / knowledge is the key to
practice and application of Islam
- Contains principles relating to Islamic worship, belief and spirituality
- Hadith that do not lead to ikhtilaf masail or difference sof legal opinions / But Those hadith which a person
wants to know the teachings of Prophet saw and is not interested to get into legal intricacies or more legal
interpretations can read dat book.
- Compiled by one of the most eminent authorities, Imam Nawawi rah, who was a hadith scholar, jurist, Shafi
o Born near Damascus in Nawa, Syrian scholar
o 13th c. seven centuries
o Lived a short life died at the age of 44, but wrote books of everlasting value
o Endless thirst of knowledge twelve lessons daily
o Known for his learning, but also piety, simple and humble living gave preference to academic and
religious pursuits practiced zuhd
o Shafi madhahb,

Hadith refers to the words and deeds of the Prophet saw, or words/deeds done in the presence of the Prophet saw
with his explicit or tacit approval

Importance of studying hadith:

1. Hadith: May Allah brighten the face (keep him fresh and radiant), who hears a hadith from me, remembers it
and conveys it to others
2. Merit of knowing 40 hadiths: Whoever memorizes and preserves for my people 40 hadith relating to their
religion, Allah SWt will resurrect him on the DOJ as a jurist (faqih), and I shall be an intercessor (shafee) and
witness (shaheed) for him.

Let us begin with the first hadith

Famous hadith

- Imam Shafi: hadith contains half of the knowledge of Islam (actions of limbs and heart)
- Other: 1/3 of deen (iman, actions, and ikhlas)
- Muhadithen begin with this hadith: Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim Imam Nawawi following in the footsteps
- Jawami al-kalim few words containing an ocean of wisdom

Actions will be judged according to intentions


A person migrated from Makkah because a woman said to him that I will marry you if you migrate. In his heart, if the
intention was for the woman, then did not get the sawab of hijrat, but the act of hijrat took place. Two things. First is the
act is completed. Second is the sawab. Since act is completed, his name will be included among the mahajireen. Ahkam
of muhajireen will apply to him. In terms of fiqh and sharia his hijrat is established. But it did not earn thawab.
Similarly, if a person prays salah to show off, fatwa is that namaz is completed. But no thawab.

Intention is a feeling

- Action of the heart, state of the heart, condition, outlook, haal / isnt something that you remind yourself in the
brain that is a trigger and it should be done / but the real intention is the feeling and the outlook of the heart
a person has to learn how to do that

Referring to good actions

- doesnt mean that the intention is the all dominant feature

- Does that mean that a good intention can justify a bad action? NO
- Good actions done with good intention will be worthy of reward and merit in the eyes of Allah
- If good actions done with the intention of fame and name, then no reward infact sin

I. Good actions done with good intentions

Principle: Composite/multiple niyats can increase the reward of that act

A man will get what he intends

- Example: Salah niyat of nafl / wudu, masjid,

- Example: entering into masjid will do dhikr, tilawat, itikaf, pray, stay away from sins, will greet Muslim
- Exmaple: isal sawab / perform some ibadah and make intention that you are sending the sawab of that act to
someone, dead or alive / multiple folders , act for the pleasure of Allah also / umra you get complete reward
and the reward is multiplied. What is the multiplying factor? Its not the action. Action is 1. Its the intention
which is multiple. So when the intention is multiple, the ajar is also multipled / means intention is an incredible
thing / powerful multiplier effect
- Example: clothing used to combine forty niyats

II. Good actions done with bad intentions Robinhood

III. Good actions done with no intentions (salah)
- Salah. Niyat an affair of the heart, devised a formula permissible but not required real thing is awareness of
the heart
- Pray in a state of hurry quick 2 or quick 4 loose that awareness become confused one of the barakat of
intention is that by taking out 10 seconds at the beginning of ibada you make yourself aware inshaAllah that
focus will carry throughout the salah
- Similar to you go for interview what did I say / imagine we do this with the most important conversation of
the day - lack of awareness and focus
- Hadith I am reading, need to implement Sahaba were not writing and memorizing, but practicing want to put
this hadith on our tongue and bring this into our heart
- Make us intentional people, purposeful people the Japanese such determination in their actions heritage of
the Muslims
- If you apply this to your dunya, fill fix your studies the deen trains is such a way to get skills, such discipline,
such human power that they not only become successful in the akhirat but also the dunya

Principle: Niyat can change the nature of the act

IV. Neutral actions done with good intentions changes ada into ibada
a. Window in the house for azan, as opposed to light and air
b. Hazrat Zakariyya rah 30-40 buckets to cool himself/ Sufi complained / no isaraaf / you come with the
niyat of cleaning, ghusl from dirt and filth, cleanliness can be acquired from 2-3 buckets, but my niyat is
cool myself down in the heat of the summer so that I can spend more time teaching and writing hadith
c. New born baby: like to snuggle and cuddle because they like the smell of the new born baby / hadith the
smell of a new born baby is the smell of paradise / I am not just personally enjoying but because this is
the fragrance of Jannah and make dua Allah just like you have let me smell the likeness of the fragrance
of Jannah in this world, Allah make me smell that fragrance in akhira
d. People of niyat, outlook, conscience, of awareness and understanding different way of looking at
e. Changing clothes when going to bed: Actually the Sunnah of Rasul saw / doing this with the niyat of
ittiba sunnah so I feel that I am sleeping as a blanket wrapped in Sunnah will be able to wake up for
fajr, tahajjud. Niyat is about the heart, feelings of the heart
f. People eat everyday, couple of times everyday: we eat because of bodily need / nabi as a sahaba who
used to fast during the day and worship all night, his wife complained, one of the things the Peophet
saw told was that you body has a right over you which means you need to eat and sleep / make niyat
that O Allah I am not eating out of this innate primal need for food, but I am eating because you,
through your messenger as have told me that my body has a right over me / eating to get energy to do
ibadah/ eating so that my cells used in sins can be replaced by cells used in ibadah different way of

Power of intention

Story: Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani rah one of the greatest auliya of this Ummah who lived in Baghdad. Once three people
came to meet him but everyone had their own intention

- Ist person problem in business

- 2n I have heard he is a big shaykh and wali of Allah I am going to check out
- 3rd I am going to go because if he is a big wali of Allah then I want to learn from him how to make myself
pleasing to Allah
- Outcome of the action will be determined by the niyat

So in another hadith we have rasul sas said , that there will be some gatherings where people from different cities
,communites, different languages, different backgrounds will get together and they gather to remember Allah swt to
earn His pleasure, Allah swt will send a sakina a sukun into their hearts. So our niya for being here today is exactly this.
That they will come from different places and different cities , if nothing else I am from a different place and city from
you even if many of you are from the same city. And we have come together to remember Allah and get his pleasure, to
get the sukun. So that is our niya. So each one of us wants to become a true servant and slave of Allah swt. So the first
prerequisite then, first thing to get these true feelings in the heart to be a true muslim is to make the truest intention
that we possibly can. So that is the first point for today. To try to be more and more conscience and more and more
truthful in our intention

Principle: if you cannot make a true intention for some action, it is a sign that the action is not true sign that it is

- Going to some gathering

- If you cannot make a true intention connecting it to Allah and his pleasure, better to avoid it.
- Connect actions by making intentions of seeking Allahs pleasure
- Humans are pleasure seekers, but the difference is either you are seeking the pleasures of the world or the
pleasure of Allah. Everybody has this intention. Everything one does, they are seeking some pleasure /
immediate pleasure or future pleasure / humans are pleasure seekers but we have to make ourselves not
seeking the unlawful pleasure s of the nafs, dunya, have to make ourselves seekers of the Allahs pleasure
cannot do it without niyat

V. Bad act done with bad intentions multiples the bad action
- One thing is to slip / you lied because of slip of tongue, another is you lied intentionally and deliberately. That
intention is even more offensive to Allah
- and the reason we have to watch over this is sometimes we have a bad intention which dont lead to the action.
Either Allah taala saves us from acting upon that bad intentionor we were unable to act on that bad intention
and most famous example for a young man is wen he misdirects his gaze. When we cast a lutful glance we
actually making a bad intention, 99.9% times due to inability or not able to fulfill that intention, or you can think
that Allah tAala put me in the state of hifazat.
- early muhaddisin says that this was the heaviest hdith on their heart that not only we have to guard our actions
but intentions also. Allah akbar. We have to be watchful over our thoughts, over our emotions our inclinations ,
overour desires , they found this was the most weighteous hadith. not because they understood what this
hadith was calling them to doand they were rite. Its this level of .. ( PLEASE CHECK) 16:57 that a momin
shoud have over himself.
- One thing is that I never do sin, one thing is I never fantacize about sin, one thing is eye never day dream about
sin. Thats a type of intention.
- If only it will be permissible Il do it , if only nobody would know it Ill do it, if only she says yes Ill do it. This
fantacising, and this is the biggest sort of impact the media has made on the young person mind. Infact
unfortunately with some people it even leads them to incorrect actions but this all what we call in urdu gandi
soch . one of the early sufis said , that the definition of a true sufi is somebody is when you open up their
thoughts, their emotions , you would find them they are true . no 2 rangi no 2 facedness . you can put what
he is thinking in a platter for everyone to see, it is as pure as his zahir. So purifying our intention is actually
purifying our batin, when you have a pure intention in your heart. Than your heart is saved from all types of
diseases. Than your heart is open up to the love for Allah swt, to the rememberance of Allah swt., the fear of
Allah swt, the azmat of Allah swt. You will always be thing of his exaltedness and his majesty.

- How can we do that?

- Now the last thing is the tips on all 3 . how to make a good intention , the doors of making a good intention are
open to u. Ill give you and example, when you sleep.

o One thing is you recite sunnat duas in the beginning and the end of a righteous action.
o A second is the intention you can make. Before you sleep , you can make intention that ya Allah I am
sleeping for this reason so that I get rest from this sleep so therefore wen I raise, I raise fresh in your I
badat, thats the only reason I am sleeping so that I recharge myself to worship you to do things that are
pleasing to u. I mean you put your phone on charging, you dont do it purposelessly , u do it becz you
plan to use it.
o It is a very mundane act to sleep, but if do this intention, you sleeping becomes ibadat. Just connect
your sleep to your lord. In essence that what an intention is.

- To make an intention for a neutral act is anyway that I can spin this that it can connect me to Allah swt. I there
anyway that I in addition to studying economics because I am a student , or I like that, its my desire to major in
economics. Okey fine .. is there anyway I can also add a multiple intention to the act of studying economics
that it links me to my lord, may be you can say this will please my parents, I am doing it for you sake . may be I
can use these laws of economics to do khidmat of humanity, to alleviate poverty.i am doing it for your sake. So
connect any action you have in any way possible, even the slightest way possible to Allah is to make a good
- The way u save yourself from bad intention is by being watchful on your ownself. Watching your mind, watching
your heart. And if u ever feel and bad though, emotion, inclination or intention is coming to you that the frst
thing you should recite is LA HULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLA . There is no mighty power other than Allah to
save me from this . or u can recite Tawuz. AU ZU BILLAH HIMI NASHI TA NIRRAJEEM. And u should
immediately do zikr. Think abt Allah swt. When you thik about Allah and when you think that He is watching me,
that he is with me, he knows the inner most secrest of my breast, he knows what I am feeling, he knows what I
am thinking, than you will feel haya, than you will feel shame. And inshAllah the bad intention will go away.

Principle: People will be rewarded on the day of judgement for deeds they didnt actually perform

Shaykh gives the example of a person who would be raised on the day of judgement with so many
hajjs/Tahajjuds etc that he did not actually do, just because he had this sincere niyyah/desire/yearning in his
heart to do those deeds

Story of the neighbor of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal rah

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