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Applied and Computational Mathematics

2016; 5(5): 202-206
doi: 10.11648/j.acm.20160505.13
ISSN: 2328-5605 (Print); ISSN: 2328-5613 (Online)

Smarandachely Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper

Edge Chromatic Number of CmKn
Shunqin Liu
School of Information & Technology, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, Zhangzhou, China

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To cite this article:

Shunqin Liu. Smarandachely Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper Total Coloring Number of CmKn. Applied and Computational
Mathematics. Vol. 5, No. 5, 2016, pp. 202-206. doi: 10.11648/j.acm.20160505.13

Received: September 23, 2016; Accepted: October 13, 2016; Published: October 17, 2016

Abstract: According to different conditions, researchers have defined a great deal of coloring problems and the corresponding
chromatic numbers. Such as, adjacent-vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number, adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge
chromatic number, smarandachely-adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge chromatic number,
smarandachely-adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper total chromatic number. And we focus on the smarandachely
adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge chromatic number in this paper, study the smarandachely
adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge chromatic number of joint graph CmKn.

Keywords: Graph Theory, Joint Graph, Smarandachely Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper Edge Chromatic Number

a mapping f from E (G ) to {1, 2, k } that satisfies the

1. Introduction condition described as below:
Coloring problem in graph theory, is one of the most For ei , e j E (G ) , ei e j , if ei , e j have a common end
famous NP-complete problems. Four color conjecture which vertex, then f (ei ) f (e j ) .
is one of the worlds three major mathematical conjecture says
that each map can be used only four colors to dye, and no two The number min{k | G has a k-proper edge coloring of
adjacent areas dyed the same color. In the spring of 1976, with graph G } is called the proper edge chromatic number of G ,
the help of the computer, the four color conjecture was proved. denoted by (G ) . If f (ei ) = l , then we call the number l to
The conjecture finally became a theorem. The significance of be the color of edge ei .
graph coloring theory is much more than that. Known to all,
coloring problems can solve many problems such as Definition 2[1] A k-proper edge coloring f is called a
scheduling problem, time tabling, transportation, arrangement, k-proper-adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge coloring,
circuit design and storage problems. short for k-AVDPEC when f satisfies condition described as
In recent years, more and more coloring problems was put below:
forward by experts of graph theory, such as proper-adjacent- Denote C (u ) = { f (uv) | v V (G ) uv E (G )} for every
vertex-distinguishing edge coloring, proper -adjacent- vertex u V (G ) , if for u, v V (G ), uv E (G ) , we have
vertex-distinguishing total coloring, smarandachely adjacent-
C (u ) C (v) .
vertex-distinguishing proper edge coloring.
The number min{k | G has a k-proper-adjacent-
vertex-distinguishing proper edge coloring} is called the
2. Smarandachely adjacent vertex-distinguishing proper edge chromatic
Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing number and denoted by 'a (G ) . Set C (u ) is called the color
Proper Edge Coloring set of the vertex.
Definition 3[1] A k-proper edge coloring f is called a
Definition 1[1] A k-proper edge coloring of a graph G is smarandachely adjacent- vertex-distinguishing proper edge
203 Shunqin Liu: Smarandachely Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper Edge Chromatic Number of CmKn

coloring, short for k-SA when f satisfies conditions i j , 1 i n, 1 j n , vi is adjacent to v j ,so

described as below: C (vi ) C (v j ) , so
Denote C (u ) = { f (uv) | v V (G ) uv E (G )} for every
vertex u V (G ) , if u, v V (G ), uv E (G ) , we have i j 1 i n, 1 j n , C (vi ) C (v j ) (2)
C (u ) C (v) and C (v) C (u ) mean well.
The number min{k | G has a k SA} is called the Inferred from (1) and (2), then each vertex vi (1 i n) has
smarandachely adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge one different color from each other.
chromatic number of G , denoted by 'sa (G ) . Then we may as well suppose that i C (vi ) , for
Its obviously of below conclusion: when G have a vertex 1 i n .
whos degree equal to 1, then G have no k-SA for all nature Then it must have the result such as {1, 2, , n} C (u j ) ,
number k. 1 j m (otherwise, if there exists a color k ,1 k n,
The paper use Cm to denote the graph of circle with m
and exists a vertex u j satisfies k C (u j ) , then we can
vertices and K n to denote the complete graph with n vertices,
deduce the result such as C (u j ) C (vi ), 1 i n , but the
use Cm K n to denote the joint graph of Cm and K n . We
vertex u j is adjacent to the vertex vi , this result is in
denote the vertex sets and the edge set of the graphs such
that: contradiction with the definition of k SA ). Now we
V (Cm ) = {u1 , u2 , , um } , E (Cm ) = {(ui 1ui ) | 2 i m} {(um u1 )} , consider all vertices of the whole graph Cm K n who satisfy
V ( K n ) = {v1 , v2 , , vn } . f (u ) = 1 , according to previous discussion, except vertex v1 ,
d (u ) is the degree of the vertex u , is the maximum all the remaining m + n 1 vertices of the graph Cm K n
degree of the graph discussed, S is the universal set of the satisfied the condition f (u ) = 1 , that is to say, except the
color used, that S = C (u ) , C (u ) is the complement of
uV ( G ) vertex v1 , the remaining m + n 1 vertices form a matching,
C (u ) . this result is in contradiction with the fact such as that
Lemma 1 [1] If G denote the graph have no one degree m + n 1 is odd.
vertex, then So, Cm K n have no m + n SA .
1) 'sa (G ) 'a (G ) , if G is a regular graph then Theorem 2 If n 6 , n is even, then
'sa (G ) = 'a (G) . 'sa (Cn 2 K n ) = 2n 1 .
2) 'sa (G) + 1 .
Lemma 2 [1] If K n is the complete graph with vertices n , Proof Be aware of the fact that the maximum degree of
n 3 , then graph Cn 2 K n is = 2n 3 , by the 2) of Lemma 1, we get
the result such as 'sa (Cn 2 K n ) 2n 2 , also because of the
n, n is odd . fact that n is even, then by theorem 1, the graph Cn 2 K n
'a ( K n ) = .
n + 1, n is even have no (2n 2) SA , so we get the result such as
'sa (Cn 2 K n ) 2n 1 .
Lemma 3[2] If K n is the complete graph with vertices n ,
For the subgraph K n , by lemma 3, there is a n 1 -proper
n 4 and n is even, then ( K n ) = n 1 .
edge coloring on K n , that is to say, there is a mapping g from
E ( K n ) to {1, 2, n 1} satisfied that ei , e j E ( K n ) ,
3. Smarandachely
ei e j , if ei , e j have a common end vertex, then
g (ei ) g (e j ) .
Proper Edge Coloring of CmKn
Now we define a mapping f from E (Cn 2 K n ) to
Theorem 1 If m 3 , n 3 , m, n are both even, then {1, 2, n 1, n, n + 1, n + 2, , 2n 1} described as below:
C K have no m + n SA .
m n
If e K n , then f (e) = g (e) , then {1, 2, n 1}
Proof Suppose that Cm K n have a m + n SA , then C (vi ) , for 1 i n ,
S = {1, 2, , m + n} . Be aware of the facts that:
f (u1v j ) = n + j 1, 1 j n ,
d (v1 ) = d (v2 ) = = d (vn )=m + n 1
Then | C (v1 ) |=| C (v2 ) |= =| C (vn ) | =m + n 1 f (u2 v j ) = n + j , 1 j n 1, f (u2 vn ) = n ,

f (u3v j ) = n + j + 1, 1 j n 2 ,
| C (v1 ) |=| C (v2 ) |= =| C (vn ) | =1 (1)
Applied and Computational Mathematics 2016; 5(5): 202-206 204

f (u3 vn 1 ) = n, f (u3 vn ) = n + 1 , 'sa (Cn 2 K n ) = 2n 1 .

f (u4 v j ) = n + j + 2, 1 j n 3 , Example 1 For n = 6 , then 'sa (C4 K 6 ) = 11 .

In fact, for the subgraph K 6 of C4 K 6 , we defined a
f (u4 vn 2 ) = n, f (u4 vn 1 ) = n + 1 , 5-proper edge coloring g such that:

f (u4 vn ) = n + 2 , g (v1v2 ) = g (v3 v6 ) = g (v4 v5 ) = 1 ,

g (v1v3 ) = g (v2 v4 ) = g (v5 v6 ) = 2 ,

f (un 2 v1 ) = 2n 3, f (un 2 v2 ) = 2n 2 , g (v1v4 ) = g (v3 v5 ) = g (v2 v6 ) = 3 ,
f (un 2 v3 ) = 2n 1 , g (v1v5 ) = g (v4 v6 ) = g (v2 v3 ) = 4 ,
f (un 2 v j ) = n + j 4, 4 j n , g (v1v6 ) = g (v2 v5 ) = g (v3 v4 ) = 5 .
f (ui 1ui ) = i, 2 i n 2 , f (un 2 u1 ) = 1 . Obviously, every adjacent edge have different colors, so g
is a 5-proper edge coloring of K 6 .
By the definition of f , we get the C (u ) and C (u ) of every
Then, for graph C4 K 6 , we define the mapping f from
vertex of the graph such as below:
E (C4 K 6 ) to {1, 2,,3,
10,11} described as below:
C (v1 ) = {1, 2,3, , n 1} {n, n + 1, n + 2, , 2n 3}
For edge vi v j , f (vi v j ) = g (vi v j ), 1 i j 6 ,
C (v1 ) = {2n 2, 2n 1} , C (v2 ) = {n, 2n 1} ,
f (u1v j ) = n + j 1, 1 j 6
C (v3 ) = {n, n + 1} , C (v4 ) = {n + 1, n + 2} ,
f (u2 v j ) = n + j , 1 j 5, f (u2 v6 ) = 6

f (u3 v j ) = n + j + 1, 1 j 4
C (vn ) = {2n 3, 2n 2} , ,

C (u1 ) = {n, n + 1, n + 2, , 2n 1} {1, 2} f (u3 v5 ) = 6, f (u3 v6 ) = 7 ,

C (u1 ) = {3, 4, , n 1} = {1, 2, , n 1} \ {1, 2} , f (u4 v j ) = n + j + 2, 1 j 3 ,

C (u2 ) = {1, 2, , n 1} \ {2, 3} , f (u4 v4 ) = 6, f (u4 v5 ) = 7, f (u4 v6 ) = 8 ,

f (ui 1ui ) = i, 2 i 4 , f (un 2 u1 ) = 1 .

C (ui ) = {1, 2, 3, , n 1} \ {i, i + 1} , 2 i n 3 , We can see that the C (u ) and C (u ) of every vertex for
graph C4 K 6 are described as below:
C (un 2 ) = {1, 2, , n 1} \ {n 2,1} .
C (v1 ) = {1, 2,3, 4,5} {6, 7,8,9} ,
We can see that
C (v1 ) = {10,11} ,
C (ui ) C (v j ), 1 i n 2, 1 j n ,
C (v2 ) = {6,11} , C (v3 ) = {6, 7} ,
C (v j ) C (ui ), 1 i n 2, 1 j n ,
C (v4 ) = {7,8} , C (v5 ) = {8, 9} , C (v6 ) = {9,10} ,
C (ui ) C (u j ), 1 i, j n 2,| i j |= 1 ,
C (u1 ) = {3, 4, 5} , C (u2 ) = {1, 4, 5} ,
C (u1 ) C (un 2 ), C (un 2 ) C (u1 ) ,
C (u3 ) = {1, 2,5} , C (u4 ) = {2, 3,5} .
C (vi ) C (v j ), 1 i n, 1 j n, i j .
We can see that the color set of the adjacent vertices meet
So the given f is a (2n 1) SA for Cn 2 K n . the requirements of definition[3], so f is a 11 SA for
That is to say C4 K 6 , then 'sa (C4 K 6 ) = 11 .
Theorem 3 If n 4 , n is even, then
205 Shunqin Liu: Smarandachely Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper Edge Chromatic Number of CmKn

'sa (Cn 1 K n ) = 2n 1 . We can see that

Proof Because of the fact that the maximum degree of the C (ui ) C (v j ), 1 i n 1, 1 j n ,
graph Cn 1 K n is = 2n 2 , by the 2) of Lemma 1, we get
the result such as 'sa (Cn 1 K n ) 2n 1 . C (v j ) C (ui ), 1 i n 1, 1 j n ,
For the subgraph K n of the graph Cn 1 K n , by lemma 3,
C (ui ) C (u j ), 1 i j n 1, | i j |= 1 ,
there is a n 1 -proper edge coloring on K n , that is to say,
there is a mapping g from E ( K n ) to {1, 2, n 1} that is , ,
C (u1 ) C (un 1 ) C (un 1 ) C (u1 )
satisfied the conditions such as:
ei , e j E ( K n ) , ei e j , if ei , e j have a common end
C (vi ) C (v j ), 1 i n, 1 j n, i j .
vertex, then g (ei ) g (e j ) .
Now we define a mapping f from E (Cn 1 K n ) to That is to say, all the vertices have color sets that are not
contained in other color set of the adjacent vertices. So the
{1, 2, n 1, n, n + 1, n + 2, , 2n 1} as below:
given f is a (2n 1) SA for Cn 1 K n .
If e K n , then f (e) = g (e) , then {1, 2, n 1}
So 'sa (Cn 1 K n ) = 2n 1 .
C (vi ) , 1 i n ,
Example 2 For n = 4 , then 'sa (C3 K 4 ) = 7 .
f (u1v j ) = n + j 1, 1 j n , In fact, we defined the mapping f from E (C3 K 4 ) to
{1, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7} as below:
f (u2 v j ) = n + j, 1 j n 1, f (u2 vn ) = n ,
f (v1v2 ) = f (v3 v4 ) = f (u1u3 ) = 1 ,
f (u3v j ) = n + j + 1, 1 j n 2 ,
f (v1v2 ) = f (v2 v4 ) = f (u1u2 ) = 2 ,
f (u3 vn 1 ) = n, f (u3 vn ) = n + 1 , f (v1v4 ) = f (v2 v3 ) = f (u2 u3 ) = 3 ,
f (u1v1 ) = 4, f (u1v2 ) = 5, f (u1v3 ) = 6, f (u1v4 ) = 7 ,

f (un 1v1 ) = 2n 2, f (un 1v2 ) = 2n 1 , f (u2 v1 ) = 5, f (u2 v2 ) = 6,

f (un 1v j ) = n + j 3, 3 j n , f (u2 v3 ) = 7, f (u2 v4 ) = 4 ,

f (ui 1ui ) = i, 2 i n 1 f (un 1u1 ) = 1, 2 i n 1 . f (u3 v1 ) = 6, f (u3 v2 ) = 7 ,

By the definition of f , we get that the C (u ) and C (u ) of f (u3 v3 ) = 4, f (u3 v4 ) = 5 .

every vertex as below:
We can see that
C (v1 ) = {1, 2, , n 1} {n, n + 1, , 2n 2} ,
C (v1 ) = {6, 7} , C (v2 ) = {7, 4} ,
C (v1 ) = {2n 1} , C (v2 ) = {n} ,
C (v3 ) = {4,5} , C (v4 ) = {5, 6} ,
C (v j ) = {n + j 2}, 2 j n
C (u1 ) = {3} , C (u2 ) = {1} , C (u3 ) = {2} .
C (u1 ) = {n, n + 1, n + 2, , 2n 1} {1, 2} ,
Obviously, f is a 7 SA for C3 K 4 .

C (u1 ) = {1, 2, , n 1} \ {1, 2} , So 'sa (C3 K 4 ) = 7 .

C (u2 ) = {1, 2, , n 1} \ {2,3} , 4. Conclusion

Coloring problem is a classical difficult problem of graph
theory. Smarandachely adjacent- vertex-distinguishing proper
C (ui ) = {1, 2, 3, , n 1} \ {i, i + 1} , edge coloring was first put forward by Zhang Zhong-fu in
2008. A lot of problems need to be solved urgently, such as
2 i n 2 , finding out the smarandachely adjacent-vertex-distinguishing
proper edge chromatic number, such as how smarandachely
C (un 1 ) = {1, 2,3, , n 1} \{n 1,1} . adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge chromatic number
Applied and Computational Mathematics 2016; 5(5): 202-206 206

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