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To do Research

1) the art of socializing is the art of being invited to countries to be part of their lives

Royal invitation is the essence of being able to socialize with protection

Most wanted man on earth

Maximum number of countries to visit and being invited without resentment

PHD at your doorstep which people want to know about

Knowledge being spreaded and inquisitive mindset of public to know from you what they are missing

2) why humans are breed of mermaids

Respiratory system and many science discoveries tally with them

Written in Adi yogi book as to how humans evolved from mermaids

Types of mermaids and their history to be researched upon

Evolution of mankind

3) Darkness and light

Dark is male

Light is female

Male is 1000

Female is 946
Planets have light so is called female

Earth thats why is called bhoomate

In earth creation takes place in the womb of women

So, nature creation happens when light generates electricity

Sex is between darkness and light

So, creation happens when light is dominant else darkness

4) she male can be our ancestor if mermaids are considered

Mermaids are females

She males are found in USA

Sex can be done in both ways

Female she male to female she male

Give birth to child who can be male or female

She males dont differentiate themselves as males or females

They both have dick and pussy to support sex in both ways

5) the whole science of human beings is the science of art of dying

Intellectual die with detachment or gaining entire knowledge to which they were attached

Muscle power die with attachment to things or closeness to some people

Rest of people die in accordance with their attachments to utilities , love , people

Amazing thing while writing I found out that detached people are also attached

Attached to




Mathematical to die through loss of utility

Musical to things die of attachment to people

Meditative people die in sleep out of self-actualization

6) How to avoid global warming across the continents

Remove the subject

Remove the training and development wing

Remove the next generation by giving them alternative subject to do entrepreneurship

Deny knowledge and increase the input into substitute genres

Generate reports against the subject

Make the subject a history of past events

7) How to travel with family members

Food clothing shelter

Stay where all the three are available you would not have problems with life

Hurdles in travelling is above 3, if you can solve them you can easily return back home safely

Finance allocation is also dependent upon how the 3 components are shuffled among themselves

The more the comfort of the three, the more peaceful your life would function when you travel

Keep them busy, you would be peace with yourself

8) what should humans eat

Anything which does not recreate itself without manual labor involved

Plants recreate themselves on their own, roots , stems but not procreated things like radish, potato

Anything which gets rotten by itself when not used can be eaten

Anything which is rotten and has bad foul smell shouldnt be eaten and multiplies itself when left alone

Anything which does not have functionality of its own or doesnt have intelligence should be eaten

9) a country of solutions is country of wealthy citizens

If we can conquer questions posed by ourselves we can be superpower

Superpower means able to guide other nations from their problems

By being mutual in understanding problems of others and being able to solve them countrymen can be

Solutions are the key and the one who holds forth on it is superpower nation with super power men
10) why Sadh guru is saving your life through organizing saving rivers in INDIA

Rivers are the lifeblood of humans

For centuries they have given drinking water and washing your dirty clothes and given you relief

Trees by being implanted can save earth through bringing rivers to your doorstep

Giving you drinking water

Trees main function is to exhale carbon dioxide and remove it from the earth

If this carbon dioxide isn't removed from earth through toxic pollution humans would die faster than

By giving oxygen in return they help in preserving atmosphere from being a death bed for humans

Municipalities are removing trees to save water from being eroded from the land

It isn't a good practice

Research has to be done and proper trees have to be implanted has been advice of spiritual gurus

Follow them and save humanity from extinction

Implosion of earth is nearby, keep everything intact and save each specimen , its natures gift to keep
humans alive

Thought of the day

Trees and their function on earth

11) why people suggest students to work in ethical industries even though salary is less

Have to go to jail for being part of the organization and knowing their rules of game

Financial meltdown and relationships acceptance of their organization

Knowledge of unethical means and being part of the administration know how

Participation in their ruthless enactments and forced to accept their punishments for having knowledge
of theirs

Part of their society is acceptance of part of their articles of association

Easy money and money laundering and acceptance of their job profiles to disadvantages of self

Being in contact means being acceptance of their corporate strategies acceptance

Knowledge of which is acceptance of punishments awarded to them is acceptance of punishments to


Thought of the day

Be in contact with them accept punishments and be bhagidaar in their evil practices ---- no finance in
the end, no knowledge and go to jail practices for being part of articles of association acceptance



12) How to handle temper and hyper type of case study in INDIA by youth

Always report to police any event which is disturbing to you or creating tension in your mind for solution

Always intimate to bank manager any amount which you thing has illegally entered into your pass book

Keep your pass books updated every week

Never open more than 2 accounts of banks in your name and keep it nominee instead of twin usage

Never ever use credit cards and use it only during medical if you have lesser salary earner

Open credit cards only if you have aged people to take care off

Never ever use debit cards on internet, if at all forced to keep pass book updated every week

Make insurance people your ally and ask them to deposit money into your account in case of pension
once per year during financial year for safety

The lesser the transactions into your pass book the safer you are from outside forces of evil

Keep high networking individuals, identify them and keep them closer by

The more you do networking and share information with outsiders, the better your chances of survival
when you are forced to visit court cases in yours or another person's name

Never leave job and shift every now and then as it would lead to confusion in the mindset of employer
and may doubt your ethical which can go against you when in need

If at all you are forced to go to multiple employers for job security and have identified it and getting
tension of not able to keep the jobs safe, go for entrepreneurship and keep the income tax affair safe

Keep the number of houses under your spouse name to 2 as indulgence in more can lead you to
unnecessary richness where law may take severe action against you

How much finance to earn in India if I was you

Any amount which is owned by you and amount which you hold is not transferred to somebody else
under the heading of too much money to carry as load and transfer of money would give you relief if
you transfer

If you transfer money to third party under your name never earn

If you keep it to yourself and govern it properly, own money under your belt

Thought of the day

Never believe anything as real, keep friends who are ethical and never indulge in unethical practices
knowingly as acceptance is crime and put you in trouble maybe leading you to lose respect in society


13) why movies are getting banned in INDIA

All the movies diplomatically being sponsored under U/A

Children are getting scared watching hyper and temper type of movies

Olden days it was relief from office to watch movies

Now days too much of practical movies are giving no hope to public to relieve and have fun

Darker days are coming to India where novelists are asking directors to make movies much more on
unethical issue than on fun

Unethical movies means rape scenes, destruction of mankind, lack of resources to fight back, heroes are
destroyed and are becoming maniacs in movies taking law in their own hands has become a fashion
where public doesnt have representative to voice their opinion

A strict survey has to be done whether hope is available, most probably CBFC has boycotted articles of
association of the country seems like that

Those who are getting unemployed can get jobs in workshops organized by industries through mutual
consent and earn their bread and butter

Thought of the day

In coming years CBFC has to give explanation to mankind and to legislature for its role in India and
most probably has to leave the industry for welfare of mankind


How to fight when INDIA is given invitation to protect its territorial borders

Ask for withdrawal of Indians from the country to which warfare has been asked for protection of
Indians who may be raped openly

Put a request to general assembly for usage of biological warfare so that false warfare is avoided to
show supremacy over Indians

Attend the security council to use warheads over the country who has invited us so that unnecessary
body count doesnt happen on our side to see downfall of motivation of our army men but end the
warfare with zero body count on our side

When complete warfare can be done in a single warfare of making the enemy nuclear reactors leakage
in one step procedure of inception why bother about putting soldiers in the borders to see supremacy

I didnt understand why Truman honorable president wanted to decrease the population of third world
countries when he had knowledge about medical warfare up his sleeve which he could have used
instead of talking about it openly in television during those days

Why are we talking to opposition like spiritual gurus of peace with them putting a request to have
patience and requesting them not to wage wars with Indians unnecessarily when the other country can
be killed off in one go off of withdrawal from economic sanctions when truth is on our side

Thought of the day

Why Indians always request and westerners always act like gods


Whenever the sun moves the earth moves on the similar path

Sun is needed by human beings for survival

Sun is light and where light is formed earth moves towards it


Earth is dependent upon warmth of sun for its survival of animals be it humans or others

If the sun moves right to left , earth moves right to left

Only difference can be angles at which both move towards same direction

Which can be found out through Hubble telescope adjustment every day stationed in earth


Hubble telescope has to shift angles to see sun spots at the same point but not the direction

Thought of the day

Sun is light and light is earths requirement so the movement of earth in direction of sun


Evolution of humans form

Narsimha avatar

Garuda purana

Matsya purana

Vishnu purana

Shiva purana

Etc etc

Are these stages in the evolution of human being forms


Sequential order of evolution of humans through age old history of stories in sequence told through
sages as writers


17) if you want to be number 1 knowledgeable person on earth you can never be (INDIA)

First obstacle you would encounter is entropy in subject relating to PhD done throughout world

Second obstacle is knowledge gained in 21st century is lesser than knowledge gained in 22nd century

Third obstacle you would encounter is specialist's vs generalists knowledge

Fourth obstacle is to determine your knowledge to be true you have to mint money

Fifth obstacle is you have to do secondary data on past to determine present and futuristic knowledge

Sixth obstacle you would encounter is even after surpassing and gaining knowledge you should have
more lifespan than you can expect from nature

Thought of the day

Health vs death vs spirit and purpose of your existence determined by higher force


Being criticized often is the root cause of going into depression by many (INDIA)

If you are criticized by close ones often there are chances of you going into depression

To come out of depression you should read personality development books

Psychiatrists should prescribe a list of books which can boost the self-confidence of depressed people

Dont watch tv or video gadgets and keep yourself to text based reading can increase your chances of
coming out of depression faster than many

Able to relish food and spend 1/10th of your daily quota of money on it can release happy syndromes
into your body which can create health and wealth in your life

Reward to self on every action taken by self through satisfaction of ordering something take away would
give you immense satisfaction

Earn money plentifully within a short span and lead a retired life for rest of your life by balancing the
budget per day basis is solution for many who go through depression or I call bipolar mood disorder
Thought of the day

Retire early with money coming in the form of recurring income generation is smart way to live


The art of warfare in modern perspective ( INDIA )

Destroy the eardrums warfare of 99.9% victory

Warfare is nothing but to demobilize the opposition camp without losing expenditure

Keep the enemy at bay and wage warfare without face to face

Brahmastra was nothing but destruction of ear drums is what I understood practically

When you lose ears and hearing power, there is no life in the minds of humans but scary

Warfare is not expenditure loss but to do it with least expenditure by making opposition immobile

The art of immobilizing the enemy to your type of taste buds is considered to be actual warfare

Thought of the day

Immobilize the enemy and make his sense organs obsolete, with least warfare expenditure

Implosion of birds ornithology and lack of trees ( INDIA )

Remove trees from the earth, birds disappear

Wood pecker lives in trees, birds do

They build nests on trees

Remove these trees, reduction in birds

Trees removal in desert can wipe out birds who do long journeys to keep themselves alive

Study of birds is how study of trees come into affect

The question is

Where do the birds nest be located???

Where do the children of birds take shelter???

Where do the trees take rest when they fly high on the sky???

Thought of the day

Resting places for birds and alternative is it available to them if trees are not into existence


Media and Strauss theory in INDIA

Today's media always thinks of celebrating the knowledge which has come to India to celebrate it for
500 years and live a posh life of even green job

It completely forgotten that world runs on Strauss theory which means generation to generation

If the previous generation hasn't worked on as much as it should knowledge becomes redundant t and
entire work is meaningless

So first thing the media of India or world should know

Jotting down the areas which has to be part of future project

Write a research paper on it and complete 1/3 rd. of it so that they can remember it

If they bring in other students into media they can diversify the project to certain ends which can be
mutually understood and debated upon

One person writing on topic and 100 students writing on it can be huge difference when it comes to

Media thinks going to western nations books is more than sufficient whereas my experience says they
look for diversified opinion and opinions within a set parameter of knowledge of country to see who is
right and what is misguided knowledge being shared in the country which they can condone in near

Writers live for 100 years but have knowledge of sociology in their lifespan of 5 years because of non-
enrollment of students and writers in the country to see consultation rate dropping out for fear of ideas
not being generated through diversified writing

The more the diversified the writing is the more the generation of circles to discuss, more wealth and
more consultation pocketed at the end of the day

Thought of the day

Allowance of writers into each wing in country can give knowledge about sociology instead of one
sorting it out by himself


How to avoid world war III

Look for subjects which have been exciting for the past 3 to 5 years

Look out for how many jargons and acronyms have been created during that period of time
Look out for how many people students have enrolled in the subject

Look out for progress of the subject and its experimentation on the society

You got the bubble of the century to look out for which can create havoc in the lives of countries

To finalize the bubble deal

Look out for natural disaster which is complementary to the bubble which can arise

If it arises that is the disaster management bubble can arise within few years

Because of mismanagement of funds

Another point to note is

Where is the finance of the world lying????

Thought of the day

Bubbles and knowledge go hand in hand



Activity too much is destruction of finance wealth as is seen in china

Too much of wealth accumulating because of overwork leads to fianancial destruction

Too many research done over a period of time leads to wealth production which is destruction

Too many labor hours used by public to construct away highways etc can lead to job reduction over a
period of time

Disaster management principles keep certain economies from growing slowly so that wealth is gained

Educational dependency and slow growth in implementation so that it is understood properly can lead
to greater wealth leisurely
Too many experiments in information technology because of too much of expansion in it because of too
many labor hours spent on it has deteriorated the knowledge making it miniscule growth --- USA

If growth is slow people have lesser money to invest which is biggest gospel of 2008 because not
investing money is better strategy adopted by Russians and brazil in previous bubbles than
overinvestment of money just because it is available in country like USA has led to much more
destruction than it should be

Thought of the day

Less is acceptable form of work than overwork leading to overinvestment and over printing of money
for lack of givers on the country side for the work to be done


Why during bubbles investment should not be done so huge ( INDIA)

Invest 100 rs during bubbles

Invest 200 rs during bubbles

Interest rate 10%

For investing 100 rs interest rate is 10rs

For investing 200 rs interest rates is 20 rs

Now to get back the money the bank has to generate more than interest rate paid to end user
If it is 100 rs it is easy to get back 10rs but it is tough to get back more than 20rs for investment done of
200 rs for simple reason being

Every one doesn't have jobs so entrepreneurship to generate takes time in which if wealth of interest
rates quadrapulate automatically to get back the interest rates accumulating on compound interest the
economy can collapse for not having ways to get back the finance

So if investment during bubble is as less as possible entrepreneurship through profit margin can be got
much more quickly than quadrapulation of interest rate under compound interests

Thought of the day

Lesser finance interest rates have given more entrepreneurship scope than huge interest rates for
want of money by the family


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