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,:r r:{$effi*&@i@glaT::::=*a!

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r,illage, securlty, etc.) citres often must bttild

lntroduction expensive ne\v \renues for lesser-ktlo\\l] sports.
I This t,e1tr,r'l lias r ,--,. '..1"'-, :.- ,1 --r iC Clt\- S

- l t':. .,," , Horver.,er, an Ol1,mpic hosl, city may also

O11rrr1,ir-r ri1r.11'111i r --r'- ,r'thconiir-rg biil
,,r ,,-Li ,r'rnation for
receive substantial reYenue fron-L ticket sales.
frrt'tlte sLlttttttrrl' il'1. =- 1 t'tl, ,t'. ts ,ltt, .'t ,r , : - ;

' i- l:r11'S rePOrtS in tourist spending, corporate sponsorship ancl
: ,t, t:t i'. \-eLl: YOfk television rights. (The host cit5r r"""i,r"s half of
. l .,-. lr str-tciy of the the television revenLlel an American net\,t,ork
w111 pa.y- LrSS4.38 bi11i0n to bloadcasl the four
D:. ,
-,. -:. jal r F-erran Brunet Olympics from 2014 to 2020.) Cilies such ars
rl : , Bl i'c'elon(t.
Los Angeles (1981) and Seoul (1988) actually
l:'.. made a large prof,t. In contrasl. N"Iontreal's
..1.,.' ' r.-,-.f l-rernefits that
rnasslve ciebt from the 197ii Games took over 30
a1lr ( )1'1 f i:r el\-e. aS Urell aS
l.ears to repay. Also, once constlucted, sports

the lri)i-1 .- , :- ,' r : : '- .ril rhen presellt

venues rncur aclclitional mairltenance costs
it1,;,i1 . " ' ,-.r t lre best and
after the Games have encled, ancl these can be
\\uI5l.,... r r,.,1,. u-e $ill offer
snbstantial, for erample ALS$100 rnillion per
reuolnlil-r1,, . '..r r :1-rers.
year afler the 2000 Oll,rnpics itr SyrlneS'.
Benefits and risks '\Yhile crosts are the primary concern for a
' Tlre pot ptll irl 1 ,
': , t'r ,slulg an Olympic host citl-. therr: are other factors to r:onsider'.
(i1mes carr Lc l r., L .
i ire categories: FoL one. hosting the O11'ntpic Games confers
fi nancial conslclet'af t . ,-: 'ltat the Games prestigr: ot'L a host cily and cottttty, u-hiclt
cJntr,n[crollI lr,,-r . . : -.
-lnents fo a citY's can leii.l to increasecl trade and tourism. Thc
qualrt5r of life. Ollrllrirrs are also an oppolturiltl, 1o invest iu
Illrp finatr, iirl inr1,;t, :
-.I1, iisb1 farthe p|0.1ei'1sthat improrre the citlr's O,,u1tt, of 1ife,
JIl(,Sl illlpr)l'l lnl anlr-l I - , ,sts of trosting sur'h rs ne$r transport.ation s)-stems.
' Uli n rlrir-s r-l lr r\, : --,r ,tts of doliars,
t Ir, '

j -: , , cicrttble or e\ren Case studies

a rr, I it is , otnlnonpla,- r :
= I TiLr t,rllowing case studies lepresent u'hat
1.rip1e. In aclclition to th, i,r - . : ,,f hosting the al'e gtnerall-v thought to be atL lcleal outcorne
(irtrres ltlre opelritrg;,tr . ' - -r'Pmonies, athletes' ('BrLlr- tlona 1992) arrct a particLllarlr, negative
OLLIr-,.,nle (Athens 2004) thai lesrLlted for the
@GAMES lir-,st c:itits.
7 eA crucial lesson to be learned from Athens 2004 is the importance
In contrast to other host cities
who have often taken on the of preparing for the long-term impact of hosting the Games. The
Games without clear objectives, Olympics left Athens and Greece billions of dollars in debt - the
the organisers of the Barcelona equivalent of 50,000 per family. fl-o be fair, Greece was far from the
Olympics set one major goal: the only European nation accumulating debt at the time, as the region's
transformation of Barcelona into subsequent years of financial difficulties showed.)
one of Europe's great centres of 10
ln addition, the sporls venues that Athens built for the Games
tourism and business. For this are mostly unused now, but have cost an estimated $ZZ5 million in
reason, the organisers worked maintenance since the Games ended. For economic reasons not
to minimise the direct costs of all of this maintenance was kept up, and by 2012 as many as 21
hosting the Games while focusing of lhe 22 venues built for the 2004 Olympics stood abandoned'
their investment on imProvements 11
Despite these results, Athens began its planning on the right
that would benefit the citY for foot. Like Barcelona, it identified key strategic objectives for
years to come. The construction
hosting the Games: attracting foreign investment, boosting
of sports venues accounted for
exports and increasing tourism. (The chance to bring the Games
less than 1O%o of the construction
back to their historic roots was another key motivation of
costs; the rest of the moneY went the organisers.) However, unlike Barcelona, the stakeholders
to expanding roads, green spaces, in the Athens Games did not always cooperate well, with
housing, hotels and business centres.
disagreements arising among businesses, government
Most notably, the OlYmPic Village
agencies, and political parties. Delays ensued, leading to cost
was built to reconnect the city with
increases. ln addition, the events of September 2001 greatly
its waterfront. An attractive port was
increased the Games' security costs. ln the end, the Olympics
added, and over two miles of beaches
cost the equivalent of 5%o of Greece's gross domestic product'
were created. Much of this was the
work of a well-coordinated partnership
Nevertheless, in many ways the 2004 Olympics improved
between government and business. the quality of life for the city. A modern, state-of-the art airpod
was built. Public transporlation was expanded, resulting in a
ln terms of its direct profit from the
reduction in both traffic and pollution. Pleasant walkways were
Games, Barcelona had a modest
created to connect key sites in the city's historic centre and
surplus of about $5 million. On the
are enjoyed today by locals and tourists alike.
other hand, the Positive effects in
future years were immense. The
improvements to the waterfront and
roads greatly improved the quality of
life. Furlhermore, the Olympics helped
transform Barcelona from an often-
overlooked city to a prime destination
for tourism and business. ln 1990, it was
ranked as only the 1 lth-best European
city to do business in, but by 201.1 it had
soared to number four. Tourism doubled,
and the Olympics generated over 20,000
permanent jobs for the citY.
considerqtion /kan,srde'rerJ(a)n/
exceed /rk'sid/
negotive /'negetrv/

Authentic texts often contoin so much unfqmilior vocobulory thot it is not procticol to look up
every word in q dictionory. lnsteod, reoders use the context to work out on opproximoie ideo of o
word's meoning. lt is helpful to remember these points:
. A new word is often poired with o synonym or on onionym.
A modern, slate'of-lhe-orl oirporl wos built. lstote'of-fhe-orf = modern)
. A new word is often port o[ o collocotion with fomilior words, or frequently used together with
fomilior words.
It is hoped thot the city will reop the benefits of the Gomes {or yeors fo come. /reop benefits =
get benefits)
. The meoning o[ o new word is often mode cleor by stotistics or informotion given loter in the
Barcelono hod o modesl surplus of obouf $5 million. lmodest = relotively smoll)
. Some new words meon the some os similor-looking words.
It is commonploce for budgets fo double. (commonploce = common)

Complete these tines Jrom After the Gomes end. The words in bold ore
synonyms of, or port of collocotions with, the words in the box.

benefits:: icosts r, .exports,'.11esi popolai-"' -.overview',l,,prestige

I ... a general account and of the direct and indirect

benefits ... (paru. 2)
2 The potential and risks of hosting an Olympic Cames
... (para. 3)
3 ... sports venues incur additional maintenance long
after the Games ... (Para. 4)
4 ... hosting the Olympic Games confers on a host citv

... (para. 5)
5 ... attracting foreign investment, boosting .*** and
increasing tourism. (Para. 11)
6 ... maintaining venues for obscure and -- -, -*--.- sports "
(para. 1-3)

Motch these words from After the Games endwith the informotion.
I ... substantial rer=enue .. . (para. 4) - -- s from 11th to 4th
2 ... massive debt . (para. 4) -- b $4.38 billion in television rights
3 ... by 2011 it had soared . . (para. 8) e businesses, government agencies, and political parties
4 ... stakeholders ... dld not aIu'ays - d 30 years to repay
cooperate u.e1l (para. 11)
- I ond 2.
J In groups, work out the meoning of the bold words in exercises

4 Find these words in Aher lhe Gomes end ond try to work out the
meonings. Compore onswers with o portner.

outcomes (para. 2) partnership (para. 7) showcase (para. l4)


There ore o number of woys to show how two ideos, ihings, or people ore different.
. Use olthough, {even) though, while, ond whereos before o clouse (subiect + verb).
While costs ore lhe primory concern for o hosl city, lhere ore other foctors fo consider.
. Use in confrosf, however, nevertheless, nonefheless, qnd on the other hond ol ihe beginning of
o sentence or ofter o semicolon. A commo is necessory ofter eqch of these words or phroses.
ln conlrosl, Monfreol's mossive debt took over 30 yeors fo repay.
. You cqn use phroses such os in confrqst to, despite, in spite of, ond unlike followed by o noun
ond o commq.
ln conlrosl lo olher host cilies, the orgonisers of the Barcelono Olympics set one gool.
. You con olso use however, lhough, neverlheless, ond noneihe/ess ofter o commo ot the end of
o sentence.
Hosting the Olympics roises nofionol pride. lt comes ol o cosl, though.

Circle the correcl word or phrose to complete the porogrophs.

1In contrast In contrast to the Olympics, the FIFA World Cup"' has been
held all over the world, including in Africa and South America. Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, was chosen to host the 201 6 Olympics; ' however, / despite,
it is likely that future Olympic Games will be held in Africa.
The 1996 Atlanta Games made a profit. I Though, / However, many
felt that the use of adver-tisements at those Games was excessive. These
advefiisements were very good business for the sponsors, - though /
in contrast.
Montreal lost an enormous amount of money on the 1976 Olympics.
; In contrast, In contrast to, the 1984 L.A. Olympics made a large profit.
While / Despite a rough start, the '84 Games were a great success. Why
did L.A. succeed where others had failed? 7 Whereas / Unlike the Olympics
before them, the L.A. Games were run mostll. by private businesses.

2 Complete the senlences with your own ideos. Compore ons\ /ers in groups.
I Even though hosting the Olympics is expensive, I believe ...
2 American football is very popular in the U.S. In contrast, most people
in my country ...
3 Unlike events like swimming and sprinting, the marathon ...
4 Sports like rycling and equestrian require expensive equipment; on the
other hand, ...
5 Despite the popularity of soccer, many people .. .

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