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Eur Spine J (2006) 15: S17S24

DOI 10.1007/s00586-005-1044-x REVIEW

Mathias Haefeli
Achim Elfering
Pain assessment

Received: 2 October 2005

Abstract Pain usually is the major chosocial factors may substantially
Accepted: 23 October 2005 complaint of patients with problems inuence pain perception in patients
Published online: 1 December 2005 of the back, thus making pain eval- with chronic pain and thus may
Springer-Verlag 2005 uation a fundamental requisite in the inuence the surgical outcome. With
outcome assessment in spinal sur- this background, pain acceptance,
gery. Pain intensity, pain-related pain tolerance and pain-related
disability, pain duration and pain anxiety as factors inuencing coping
M. Haefeli (&) aect are the aspects that dene pain strategies are discussed. Finally, a
Centre for Spinal Surgery, and its eects. For each of these as- recommendation for a minimum as
University of Zurich, University Hospital pects, dierent assessment instru- well as for a more comprehensive
Balgrist, Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich, ments exist and are discussed in pain assessment is given.
terms of advantages and disadvan-
Tel.: +41-44-3865769 tages. Risk factors for the develop- Keywords Pain-assessment instru-
Fax: +41-44-3861109 ment of chronic pain have been a ments Spinal surgery Coping
A. Elfering major topic in pain research in the strategies in pain patients Pain
Department of Psychology, past two decades. Now, it has been perception Pain experience
University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland realised that psychological and psy-

Introduction one-dimensional scale [3, 74, 44] depending on the

specic instruments tested. High intercorrelations
General aspects between pain-intensity measures and pain-related
disability measures support the concept of using them
Back pain is one of the most frequent reasons for spinal as a unitary construct of pain severity [4, 41]. More-
surgery and therefore, pain relieving is one of the major over, disability is seen as a major indicator for the
aims to be achieved while operating on spine patients. severity of a pain condition and several tools have
Pre- and postoperative assessment of pain and pain relief been developed to assess the pain-related disability.
often serves to evaluate the eectiveness of a specic Some of the most frequently used tools in the eld of
therapy. However, when gathering and interpreting such spinal surgery are the Oswestry Disability Index
data, one has to keep in mind some important ndings (ODI) and the Roland & Morris Disability Ques-
of research in this area. tionnaire. These tools assess the limitations in dif-
There are several aspects that dene pain and its ef- ferent activities of daily living such as dressing,
fects [45]: walking, family life, etc.
2. Chronicity. Dierent denitions of chronic back pain
1. Pain severity. This contains the pain-related inter- are in use. In 1984, Nachemson and Bigos [60] de-
ference with activities (disability) and the intensity ned it as a period of at least 3 months with persisting
of pain. It was found that these two aspects of pain. In 1996, Von Kor and Saunders [43] dened it
pain severity may form a bidimensional [72] or a as the back pain that lasts at least for half of the days

during an year. Raspe et al. [68] investigated 40 epi- and disability recall become more and more inu-
demiologic/therapeutic studies between 1998 and enced by the present pain and disability during a
2000 with regard to the denitions of chronic back period of 1 year while the inuence of actual relief
pain that were used. Between 4 weeks and more than and pain and disability reporting at the initial con-
1 year of persisting pain, he showed that there is no sultation decreased. On the other hand, Von Kor
consensus on the above denition of chronicity. Von et al. [45] stated that recall of chronic pain in terms of
Kor and Miglioretti [42] recently presented a prog- its average intensity, interference with activities (dis-
nostic approach to dene chronic pain by dening it ability due to pain), number of days with pain and
as a clinically signicant pain likely to be present for number of days with activity limitation, lead to
one or more years in the future. A 5079% proba- acceptable validity levels. As mentioned in the
bility of future clinically signicant pain was dened beginning, assessment of pain is broadly used in
as possible chronic back pain and an 80% or larger spinal surgery. In the setting of pre-/postoperative
probability as probable chronic back pain. Using a follow-up investigations, it is unavoidable to use
depression scale of pain intensity during the past 6 some kind of pain recall when current pain as a test-
months, the number of days with back pain and the parameter (as recommended above), is not used.
number of days with pain from other pain sites as With regard to the current literature, it seems to be
prognostic factors they were able to predict which justiable to use short time-periods of pain and dis-
patients would surpass the aforementioned thresh- ability recall for comparison of pain status of patients
olds of 50 and 80%. in the course of back disease. The interpretation
3. Pain experience. This contains pain intensity and pain whether or not a statistically signicant change cor-
aect. Pain intensity describes how much a patient is responds to a signicant clinical change as well or
in pain whereas pain aect describes the degree of dening a threshold remains challenging and needs
emotional arousal or changes in action readiness further research [3]. It must also be kept in mind that
caused by the sensory experience of pain [45]. It has the same method of assessing pain may have dierent
been shown that pain intensity may quite easily be thresholds of clinical signicance, depending on the
declared by most patients and that dierent methods setting for example acute or chronic pain [5, 39, 79].
of measuring pain intensity showed high intercorre-
lation [35, 36]. Contrary to these ndings, alternative
methods of pain aect-assessing did not intercorre- Instruments for pain-intensity assessment
late as high as those of pain intensity, making the
utilisation of this part of pain characterisation more Visual Analogue Scale/Graphic Rating Scale
complicated [58, 59]. A lot of factors such as social
situation, work situation and setting and history of The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) consists of a straight
prior injury may inuence pain perception and show line with the endpoints dening extreme limits such as
large inter-individual dierences. As perception of no pain at all and pain as bad as it could be (Fig. 1)
pain may dier within a time-period, recent studies [1]. The patient is asked to mark his pain level on the line
have mentioned that it is more valuable to ask pa- between the two endpoints. The distance between no
tients to rate their usual pain on average over a past pain at all and the mark then denes the subjects pain.
short period of time, e.g. 1 week, than to ask for This tool was rst used in psychology by Freyd in 1923
current pain at the specic time of fullling a [24]. If descriptive terms like mild, moderate, severe
questionnaire [7, 8, 43]. Posing such questions relies or a numerical scale is added to the VAS, one speaks of a
on the assumption that patients are able to accurately Graphic Rating Scale (GRS) (Fig. 2) [1]. A line-length of
recall their pain levels of a past period of time. 10 or 15 cm showed the smallest measurement error
Whether or not this is reliable is discussed contro- compared to 5- and 20-cm versions and seems to be most
versially. Whereas some studies nd it to be unreli- convenient for respondents [71].
able to assess pain retrospectively [16, 4749] others Scott and Huskisson demonstrated that the congu-
report acceptable levels of validity up to a 3-months ration of a GRS may inuence the distribution pattern
recall period [7, 75, 45]. It has been found that pain is of the answers [70]. Moreover, they showed that the
usually overestimated when actual intensity of pain is experience of patients with this tool inuenced the out-
higher and underestimated when it is lower [10, 19, come. While patients who had no experience with a GRS
4749]. Moreover, Haas et al. [30] found that pain with numbers of 120 underneath the line showed a

Fig. 1 Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)


Fig. 2 Examples of Graphic Rating Scale (GRS)

preference for the numbers 10 and 15, subjects who were Besides the disadvantages mentioned above, the VAS
experienced in the use ignored the numbered scale and seems to be more dicult to understand than other
showed no preferences and therefore, a nearly uniform measurement methods and hence, more susceptible to
distribution of the answers. Analogue observations were misinterpretations or zero-values. This is particularly
made with descriptive terms. In several studies, VAS and true in elderly patients [14, 35, 46]. In conclusion, VAS,
GRS have been demonstrated to be sensitive to treat- mechanical VAS and GRS are valuable instruments to
ment eects [35, 38, 46, 71]. They were found to corre- assess pain intensity and changes due to therapy when
late positively with other self-reporting measures of pain respondents are given good instructions and the limita-
intensity [35, 46]. In addition, dierence in pain intensity tions are borne in mind [14, 70].
measured at two dierent points of time by VAS rep-
resents the real dierence in magnitude of pain which
seems to be the major advantage of this tool compared Numerical Rating Scale
to others [66, 65]. However, this ratio is more reliable at
group level than at individual level. In a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), patients are asked
Several attempts have been made to identify the to circle the number between 0 and 10, 0 and 20 or 0 and
amount of change necessary to be clinically signicant 100 that ts best to their pain intensity [1]. Zero usually
[33, 40]. For chronic back pain, a change of about 20% represents no pain at all whereas the upper limit rep-
and for acute pain a change of approximately 12%, is resents the worst pain ever possible. In contrast to the
regarded to be clinically signicant [5, 33]. VAS/GRS, only the numbers themselves are valuable
As the distance between no pain and the patient- answers, meaning that there are only 11 possible answers
made mark has to be measured, scoring is more time- in a 010, 21 in a 020 and 101 in a 0100 point NRS. It
consuming and susceptible to measurement errors than a thus allows only a less-subtle distinction of pain levels
rating scale . Hence, a mechanical VAS has been compared to VAS/GRS, where there are theoretically
developed where subjects position a slider on a linear unlimited number of possible answers.
pain-scale instead of marking a cross on a drawn line. Numerical Rating Scales have shown high correla-
The investigator is then enabled to directly read the pain tions with other pain-assessment tools in several studies
intensity on a millimetre-scale on the other side of the [35, 46]. The feasibility of its use and good compliance
slider. Several studies have shown this system to be have also been proven [14, 22]. As it is easily possible to
strongly associated with the original VAS [13, 28]. administer NRS verbally, it can be used in telephone
Moreover, it has been shown that the mechanical VAS interviews [45]. On the other hand, results cannot nec-
does have a good testretest reliability and appears to essarily be treated as ratio data as in VAS/GRS [67].
have ratio qualities as well [45]. As in VAS/GRS, a change on the NRS of 20% be-
Lately, computer-based assessment of pain has come tween two time-points of an assessment is regarded as
up. Palm-top computers make it possible to use VAS on being clinically signicant [21, 22].
a touch screen allowing electronic data assessment. A
report of Tiplady et al. [78] stated that pen-based elec-
tronic diaries were highly acceptable to asthma patients. Verbal Rating Scale
Jamison et al. [34] compared the conventional paper
VAS with the electronic VAS in an experimental study In a Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) adjectives are used to
setting, using a pen-based palm-top computer. Pain describe dierent levels of pain [1]. The respondent is
levels marked on the touch screen were expressed as a asked to mark the adjective which ts best to the pain
number between 0 (no pain) and 100 (worst possible intensity. As in the VAS, two endpoints such as no
pain). The paper VAS consisted of a line of 10 cm length pain at all and extremely intense pain should be de-
with the endpoints dened in the same manner as ned. Between these extremes, dierent adjectives
mentioned above. Electronic VAS scores showed a high which describe dierent pain-intensity levels are placed
correlation with the paper VAS and it was concluded in the order of pain severity. Mostly, four- to six-point
that this is a valid and time-saving method for pain VRS are used in clinical trials. A dierent form of VRS
assessment. is the behavioural rating scale where dierent pain

levels are described by sentences including behavioural predict the outcome of surgical or non-surgical treat-
parameters [11]. ment of chronic low-back pain.
Like VAS, VRS has been shown to correlate strongly
with other pain-assessment tools [35, 46, 62]. Compared
to other instruments, the respondents compliance is Instruments to measure pain affect
often as good or even better even though the subjects
must read the entire list before answering, which is time- In general, the same techniques used for assessing the
consuming [14, 35]. Due to the limited number of pos- pain intensity may be used to assess the pain aect , e.g.
sible response categories, some patients may have VAS or VRS. In the VRS, the adjectives describe
problems in dening which answer ts best to their pain increasing unpleasantness caused by pain. The afore-
situation. Moreover, the intervals between dierent mentioned drawbacks of these tools are also valid when
adjectives describing pain may not be equal which may using it for the assessment of pain aect. Furthermore,
reduce the assessment data level to ordinal data level. the evidence for the validity of VRS in assessing the pain
The dierent terms used to describe pain may further be aect is not as clear as it is for pain intensity. It has been
interpreted dierently by respondents. Thus, the inter- recognised that it may fail to distinguish between pain
pretation of a VRS does not allways allow to draw aect and pain intensity [18]. However, some overlap of
conclusions on the magnitude of a change in pain these two issues exist making the distinction between
intensity between two assessments as for example pre- pain aect and pain intensity dicult.
and postoperative and inter-respondent comparison is Advantages and disadvantages of the pain-aect
problematic. measurement by VAS are similar to pain intensity
assessment. The terms dening the endpoints of the scale
might for example be not bad at all and the most
Pain drawing unpleasant feeling possible. In several investigations,
VAS for assessing pain aect have shown to be valid and
In pain drawing, the patient is asked to mark the areas sensitive to treatment eects and to have ratio scales
of pain on an outline of a human gure. According to qualities [45].
some protocols, the subjects are just asked to shade Besides these methods, some more sophisticated tools
those body areas where they feel pain. Others ask the are available to assess the pain aect. They are described
patients to indicate dierent types of pain (e.g. burning, in the following.
electrifying, etc.) with dierent symbols [54] and several
grading-schemes have been developed [32]. Pain draw-
ings have also been suggested for assessment of the Pain-O-Meter
psychological involvement in the pain experience. Indi-
viduals indicating diuse, multiple areas of pain are This tool consists of a mechanical VAS and two lists of
often said to show a high psychological component of terms describing the pain aect [25]. Each of these terms
pain while those indicating pain as distinct line drawings has an associated intensity value ranging from one to
limited to trunk and/or a single limb are suggested to ve. The respondents must decide, which of the 11
mainly suering from an organic problem [64]. Other possible words best describe their pain. Then the asso-
authors however, did not nd a reliable discrimination ciated intensity values are summed together to build the
between patients with and without psychological Pain-O-Meter-aective scale. This scale has been shown
involvement with their pain condition [2]. Furthermore, to be reliable and sensitive in dierent settings such as
some authors postulated pain drawings to be predictive analgesic treatment or dierentiation between chest pain
for surgical outcome of back pain [77]. Recently Hagg caused by myocardial infarction and other chest pain
et al. [32] investigated the predictive value of pain [25, 26]. However, more research on validity and reli-
drawings on surgical and non-surgical outcome in pa- ability in dierent settings should be performed to fur-
tients with chronic low-back pain. In a prospective ther understand this tool.
randomised trial, pain drawings of 264 patients were
analysed by four dierent methods and then correlated
with the ODI [20], the General Function Score (GFS) McGill Pain Questionnaire
[31] as well as with a VAS for pain intensity and the
Zung Depression Scale (ZDS) [84]. There was no asso- The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) consists of three
ciation found between any of the four methods analy- major measurespain-rating index, the number of
sing the pain drawing and the Oswestry or the GFS. words chosen to describe pain and the present pain
However, pain drawing was signicantly associated with intensity based on a 15 intensity scale [55]. The pain-
the VAS and the ZDS. Therefore, the authors concluded rating index is built by a numerical grading of words
that this method of pain assessment was not able to describing sensory, aective and evaluative aspects of

pain. The aective subscale consists of ve sets of words found to be predictive for work disability and future
describing the pain aect. The MPQ is the most exten- chronication of back pain [61]. Besides pain intensity,
sive tool to measure pain aection. It has been used in pain tolerance was found to be the most important
many studies and has recently been reviewed extensively predictor for the development of chronic low-back pain.
[56]. Based on the preliminary results, the Heidelberger
Questionnaire HKF-R 10 (ten items on pain intensity,
pain tolerance, education, eect of massage, depression,
Other aspects of chronic pain perception: coping catastrophic thinking, helplessness, duration of back
with pain, pain acceptance, pain tolerance pain and gender) was developed. This simple tool (cur-
and pain-related anxiety rently available only in German) was able to correctly
predict the course of pain development in 78.05% of all
Nowadays, it is accepted that pain perception is inu- patients [61].
enced by far more parameters than only pain intensity.
Dierent coping strategies have found to inuence sig-
nicantly the development and perception of pain either Importance of pain history
directly [57] or indirectly [83]. Mercado et al. [57] showed
that passive coping behaviour is a strong, independent Besides the aforementioned parameters, a thorough
predictor of disabling neck and/or back pain. That is, assessment of pain history may be very helpful in eval-
patients who gave responsibility for pain management to uating better the back-pain patients. Smedley et al. [73]
an outside source or allowed other areas of life to be for example found in a longitudinal study on 1,400
adversely aected by pain were at a signicantly higher nurses that back pain of gradual onset was associated
risk of developing disabling pain compared to those with psychological symptoms measured at the baseline,
exhibiting an active coping behaviour. On the other but no such association was seen for those exhibiting a
hand, Oron and Reichenberg [63] found young extro- sudden pain. On the other hand, low-back pain of acute
verted men at a higher risk for self-referring to a general onset at work was strongly correlated with exposure to
practitioner and reporting pain than less-extroverted specic patient-handling tasks where no such association
ones. This nding however is controversially discussed was found for gradual onset. Furthermore, previous
as other studies failed to demonstrate similar results [53, back-pain symptoms were signicantly associated with a
81]. Other authors showed that patients with a pattern of higher incidence of low-back pain during follow-up and
catastrophic thinking had more diculty in disengaging the risk of new back pain increased with increasing
from pain compared to those with less or without cat- duration of previous pain and decreasing interval since
astrophic thinking [15]. Several tools were developed to the last episode. However, low-back pain of sudden
assess dierent coping strategies [9, 23, 37, 69]. Truchon onset was associated with greater short-term disability
and Cote [80] showed that some of the subscales of the and more sickness-absence from work. Similarly, Burton
Chronic Pain Coping Inventory [37] and the Coping et al. [12] investigated a cohort of police ocers and
Strategies Questionnaire [69] were able to predict dif- found that exposure to occupational physical stress re-
ferent outcome variables in conservatively treated pa- duced the time from the baseline to the rst-onset of
tients with subacute low-back pain. low-back trouble. Recurrence of pain was associated
It is now realised that acceptance and/or tolerance of with time since onset, whereas chronicity was related to
chronic pain and pain-related anxiety inuences sub- distress and blaming police work. Not only pain onset
stantially the individuals perception of pain. The but also duration of the rst episode of the pain has
acceptance of chronic pain has been found to be asso- some predictive potential. Patients remaining o work
ciated with reports of less pain, psychological distress after 12 months, because of their back, exhibit a high
and physical and psychological disability [50, 52, 76]. On risk of much longer-term disability [29].
the other extreme, high psychological and medical risk These examples illustrate that besides the classical
factors according to a pre-surgical psychological clinical symptoms such as neural claudication pain,
screening were highly correlated to a poor surgical radicular pain or pain aggravation during night pain
outcome for chronic back pain [6]. Pain-related fear was history may add valuable information to a comprehen-
found to be predictive of back-pain intensity in a recent sive picture of the individuals pain situation and its
study by van den Hout et al. [17]. Consequently, several prognosis.
instruments such as the Chronic Pain Acceptance
Questionnaire [27], the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale
[51] and the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire [82] Summary
have been developed to assess these aspects.
Pain tolerance as the individual expectancy of how Usually, pain is the major complaint of back-pain
much pain would be bearable to work with has recently patients and thus, the evaluation of pain is one of the

foundation pillars in the outcome assessment. Pain- the pathomorphologic correlate causing pain and may be
intensity assessment seems to be most reliable when of substantial prognostic importance. Finally, one
asking for an average pain level during a short past should be aware of the inuence of coping strategies,
period of time from 1 week to 6 months. In well-informed pain acceptance, pain tolerance, anxiety of pain and
patients, VAS and GRS are valuable instruments to fear-avoidance behaviour when evaluating the pain
assess pain intensity and changes due to therapy. Some situation of patients. These factors were found to be
restrictions have to be taken into account when using signicantly associated with the outcome after treatment
these tools in an elderly population. NRS and VRS for chronic pain in several trials.
are other methods in pain assessment. Although
being well understandable and easy to handle (also in
telephone interviews), they are not as appropriate to Recommendation
detect changes over time as are VAS and GRS. The value
of pain drawing is controversially discussed. Whereas A standard minimum pain assessment for back-pain
some authors nd it to be useful to assess psychological patients should integrate pain intensity (e.g. VAS/NRS),
involvement in pain, others do not. Moreover, this pain aect (e.g. ve-point VRS) and pain-related dis-
method failed to predict the outcome after surgical or ability. Depending on more detailed research questions,
non-surgical treatment as shown in a recently published more sophisticated questionnaires on pain aect (e.g.
randomised trial. Several instruments that address pain MPQ), coping strategies and fear-avoidance behaviour
aect exist and have proven their validity. Besides all should be used. This allows for a more comprehensive
these methods, a thorough assessment of the previous assessment of pain and factors inuencing pain percep-
pain history may contribute important information to tion.


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