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Vasanth G

Amrita University

July 6, 2017

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1 Quiz 1

2 Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
Gravitational field
Kinetic Energy

3 Conservation of energy

4 Conics

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Quiz 1

a) Spacecraft has launches because

(1) Westward - relative velocity of the Earth
(2) Eastward - Rotation of the Earth
(3) Upward - it needs to go up
(4) We can launch from anyplace and anywhere

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Quiz 1

(b) Geosynchronous orbit should be above equator

(1) True
(2) Need not be

(d) GEO stands for

(1) Geosynchronous Equitorial orbit
(2) Geostationary Equitorial orbit
(3) Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
(4) All of the above

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Quiz 1

(e) Escape trajectory are generally in nature

(1) Spherical
(2) elliptic
(3) parabolic
(4) hyperbolic

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Quiz 1

(f) PSLV and GSLV introduced and type of fuels in their

propulsion respectively
(a) cryogenic and liquid propellant
(b) solid and ion thrust propellant
(c) liquid and cryogenic propellant
(d) cryogenic and liquid propellant.

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.
2 If force acting on an object is function of position alone- then

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.
2 If force acting on an object is function of position alone- then
1 (a) It is conservative

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.
2 If force acting on an object is function of position alone- then
1 (a) It is conservative
2 (b) F (x) = dU
dx Implications?

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.
2 If force acting on an object is function of position alone- then
1 (a) It is conservative
2 (b) F (x) = dU
dx Implications?
3 Plots of potential functions- visualizing the change of the force.

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.
2 If force acting on an object is function of position alone- then
1 (a) It is conservative
2 (b) F (x) = dU
dx Implications?
3 Plots of potential functions- visualizing the change of the force.
3 Why expression has negative sign in it?

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Basic Physical Principles

Potential Energy
1 Define.
2 If force acting on an object is function of position alone- then
1 (a) It is conservative
2 (b) F (x) = dU
dx Implications?
3 Plots of potential functions- visualizing the change of the force.
3 Why expression has negative sign in it?
4 Examples for conservative force field?

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Newtons law of universal gravitation

Gravitational Force
Spherical symmetry.
F = R2
G value is 6.67 1011 m3 /kgs 2
G is defined in terms of Plank Length- Please go back and check the
# 1. Using Newtons law of graviation, compute the mass of the Earth.
Take radius of the Earth as 6371 km.

# 2. A satellite of mass m is in circular orbit around the Earth, whose

mass is M. The orbital radius from the center of the Earth is r. Use
Newtons law of motion to calculate speed v of the satellite in terms of
M, r and the gravitational constant G.

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Kinetic Energy Concepts

# 3. The kinetic energy of a particle moving along a circle of radius
R depends on the distance covered s as T = a(s 2 ), where a is a
constant. Find the force acting on the particle as function of s.

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Conservation of Energy Principle

# 4. A spaceship of mass mo moves in the absence of external forces with

a constant velocity vo . To change the motion direction, a jet engine is
switched on. It starts ejecting a gas jet with velocity u which is constant
relative to the spaceship and directed at right angles to the spaceship
motion. The engine is shut down when the mass of the spaceship
decreases to m. Through what angle a did the motion direction of the
spaceship deviate due to the jet engine operation?

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Semi-major and semi-minor axis

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Perigee- Apogee

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Why do we care about Conics?

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