Measurements of Hydrogen Peroxide in Rainwater: (First Received 10 September 1979 and Form

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~6981/80~1-0653 %02.




Harvey Mudd College, Department of Chemistry, Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A.

(First received 10 September 1979 and in jnal form 15 ~oue~~r 1979)

Abstract -The hydrogen peroxide (H,O,) con~ntration of rainwater falling in Claremont, California has
been measured over a series of precipitation events. The H,Ot concentrations were typically l-160 ppb, but
on three occasions H202 levels in excess of 1 ppm were measured. The H,O, levels generally decrease with
time during the storms. The measured values of H,Or are lower than those which are predicted from the
uptake of ias phase H,Oz into clouds.

INTRODUCDON chemiluminescent analytical method for HrOs. This tech-

nique involves the reaction of H,O, with luminol @-amino-
Hydrogen peroxide (H,O,) is an important com- 2,3-dihydro-1,4 phtalazonedione) in the presence of a copper
ponent of both the polluted and clean troposphere. In (II) catalyst in basic aqueous solution. Complete details ofthe
analytical technique are given elsewhere (Kok et al., 1978b).
the gas phase it can act as a sink for hydroperoxyl The instrumentation was calibrated using solutions of HIOz
radicals or as a source of hydroxyl radicals when prepared by serial dilution of a stock solution titrated with
photolyzed. Measurements of Ht02 under polluted standard KMnO*.
conditions in the California South Coast Air Basin
indicate levels between lo-30 ppb (Kok et al., 1978a). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
In rural air H,O, levels between 0.3 and 3 ppb have
been observed (Kelly et nl., 1979). The levels of HzOz The data presented cover H,O, levels for both
in the gas phase are of significant importance for the summer and winter precipitation events. The summer
modeling of OH concentrations (Crutzen and Fish- precipitation is typically of short duration and is
man, 1977). preceded by large amounts of photochemical smog.
In rainwater, H,02 can play a significant role in the During the winter precipitation events can be of
oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO,) to sulfuric acid several days duration.
(H$04) (Penkett et al., 1979). Assuming gas phase In Table 1 the data for H,Or levels in rainwater
con~ntrations of SO* and H,Ot of 5 ppb and 1 ppb, collected during the s~mer rain showers are given.
respectively, the net production of H,SO, in rain The rain shower of 5 September I978 was very intense
could be as high as 1 gg ml- min-. with a relatively large amount of rain falling in a short
Two previous studies of H,O, leveis in rainwater time. The striking features of these data are the high
are known. In Tokyo, Japan, H,O, levels in rainwater concentration of HzOZ in the initial rain and the rate of
were found to vary between 80 and 860 ppb (Matsui, decline of H,O, with time during the storm. It is
1949). More recently, measurements of H20, levels in impossible to calculate what the H,O, concentration
the Research Triangle area of North Carolina have was in the initial rain drops, but from the trend in
been published (Bufalini et al., 1979). These workers H202 levels observed during the storm, the initial
found the summer rain to contain as much as 200 ppb concentration of H,Oz in the rain would be much
while the winter rains contained about 2-8 ppb H,O,. higher than _the initial recorded value of 1590 ppb.
In the study reported in this paper Hz02 levels in
rainwater have been measured over a wide range of Table 1. Concentration of H,O1 in rainwater
pr~ipitation events during 1978-79.
H,Or con~ntration, Rain amount,
Time* ppb mm
5 September 1978
Rain samples were collected at the Harvey Mudd College
campus, Claremont, California. The rain was collected in
beakers maintained at 0C. Samples were taken at appro- 1700-1800 510 6
ximately hourly intervals during daylight hours and over 1800-2000 170 6
longer periods at night. The analysis for H,O, was conducted
17 July 1979
immediately after the samples were removed from the ice ~--
bath. Under these sampling conditions the decomposition of 0800 1140 Trace
H,Or was minimal.
The H,O, content of the samples was determined using the * Pacific daylight time.

654 &!XiORY L. KOK

/ I 1 4 1 1
IV00 24,,00 06 00 12.00 I8 00 24,;OO 06 00 12 00 1800 24800 06 00
12 00
30 I 79 31 I 79 I279 2 279
Pacific Standard Time

Fig. 1. Concentration of H,Oa in rainwater in Claremont, California during the period 30 January-2
February 1979. The amount of rain in mm is given above each of the sample intervals. The H,O,
concentration of 1090 ppb was measured immediately after a thundersto~.

On 17 July 1979 a trace of rain was collected and decreases in an irregular manner. From 0900 to 1430
analyzed for H,Oz content. This was an early morning there was a clearing of the overcast and an opportunity
shower and minimal photochemical activity had taken for photochemical smog production to take place. The
place. The level of Hz02 measured, 1140ppb, is ozone Ievel during this time reached SOppb. The
consistent with the September 1978 rain. These increase in H,Oz upon resumption of the rain is an
measurements are considerably higher than the indication of photochemical activity. The very high
100-200 ppb observed in North Carolina during the concentration of H,O, measured in the rain between
summer (Bufalini et al., 1979). This is certainly due to 1600 and 1700 is attributed to electrical storm activity
the larger amount of photochemical smog found in the in the area. The production of nitrogen oxides in
Southern California area. electrical storms is well known (Chamiedes et aI., 1977)
The remainder of the data were collected during and it is not surprising that H,O, would be produced
January and February 1979. Figure 1 shows H,02 in a similar way. Following the electrical storm the
levels for rain falling during the period 30 January-2 concentrations of H,02 return to a much lower level
February 1979. The initial concentration of H20, is and continue to decrease.
92 ppb and in subsequent samples the levei of HzOz Figure 2 shows HzOz levels for rain collected on

I80 ,

160 -

140 -

.a r-

8 120-

c, IO0

g 80-

0 60.
40 -
3.0 I5.0 2.8
- _!


4 I I I I I i I
I2 01 18 00 24:OO 0600 12:oo 18:OO 2400 06:OO 12:oo
20.2 79 II 21.2 79 i 22 2 79
Pacific Standard Time

Fig. 2. Concentration of H,O, in rainwater in Claremont, California during the period 20-22 February
1979. The amount of rain in mm is given above each of the sampie intervals.
M~surements of hydrogen peroxide in rainwater 655

20-22 January 1979. The initial rain contained process, thus greatly reducing the concentration of
130 ppb of H,Oz and had a pH of 4.3. Each of the H,Oz present in the final raindrops.
successive rain fractions had pH values of 4.5-4.6. The decrease of H,Oz levels in rainwater during the
Following the initial fraction the H,Oz level decreases course of the rainstorm, coupled with the lower-than-
steadily and reaches an almost constant concentration calculated values of H,O, in rainwater, suggest that
ofabout 40 ppb H,O,. In the two extended rain storms the predominant mechanism for the uptake of H,O, in
which were observed, Figs 1 and 2, there appears to be rainwater is the washout mechanism. The constant
a constant lower limit for the H,O, content of the rain. value of H,O, observed after an extended period of
rainfall may be the contribution due to rainout which
would be expected to be constant during the course of
Corre~a~ia~ with gas phase H202 levels a rainstorm.
Unfortunately, no data on gas phase H,Oz con-
centrations immediately prior to or during the rain CONCLUSION
storms are available. Reasonable estimates can be
made from knowledge of gas phase HzO, levels during These observations show that rainwater can contain
similar atmospheric conditions. substantial amounts of H,Or. The concentration of
On 7 September 1979, atmospheric conditions of the H,O, varies greatly depending on the amount of
H20, were between 1.2 and 2.6 ppb. In addition, two photochemical activity present prior to the rainfall.
measurements of H,Ot were made by aircraft at an Most ofthe observed values for H,Oz are considerably
altitude of 3.3 km. The concentration of H,Oz in the lower than predicted from the gas phase uptake of
gas phase was 2.0 and 1.8 ppb. From this the vertical H,Oz. If the oxidation of SO, is considered in the light
distribution of H,Oz can be assumed to be relatively of these lower HzO, concentrations, the production of
uniform for this date. H,O* will be at least an order of magnitude slower
If the H,O, in rainwater is exclusively due to a than previously predicted via heterogeneous oxidation
rainout process, an upper limit can be calculated for (Penkett et al., 1979). The concentrations of H,O, in
expected levels of H,O, in rain. For the rainstorm of 5 rainwater are sufficiently high to make a substantial
September, assuming a gas phase concentration of contribution to oxidation processes in rainwater.
2 ppb (3 pg me3) and taking this up into 1 ml of liquid Additional data are needed on H,O, levels in both the
water, which is the approximate amount of liquid gas phase and in rainwater before the total significance
water contained in 1 m3 cloud (Mason, 1971), the level of the oxidation of SO, by HzO, will be known.
of H,O, in rainwater is calculated to be 3000 ppb. The
initial concentration of H,O, in rain for this pre- Acknowledgements - The author would like to thank M.
cipitation event was much higher than the initial Lopez for help in the analysis of some of the rain samples.
This work was sponsored in part by the National Science
recorded concentration of 1590ppb. In this case the Foundation-ASRA (Grant No. PFR-76-14702). The con-
measured levels of H,O, in rain give a reasonable tents do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the
correlation with H,O, levels calculated from a rainout NSF-ASRA, nor does the mention of trade names or
process. commercial products constitute endorsement or recom-
mendation for use.
For the other precipitation events, the observed
levels of H,O, in rain are considerably lower than
predicted. Assuming a range of gas phase H,O,
concentrations to be 0.3-l.Oppb, levels of H,Oz in REFERENCES
rainwater are predicted to be 300-15OOppb. This is
more than one order of magnitude higher than the Bufalini J. J., Lancaster H. T., Namie G. R. and Gay B. W., Jr.
(1979) Hydrogen peroxide formation from the photo-
observed values. xidation of formaldehyde and its presence in rainwater. J.
This loss of HzO, can be attributed to at least two enuir. Sci. Hlth Al4 (2), 135-141.
sources. The first is the reaction of the H,O, with SO2 Chameides W. L., Stedman D. H., Dickerson R. R., Rusch D.
or other species in the cloud water. There is evidence of W. and Cicerone R. J. (1977) Nitrogen oxide (NO,)
production in lightning. J. ammos. fci. 34, 143-149.
this in the rain collected on 20 February 1979 (Fig. 2).
Crutzen P. J. and Fishman J. (1977) Average con~ntrations
The initial rain is lower in H,O, than the following of OH in the troposphere and the budgets of CH&,CO, H,
sample and is also lower in pH. This indicates that and CH,CI,. Geopkys. Res. Lett. 4, 321-324.
additional acidic species are present and could either Kelly T. J., Stedman D. H. and Kok G. L. (1979) Measure-
have reacted with the H,Oz or catalyzed its de ments of HrO, and HNO, in rural air. Geopkys. Res. Lett.
6, 375-378.
struction. The other loss mechanism, and potentially
Kok G. L., Damah K. R., Winer A. M., Pitts J. M., Jr and Gay
the major one, could be the destruction of H,O1 B. W. (1978a) Ambient air measurements of hydrogen
during the evaporation stages of the rainfall. In peroxide in the California South Coast Air Basin. Enuir.
aqueous solution, H,Oz is concentrated by distillation Sci. Tech&. 12, 1077-1080.
(Schumb et al., 1955). In the evaporation of a raindrop Kok G. L., Holler T., Lopez M., Nachtrieb H. and Yuan M.
(1978b) Chemiluminescent method of the determination of
the H,Oz would be concentrated in the presence of the hydrogen peroxide in the ambient atmosphere. En&. Sci.
nucleating species for the raindrop. Presumably a Tecknol12, 1072-1076.
majority of the H,O1 would be decomposed in this Matsui H. (1949) On the content of hydrogen -peroxide of

atmospheric precipitates. J. met. Sot. Japan 2, 380-381. drogen peroxides in cloud and rainwater. Atmospheric
Mason B. (1971) 7he Physics of Clouds. Clarendon Press, Environment 13, 123-137.
Oxford. Scchumb W. C., Sutterfield C. N. and Wentworth R. E. (1955)
Penkett S. A., Jones B. M. R., Brice K. A. and Eggleton A. E. J. Hydrogen Peroxide. Am. them. Sot. Monogr. Ser., Rein-
(1979) The importance of atmospheric ozone and hy- hold. New York

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