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Ekonomi Syariah A. (12508174009)

A. Answer the following questions based on the text above.

1. What are the conditions for the existence of a good?

Two conditions are necessary for the existence of a good: a human want, and a
means that will satisfy that want.

2. What is the difference between free goods and economic goods?

The difference between free goods and economic goods is free goods are those so
plentifully supplied by nature that human effort is not required to obtain. Economic
goods are those that are so scarce relative to human wants that human effort is
required to obtain.

3. In what way does a good fall in the classification of free goods or economic goods?

A good falls in the classification of free goods or economic good will depend upon

4. What is the distinction between consumers goods and producers goods based on?

The distinction between consumers good and producers good is on the character
of the goods themselves, but on the use to which they are put.

5. What is the difference between consumers good and producers good?

Consumers goods and services are used directly to satisfy human wants or
practically speaking, are the goods purchased by the ultimate consumer.
Producers good are those used to produce consumers goods or other producers

B. Change the active construction into the passive and the passive construction into
the actives.

1. People have used commodities to satisfy desires and needs.

commodities have been used by people to satisfy desires and needs
2. Taste will influence the quantity demanded.
the quantity demanded has will influenced by taste
3. Insecticides have been produced by the chemical industry for many years.
the chemical industry has produced Insecticides for many years
4. The company must supply the customers with goods and services.
the customers with goods and services must supplied by the company
5. Japanese industrialist are investing big amount of capital in Indonesia.
big amount of capital in Indonesia has invested by Japanese industrialist

C. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list (words not LETTER)

1. Many c. joint ventures have been operating in many parts of Indonesia

2. In the tourism sector, Indonesia has to conduct more e. promotions to attract
tourist from all over the world.
3. The government is h. actively encouraging investor to invest in West Irian.
4. Recently three Japanese manufacturers made a a. complaint to the World
Trade Organization about the Timor automobile.
5. Observers i. predict that the entry of overseas companies will have a positive impact
on the economic sector of the country.
6. The b. fund will be used to improve the economic condition of the
7. The monopoly of Bulog is aimed at price f. stabilization
8. Because of the rising costs more d. sufficient than had been expected was
needed for the operation of the plant.
9. A company needs j. money funds to obtain necessary assets such as
property and building.
10. When an individual borrows money from the bank, this money must be g.paid
back by a specific data.

D. Match the words on the left side with those on the right side which mean the
opposite (xxx xxx)


1. constant h. changeable
2. chief m. subordinate
3. accomplish j. fail
4. borrow n. collect
5. precious c. undervalue
6. amateur i. professional
7. competitor a. partner
8. distribute g. withdraw
9. permit b. prohibit
10. appreciate k. worthless
11. labor e. employer
12. constructive d. destriuctive
13. deposit o. lend
14. concrete f. abstrac
15. rigidity l. flexibility

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