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Review text
A.Indikator Keberhasilan
Setelah pembelajaran ini berlangsung, diharapkan :
- Siswa dapat memahami arti text review
- Siswa dapat memahami ciri ciri text review
- Siswa dapat memahami unsur unsur dari text review
- Siswa dapat memahami unsur tata bahasa dalam text review
- Siswa dapat mengritik terhadap sebuah karya

Kompetensi Dasar
- Membedakan fungsi sosial teks, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks ulasan review lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta penilaian
terkait film/buku/cerita, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

B.Materi Pokok:
1. Pengertian Text Review
2. Generic Structure Text Review
3. Linguistic Feature Text Review

Dear Students, How are you today? I hope you are fine. Ok students, please try to have a
look at the following pictures! ...... Do you like art? What kind of work of art do you like
most? Why do you like to enjoy them? Have you ever critized an art work while you are
enjoying it? Why/Why not?
Listentotome meagain!!!
Whenwe wetalk
work, we are talking about REVIEW TEXT. REVIEW TEXT is a text
work, we are talking about REVIEW TEXT. REVIEW TEXT is a text
criticizean anart
movies,TV TVshows,
audience. The purpose of review text is to summarize, analyze and
audience. The purpose of review text is to summarize, analyze and
responsetotoart artworks
event.Do Doyou

Here is more explanation about

review text

Read and understand the

explanation carefully.

Pengertian Review Text

Mungkin sebagian orang pernah melihatnya bahkan pernah membuatnya. Review
Text adalah salah satu dari jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) yang ditujukan untuk
meninjau suatu karya baik berupa film, buku, benda dan lain sebagainya untuk
mengetahui kualitas, kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki karya tersebut yang
ditujukan untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai.

Tujuan Komunikatif Review Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari Review Text adalah melakukan kritik terhadap peristiwa atau
karya seni untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai, misalnya film, pertunjukan,
buku, dll.

Generic Structure Review Text

Setiap jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) memiliki ciri Generic Structure yang berbeda-beda
sesuai dengan tujuan komunikatif yang akan disampaikan kepada pembaca. Dan
untuk Generic Structure dari Review Text, terdapat 4 struktur kalimat, yaitu:

1. Introduction
Seperti jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) yang lainnya, pada paragraph pertama dari
sebuah Review Text berisi tentang gambaran umum tentang sebuah karya atau benda
yang akan ditinjau. Gambaran umum tentang karya atau benda tersebut bisa berupa
nama, kegunaan, dan sebagainya.

2. Evaluation
Pada Generic Structure yang kedua, Evaluation, memberikan gambaran tentang detail
suatu karya atau benda yang direview, bisa berupa bagian-bagian dari karya atau benda
tersebut, keunikan dan kualitasnya. Tapi jangan terlalu memberikan banyak deskripsi
tentang karya atau benda tersebut, karena teks review kita seakan-akan "mengajarkan"
calon pembeli dan itu tidak bagus. Evaluasi karya atu benda sejauh yang dibutuhkan oleh
pembeli adalah yang paling benar. Istilah yang digunakan dalam sturktur paragraph yang
kedua ini tidak jauh dari kata "baik" atau "tidak" karya atau benda tersebut. Pada bagian
evaluasi, biasanya terdiri lebih dari satu evaluasi.

3. Interpretation
Pada bagian ketiga ini, penulis memberikan pandangannya sendiri mengenai karaya atau
benda yang direviewnya. Tentunya phase ini dilakukan setelah melakukan evaluasi yang
cukup terhadap karya atau barang tersebut. Seringkali untuk mendukung dan
memperkuat pandangan penulis mengenai karya atau benda yang direviewnya, penulis
tersebut membandingkan karya atau benda tersebut dengan karya atau benda yang mirip.
Pada phase ini juga penulis menuliskan di bagian apa karya atau benda tersebut bernilai
atau di bagian apa karya atu benda tersebut kurang bernilai.

4. Summmary
Pada bagian ini, penulis memberikan kesimpulan kepada pembaca terhadap karya atau
benda yang telah direviewnya. Setelah memberikan penjelasan di evaluasi dan pandangan
penlis sendiri di interpretation, tibalah penulis memberikan komentar apakah karya atau
benda yang direviewnya berharga atau tidak untuk calon pembeli.

Ciri Kebahasaan (Language Features)

Pada Review Text terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan seperti berikut ini:
1. Menggunakan present tense.
2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sipat) seperti, bad, good, valuable, etc.
3. Sering menggunakan long clause (klausa panjang) dan kompleks.

Contoh Review Text

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a special
place in my heart.

Evaluasi 1
I have to say that of all of the books, however, this was not my favorite.

Evaluasi 2
When the series began it was as much of a "feel good" experience as a huge mug of hot
cocoa. The stories were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.

Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this feel a
whole new level of intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly
moved by the last page. Other times the book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel.
The galloping pace of the other books has slowed to a trot here, and parts of it do seem
long, as if we're reading all about Harry "just hanging out" instead of having his usual
adventures. Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example -
housekeeping is still housekeeping, magical or no, and I'm not very interested in doing it
or reading about other people doing it.

A few other changes in this book - the "real" world comes much more in to play rather
than the fantasy universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off
his meds. I know that he had a lot to be grumpy in this book, especially with being a
teenager and all, but the sudden change in his character seemed too drastic. He goes from
being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will bite his best friend's
heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it didn't fit with his character, like he turned
into a walking clich of the "angry teen" overnight.

The "real" story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the book, and this part I loved. I
actually liked the ending (and yes, I cried!) as sad as it was. It packed a punch and it made
me care about the story even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would
have been great.

ple of Review


Activity 1
Put the following paragraphs in the correct order to get a good text.

Then, there is school. One of Mia's biggest problems is the fact that she is
not good in Algebra and, to make matters worse, her Mom has begun dating her
teacher, Gross.

As the hilariously funny tale called The Princess Diaries begins, Mia
Thermopolis is just a regular high school freshman at Albert Einstein High School.
She is just a girl as regular as you can be when you live in a loft in downtown New
York with your flighty artist mother. And as regular as you can be when your best
friend is Lilly, a spunky girl who produces her own TV show.

The ending of The Princess Diaries is a twisty one and will leave you
interests for more stories of Mia and the rest of her friends.

Review: The Princess Diaries

Written by : Meg Cabot

Published by : Harper Collins
Pages : 304 pages
Reviewed by : Jennifer Abbots

Then one day, Mia finds out she is a princess. I know that doesn't sound bad
to most girls, but Mia hates the idea instantly. How does this fairy tale come true?
Her father is the ruler of the principality of Genovia and since Mia is his only
child, she is next in line to the throne. Her dad convinces Mia that being a
princess is what she is meant to do: her formidable grandmother comes to New
York to give Mia "Princess Lessons". And as the word spreads around Albert
Einstein High School that Mia is royalty, her life just gets crazier.

As readers can guess from the title, this book takes the form of a diary,
written by Mia. Over the span of a month, she relates her daily woes and
embarrassments in heart breaking detail. Mia thinks she is hopeless, but looks
wise. She's tall and clumsy, but not so gifted in the chest department.

In the boy department, the cutest one in school has the locker next to
hers, but doesn't even know Mia exists. Even as his snooty girlfriend Lana, a
popular cheerleader, torments her. To top it off, Mia is developing some sort of
weird crush on Michael, Lilly's computer-maniac brother

Activity 2
Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.

a. volumes b. short explanation c. full story d. disappointment

e. superior f. wonderful photography g. tropical islands h. paradise
i. photography j. natural wonders

National Geographic's `Visions of Paradise'

Visions of Paradise was published in October 2008.

Publisher: Random House

Visions of Paradise brings together (1) f . The photographers were given free
reign to choose their ideas of (2) h , and the book reflects a wide variety
of choices and experiences. There are some photos that you would expect - beautiful,
natural scenes of deserts or (3) g . There are also some that might surprise you
- portraits or uniquely developed photos of ordinary scenes. Each photo is accompanied
by a (4) b of why it was chosen in the caption.
Those who love (5) i and new ideas may appreciate the unique compilation in
this book. I, however, was a little disappointed. My (6) d can be explained by a
couple things. First, I judged the book by its cover. I love photography of beautiful places
in nature. I was hoping for some amazing looks at (7) j , and was not expecting a
cowboy hat or photo of a mother and daughter. Second, I received this book about the
same time I received Time's Planet Earth: An Illustrated History. I couldn't help but
compare the two (8) a , and I thought Planet Earth was (9) e
d ________________________
If Visions of Paradise teaches anything, though, it is that different people have
widely varied ideas about beauty. I imagine, then, that some people will like Visions of
Paradise more than Planet Earth. I would caution you to check out the book in a store
before buying it, though, since the cover does not tell the (10) c

Activity 3
Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the complete text
in task 2?Correct the false ones.

1. .......... The photographers were free to describe their ideas of paradise.

2. .......... Visions of Paradise reflects a narrow variety of choices and experiences.
3. .......... We can find some photos of beautiful, natural scenes of deserts or
tropical islands in this book.
4. .......... There is no explanation provided for each photo.
5. .......... The reviewer dislikes photography of beautiful places in nature.
6. .......... The reviewer does not expect a cowboy hat on the cover of this book.
7. .......... The reviewer received Time's Planet Earth: An Illustrated History after he
had received Visions of Paradise.
8. .......... First of all, the reviewer judges the book from its table contents.
9. .......... The reviewer likes Time's Planet Earth: An Illustrated History more than
Visions of Paradise.
10. .......... According to the reviewer, the cover of the book does not tell the full


Review text adalah salah satu dari jenis text bahasa Inggris ( genre) yang ditujukan
untuk meninjau suatu karya baik berupa film, buku, benda dan lain sebagainya untuk
mengetahui kwalitas, kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki karya tersebut yang
ditujukan untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai. Adapun tujuan dari
Review Text adalah melakukan kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk
pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai, misalnya film, pertunjukan, buku
Generic Structure Review Text:

1. Introduction

2. Evaluation

3. Interpretation

4. Summary

Sedangkan Ciri kebahasaan ( Language Features)

1. Menggunakan present tense

2. Banyak menggunakan adjective
3. Sering menggunakan long clause

Review Text

Students...! Its time for you to do the test!

Choose the best answer for each question.

Text 1
I am a U2 fan. When I first picked up U2 by U2 with Neil McCormick, I felt slightly
dizzy. I took my time opening the heavy cover and flipping through the thick shiny pages
full of pictures. I glanced at enlarged bold quotes, previewing the details that were
waiting for my closer reading.
U2 by U2 is not a quick memoir on the ban -that could be read in a weekend. It is
not a magazine article, or even a compilation of articles No, U2 by U2 is as dense as one
of the band's albums. Like the music, it can be enjoyed on a superficial level - sitting on
the coffee table, ready to entertain you for a few minutes. But, this is a book that can also
be enjoyed.
Listen to Boy as you read about their early years. Or flip to the section that
corresponds with whatever U2 CD is already playing in your car. The Edge, Adam Clayton
and Larry Mullen, Jr. over revealing, witty insight into the music and the moments around
its creation. Reading U2 by U2 will only make your listening experience more enjoyable
Are you a U2 fan? So, pick up this book. Put it on your birthday list. You won't be
disappointed It's the real thing.

1. What is the text about?

A. A U2 band.
B. A U2 CD.
C. U2 albums.
D. A book about U2.
E. U2 personnel.

2. How many are the personnel of U2?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
E. Six.

3. The following statements are TRUE, except

A. the cover of the book is light
B. the pages are full of pictures
C. there is enlarged bold quotes on the book
D. the book reveals the early years of the band
E. reading the book will only make our listening experience more enjoyable

4. "I first picked up U2 by U2 with Neil McCormick, .... (Paragraph 1)

The word in bold refers to_____.
A. Neil McCormick
B. the book author
C. the personnel of U2
D. the book reader
E. the reviewer

5. "Are you a U2 fan?" (Paragraph 4)

What does the word in bold mean?
A. A machine with blades that go round to create a current of air.
B. A thing, usually made of bamboo or wood, that we hold and wave to create a
current of cool air.
C. A person who admires someone/something or enjoys watching or listening to
someone/ something.
D. A group of musicians who play music together, often with a singer or singers.
E. A collection of music that have been recorded on a CD or cassette.

Text 2
Cewek Metropolis (Drama, 90 minutes) Staring Nita Ferlina, Amalya Sutamarza,
Indah Pelapory, Ferdy Thaeras, Emmie Lemu. Directed by Effi Zein.
Four girlfriends caught in between love and money find out that in the end, money
still cant buy them love. A script has an interesting idea and could have developed into a
powerful story with an appealing twist, but it fails to exploit the moral dilemma of urban
girls survival strategy.
Kay, (Ferlina) and her friends are at a stage in their lives where they are about to
decide how to make their living and to find the answer as to whether theres such a thing
as true love. Pic gives out a message that city life is tough for gals, and that sometimes it
forces them to do the forbidden.
Despite the potentially attractive story, acting remains very weak and sound quality
is very poor.
It is very probably healthier to wear earplugs while you watch this movie to keep the
annoying hiss and terribly high-pitched voices of the actors at bay. Lisabona Rahman.
(Source: Jakarta Post, Sept. 8, 2004)

6. The drama shows the following, except:

A. Money cant give everything to city girls
B. Life in cities is not easy
C. Hard life in cities forces people to do the forbidden
D. The girls wonder whether they can still find a true love in cities
E. People in cities cant live without money

7. In the text the writer criticizes

A. the lighting system
B. the setting decoration
C. the acting and sound quality
D. the dubbing techniques
E. the production house

8. Paragraph 1 introduces .
A. The title and the actresses
B. The actresses and director
C. The title, actresses, and director
D. The title, actresses, director, and writer
E. The title, actors, director, and film crew

9. The content of the story is described in

A. par 1
B. par 2
C. par 4
D. par 2 and 3
E. par 4 and 5

10. Paragraph 5 tells about

A. the writers recommendation
B. the writers comments
C. the details of the story
D. the actresses and the director
E. the movies sponsors

11. that city life is tough for gals.

The underlined word means
A. girls
B. students
C. youngsters
D. actresses
E. artists

12. The communicative purpose of the text is

A. to inform a news story
B. to tell the procedure of film production
C. to give analysis and evaluation to a work of film
D. to explain the process of film production
E. to retell a series of past events

Text 3
The Review of To My Cousin Rachel
Author: Daphne duMaurer
Pages: 387
Publisher: SourceBooks Lansmark
First Released: 1951 (re-released in 2009)

From the bestselling author of Rebecca, another classic set in beautiful and
mysterious Cornwall.
Philip Ashley's older cousin Ambrose, who raised the orphaned Philip as his own
son, has died in Rome. Philip, the heir to Ambrose's beautiful English estate, is deeply
grieved that the man he loved died far from home. He is also suspicious. While in Italy,
Ambrose fell in love with Rachel, a beautiful English and Italian woman. But the final, brief
letters Ambrose wrote hint that his love had turned to paranoia and fear.
Now Rachel has arrived at Philip's newly inherited estate. Could this exquisite
woman, who seems to genuinely share Philip's grief at Ambrose's death, really be as cruel
as Philip imagined? Or, is she the kind, passionate woman with whom Ambrose fell in
love? Philip struggles to answer this question, knowing Ambrose's estate, and his own
future, will be destroyed if his answer is wrong.
This tragic historical romance is set in England during, I think, the mid-1800s. The
excellent worldbuilding and use of symbolism created a brooding, mysterious
atmosphere. The characters were realistic and sympathetic. The pacing was a bit slow
compared to modern novels, but I didn't find the novel dull.
The author very effectively uses characters' body language to convey the truth of
what's happening even when the viewpoint character, Phillip, incorrectly understands
what's going on.
I continued reading the story because I wanted to see what happened to cunning
Rachel and naive Phillip through all the misunderstandings and manipulations.
The only "problem" I had was that the first chapter doesn't make much sense until
you've read the entire book. It's more of an epilogue than a first chapter.
Source: August 23, 2009 < search/label/review>

13. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To retell past events.
B. To explain the process.
C. To describe a particular thing.
D. To analyze and evaluate a creative work.
E. To present two points of view about an issue.

14. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The synopsis of the story My Cousin Rachel
B. The setting and background of the story
C. The relationship between Phillip and , Ambrose
D. The reviewer's evaluation toward the book
E. The reviewer's problem while reading the book

15. The following statements are TRUE according to the text, except ...
A. the setting of the story is England during the mid-1800s
B. Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel were written by the same author
C. the reviewer thought that the characters were realistic and sympathetic.
D. in My Cousin Rachel, Ambrose was raised by Philip as his own son
E. the reviewer continued reading the story to see what happened to Rachel and
Phillip finally

16. "The only "problem" I had was that the first chapter doesn't make much sense . . . ."
(Last paragraph)
The word in bold refers to
A. the author of the novel
B. the reader of the review
C. the writer of the review
D. the reader of the novel
E. the main character of the story

Text 4
This series is based on a true story of a girl named Aya Kito who was stricken by a
cruel disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration. This disease affects Aya's nervous
system and as the name suggests, it poses a degeneration of her movement, and will
eventually affect her mobility, speech and even her ability to eat. The theme of this series
is very depressing but the overall tone is very heartwarming. Aya Kito's diary was made
into a best-selling book and the series follows her sufferings as she struggles to find hope,
strength and courage to face such a devastating disease.

17. What is the most suitable title for the text?

A. The Spinocerebellar Degeneration.
B. The legend of Aya Kito.
C. Aya Kito's sufferings.
D. The tear jerking scenes.
E. Aya Kito's true story.
(Ujian Nasional 2007/2008)

18. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The story was based on Aya's letters.
B. The story was based on a true story.
C. The disease is devastating.
D. The diary was a best-seller:
E. Aya was a strong girl.
(Ujian Nasional 2007/2008)

19. How does the reviewer evaluate this book?

A. Aya Kito's diary was the best-seller.
B. The overall tone of the book and its series is very heartwarming.
C. It explains Aya Kito's disease which affects her nervous system.
D. it is based on a true story of a girl named Aya Kito.
E. It presents Aya Kito's struggle to find hope, strength and courage to face her

20. Spinocerebellar Degeneration will cause the following, except

A. limiting one's mobility
B. a degeneration of one's movement
C. reducing one's ability to memorize
D. disturbing one's ability to eat
E. disturbing one's speech

1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20


Setelah kalian telah menyelesaikan bab ini dengan memberikan jawaban pada soal
evaluasi, cocokkanlah jawaban kalian dengan kunci akhir modul. Hitung dengan benar
dan gunakan rumus berikut untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap isi
bab ini.

Jumlah jawaban benar

Tingkat Penguasaan =_____________________ x 100%
Jumlah Soal

90- 100% = baik sekali

80 89 % = baik
70 -- 79 % = cukup
70% = Kurang

Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian minimal mencapai skor 80 %, maka kalian dapat
melanjutkan pembelajaran ke bab berikutnya. Jika masih belum mencapai angka
tersebut, sebaiknya kalian mengulang kembali pada pembelajaran bab ini.

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