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Orheiul Bistritei, Bistrita

The fort is situated in the village, on the banks of Budacu having a surface of circa 3 ha. The research is
preetz much incomplete, part of the castra is unerathed and on oven, 600 m of the site showing the
probable location of the civilian settlement. According to archaeoligical material cohors I Hispanorum
milliaria stationed at a fort.

From the typical bulidings situated inside a fort, only few have been indentified; the preatorium and the
officers baths awhich are situated inside the fort. According to literature, it has 16 rooms equipt also
with heating, and the plan sufferd many alterations. We know very little.

Rosenau/Rasnov, Brasov

The archaeological site is situated 3 km form the city, on the banks of the river Brsa, having the surface
of 4 ha. Sistematic research started on a local level in the 1904-1905 contuniunig in1908, 1929, 1930,
1932 and were taken over by the Archaelogical Institute in Cluj, in the 40es. Other projects were crried
out between 1969-1974, and 2006.

The fort is dated as late, established under Hadrian and the beginig of the rule of Antotninus Pius. 3
phases have benn identitfied in the construction of the ruins: * Holz-erde-kastell ein stein kastell and a
phase of modification. Archaeoligical material shows that more troops, the VI nova Cumidavensium
Alexandriana Severiana? or the Vindelicorum p. f. Cumidavensis Alexandrianae statinedat a fort.
according to smallfinds gathered from the sorroundings of the fort shows the evidance of a vicus.

The baths and a water tank have been identified in the latus sinistrum, inside the fort. Despite the
extensive excavations we know very little about the baths.

Ilisua, Bistrita

The archaelogical site is situated on the left bank of the river Ilisua, on a hill called Mgura near the
village Orel. Excavations lead back to the 19. century preformed by Torma Karoly, and due to the
extensive research project started in the 1978 has a considerable part unearthed. We know of the 3 ha
large castra, civilian settlement, the cemetery, temples pottery worshops and many other.

The fort has 3 phases identified. (*2Holz-erde-kastell ein stein kastell). Dates to 2-3 century, established
in 106. The arch. evidance states the presents of more then one stantionary troops at the auxiliary fort:
a detachment of the din Leg XIII Gemina, and la Coh II Britannica, most of the epigraphical evindance
mentions Ala I Tungrorum Frontoniana as a steady stationaring troop.

Tha baths seemly reflects this situation. Torma Karoly identified two baths, later research another.
Today it seems only two baths are accepted, as bearing that function.
Inlaceni, Harghita

The site is situated NE from the village. It was first identified in 1858, the ruins, elements of the walls
were visible on terrain. Research was conducted first by Zoltan Szkely in 1947, excavation followed
shortly after in 1950 under the coordination of Macrea. Two phases have been identified, and the
surface of the fort is thought to be circa 2 ha. The fort dates from the turning point of the rule of
Hadrian ad Antonius Pius and functioned under the reign of Caracalla. The inscription and stamps show
that 2 troops were situated here, Cohors VIII Raetorum and Cohors III Hispanorum until 3 century.
Evidance also point to the presents of Cohors I Alpinorum (Clugreni, Sreni ) and Legio XIII Gemina.

A civilian settlemen has been slo identified V from the fort, in the place called "Grdina Cetii
(Varkert), a short reserch was conduceted by Zoltan Szekely.

The baths are situated to the vest of the Fort, 60 m, int the place "Grdina Palatului (Palota kertje.
Excavation took place in 1950, and 4 rooms have been identified, two of them with floor heating, dated
after Antoninus Pius (build together with the stone fort)

Odorhei, Harghita

The site is situated in the W part of the town.

The ruins were first mentioned by Szigeti Mihaly teacher, in 1828 and remaind unnoticed even by Orban
Balazs until 1874, when cattle fairground was under work and the ruins came to light namely the
baths. Later Goos Kroly, present at field works, shared a proper report of the findings. The roman fort
has a surface of circ. 2 ha, and suffered a lot of alterations and rebuilding and was later integrated into a
13. century medieval fortress, named Csonkavr and a 16. century fortress named Szkely-tmadt. The
first proper excavation was conducted by Istvan Ferenczi.
Based upon the arch. material the fort may be dated to the as established under Traian, and
functioned until 274. Due to few epigraphical evidance we know little about the stationing troops,
according to Teglas Gabor: Co(ohors) Ub(iorium)

The baths uncovered during the city operations were handled with care, from the instance the ruins
were noticed thanks to the contribution of the accounts of Vnky engineer and wife, Szcs Mrton who
collected the finds and Deputy Lieutenant Ugrn Jnos who made sure the finds get to the local
museum. Based upon the arch. material the fort may be dated to the as established under Traian, and
functioned until 274. Stationing troops based upon few epigraphical evidance we know little about,
according to Teglad Gabor: Co(ohors) Ub(iorium)
The edifice is well documented, renderring a good idea of the plan and rooms of the baths.

Bereck, Covasna

The site is situated NE from the village, on the right bank of the river, on the place called "Vr",
noticeable to the eye. Research was conducted by Panaitescu in 1925 and Macrea in 1950. Two phases
have benn established. The fort has apox. a surface of 2, 5 ha and representing difficulties it is
presumed to have been estabilshed under Traian. Based upon the arch. findings two troops stationed
at the fort: de Cohors I Hispanorum i Cohors I Bracaraugustanorum. A civilian settlement and the
military baths have been also identified, but only partialy researched.

1. a.) Xanten, Colonia Ulpia Traiana, II, phase. Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix , 2. century b.)Olympia baths early
tradition Nielsen, transition from greek to roman. Build in a hypocaust it becomes a
caldarium/sudatorium, Vitruvian caldarium. Nielsen c.) Cheapside, London 1 century, original phase,
flavians d.) Isthmia, plan with central room plan, 2 century, romanizing baths of Greece, Andre

2. a.) Cypros resemblence to Campanian baths, balaneia of early roman tradition like 1.B. , with
sudatorium, tubuli for tubulation and roman walltypes. b.) Bourgrara, Tunezia ?

3. a.) Vieil Evreux, II century, begining b.)Baia, little bath, I centrury and but also before Antonius Pius,
Tiberius in Kempten. I. century c.) Trier, 3 century Circular element but also before Antonius Pius,
Tiberius in Kempten. I. century

4. Mehadia. Cohors VIII Raetorum (Inlaceni)

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