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Introduction to Fatigue and

Fracture of Materials
Fatigue: is a form of
failure that occurs due
to fluctuating or
dynamic stresses.
Where fatigue occured
Introduction P Static Failure:
30 mm

30 mm
Recall static failure
P = 180 kN, if s = 250 MPa

Fatigue Failure

Fatigue problem!!!
We must compare stress to endurance limit!!
75 % of mechanical components are subject to fatigue cycles. Examples???
Fatigue Failure

Characteristics No deformation

Material Ductile or brittle

Stress concentration Very important to consider.

Fatigue starts at the surface
Key stresses Mean and alternating equivalent stresses

Failed surface Smooth velvety surface followed by brittle

surface + beach marks

Compare with static failure!

Static: Find load at which material fails.
Find yield strength or ultimate strength.

How to determine fatigue strength of materials?

Three parameters to vary:
- Mean Stress
- Alternating Stress
- Number of cycles
Fatigue Stresses

Flexural stress

Axial stress Torsional stress

Fatigue Stresses
Stress cycle:
Reversed stress cycle a sine wave where the
maximum stress and minimum stress differ by a
negative sign. Example: in an axle
Repeated stress cycle the maximum stress
(smax)and minimum stress (smin) are asymmetric (the
curve is a sine wave) not equal and opposite. This is
the most common in engineering application.
Random stress cycle stress and frequency vary
randomly. Example: automobile shocks, where the
frequency magnitude of imperfections in the road will
produce varying minimum and maximum stresses.
Fatigue Factors
Surface preparation: Since fatigue cracks frequently start at or near
the surface of the component, the surface condition is an important
consideration in fatigue life.
Effect of temperature: the fatigue strength is highest at low
temperatures and decreases gradually with rising temperature.
Environment: Fatigue occurring in a corrosive environment is usually
referred to as corrosion fatigue. It is well known that corrosive attack
by a liquid medium can produce etch pits which may act as notches
Effect of mean stress : Low cycle fatigue and high cycle fatigue
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
The main characteristics of fatigue fracture is the small
deformation on the fracture surface. This type of fracture
is usually catastrophic, because no indication of failure is
present. Cracks that can initiate fatigue fracture are very
fine and are difficult to detect. Once the cracks propagate,
the failure will occur in a very short time.
The process of fatigue failure is characterised by three
distinct steps: (1) crack initiation, where small crack form
at some point of high concentration, (2) crack propagation,
in which crack propagates incrementally with each stress
cycle, and (3) final failure, which occurs very rapidly once
the propagating crack has reached a critical size. one
after another.
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
As a consequence of the three-stage process, the fracture
surface due to fatigue can be divided into three zones: (a)
initial crack zone, (b) striation zone where crack propagates
rapidly, having a granular and relatively rough surface, and
(c) final failure zone.
Fatigue failure usually starts at the surface of the material,
at some point of stress concentration, such as: surface
scratches, sharp fillets, keyways, threads, dents, etc.

Initiation of crack always started at the surface of

material due to several factors :

(i) slip is easier at the surface than in the interior

of the grains
(ii) the environment is in contact with the surface
(iii) Any specimen misalignment / dimension will
always give higher stresses at the surface.
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Once a crack has nucleated, it then
propagates in two stages.
Stage I propagation: is usually occur
along crystallographic planes of high
shear stress. The fatigue surface that is
formed: flat and has a featureless
Stage II propagation: crack extension
rate increases dramatically. There is a
change in propagation direction to one
that is roughly perpendicular to the
applied tensile stress. Crack growth
proceeds by a repetitive plastic blunting
and sharpening process.
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
One can determine that a material failed by fatigue by examining
the fracture sight.
A fatigue fracture will have two distinct regions; One being
smooth or burnished as a result of the rubbing of the bottom and
top of the crack( steps 1 & 2 );
The second is granular, due to the rapid failure of the material.
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Other features of a fatigue fracture are
beachmarks and striations.
Beachmarks, or clamshell marks, may be seen
in fatigue failures of materials that are used for a
period of time, allowed to rest for an equivalent
time period and the loaded again as in factory
Striations are thought to be steps in crack
propagation, were the distance depends on the
stress range. Beachmarks may contain
thousands of striations.
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Fatigue Failure and Fracture
Bentuk Patahan Fatik
Pengujian Fatik
Types of fatigue testing machine:
1. Mesin Balok Putar (Rotating bending).
a. Tipe Momen Tekuk Tetap (constant bending moment)
b. Tipe Tekuk Kantilever (cantilever bending)
2. Mesin Tekuk Bolak-Balik (reciprocating bending).
3. Mesin Tegangan Axial Langsung (direct axial stress).
a. Tipe Gaya Brute.
b. Tipe Resonan.
Pengujian Fatik
4. Mesin Goncang Vibrasi
a. Tipe Mekanik.
b. Tipe Elektomagnet.
5. Mesin Puntir Ulang.
6. Mesin Tegangan Multiaxial
7. Mesin Loop tertutup kontrol Komputer.
8. Mesin Uji Komponen untuk aplikasi.
9. Skala Penuh atau Sistem Uji Fatik
Pengujian Fatik
Pengujian Fatik
Pengujian Fatik
Pengujian Fatik
Standar Pengujian Fatik
Benda uji(spesimen) untuk uji fatik
persiapan harus uniform. Machining
harus tidak merubah struktur permukaan
logam, maka cutting yang berat dan
menimbulkan panas, grinding yang kuat
tidak diperbolehkan.
Poles secara teknik metalographic agar
permukaan spesimen lebih halus.
Benda uji harus licin
S-N Curve
The basic method to present fatigue data
is by using S N curves, which shows the
stress level (S) vs stress cycle (N) before
It is common to plot the number of cycle
(N) in logarithmic scale, and stress (S) in
a , max , atau min.
S-N Curve
S-N Curve
Fatigue strength: the stress level at which failure will occur for
some specified number of cycles
Fatigue life (Nf): the number of cycles to cause failure at a
specified stress level.
Nf = Ni + Np
Where Ni = number of cycles for crack initiation, and Np=
number of cycles for crack propagation
Endurance limit: the maximum level of stress at which
materials will never fail.
S-N Curve
S-N Curve
S-N Curve
S-N Curve
Full-scale Fatigue
Example of full-scale fatigue test on wing upper
skin Hawk Mk 51
Full-scale Fatigue
Strain gage setting on Wing Upper Skin for full-
scale fatigue test
Full-scale Fatigue

Raw data from the full-scale fatigue test on this

component very specific to support needs of
Full-scale Fatigue
Results of raw data processing
Full-scale Fatigue

Results of full-scale fatigue:

The first crack initiation occurred after 2000 FH (Flight
How to calculate this? must be specifically
calculated for each component with a certain load

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