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A program which helps to create written document and lets you go back and make
corrections as necessary
a. Home row keys
b. Tool bar
c. Folder
d. Word processor

Correct Answer: Word Processor

. Graphics for word processor

a. Peripheral
b. Clip art
c. Highlight
d. Execute

Correct Answer: b. Clip art

3. What type of software is used for creating letters papers and other documents?
a. Database
b. Word Processor
c. Spreadsheet
d. Operating Program

Correct Answer: b. Word Processor

. What does the Ctrl + I shortcut key accomplish in Ms-Word?

a. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
b. It adds a line break to the document
c. It makes the selected text bold
d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.

Correct Answer: d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.

5. What is the file extension of Ms-Word document?

a. Dot
b. Doc
c. Dom
d. Txt

Correct Answer: b. Doc

6. In H2O the figure 2 is appeared lowered. Which effect has been applied?
a. Superscript
b. Lowered
c. Subscript
d. Laid down

correct Answer: c. Subscript

. Why are headers and footers used in document?

a. To enhance the overall appearance of the document
b. To mark the starting and ending of a page
c. To make large document more readable
d. To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed

Correct Answer: d. To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is

8. Which of the following shortcut key is used to check spelling?

a. F1
b. F2
c. F7
d. F9

Correct Answer: c. F7

9. What does Ctrl + B shortcut accomplish in Ms-Word?

a. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
b. It adds a line break to the document
c. It makes the selected text bold
d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.

Correct Answer: c. It makes the selected text bold

1. WordStar, Word Perfect and Professional Write all are Word Processors run in DOS mode?

2. Which of the following application is not included in Office Package?

Word Perfect
Power Point
3. For which of the following task MS Word is not best suited?

Writing Thesis with 100s of pages

Automatically formatting pre-written document
Creating Slides to show in a workshop or seminar
Combine main document and data source to send letters too many recipients.
4. Which of the following is not the feature of MS-Word?

Margins and page length can be adjusted as desired

Spelling can be checked and modified through the spell check facility
Provides tools such as data consolidation, goal seek, scenario etc.
Multiple document/files can be merged
5. Macros are?

Small add-on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them.
Programming language that you can use to customize MS-Word.
Large tools in Word such as Mail Merge.
Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA.
6. What process should be used to recall a document saved previously?

7. Which of the following bar is not available in MS-Word?

Formula Bar
Status Bar
Menu Bar
8. While working in Ms-Word you have to work with

Mouse only
Keyboard Only
Both Mouse and Keyboard
9. In Ms- Word every command is available in?

10. Menu Item in dim color (gray) indicate that the menu is?

Unavailable for current context

Not much required menu
Toggle Menu
Over Used Menu

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