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rest cope 02111010 FORM TP 2007168 MAY/JUNE 2007 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION CARIBBEAN STUDIES PAPER 01 T hour 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES J, Answer ALL questions. 2. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. 3. You should NOT bring notes or other textual materials into the examination room for use during this paper. 4. You have an average of six minutes per question. ———. Copyright © 2005 Caribbean Examinations Council®. All rights reserved. 02111010/CAPE 2007 aoe SECTION A MODULE 1 - CARIBBEAN SOCIETY AND CULTURE 1. @_ Give THREE possible meanings of the term ‘creole’ as itis used in Caribbean society and culture, c0} @ aii) [3 marks] (&) Using an example from the Caribbean, explain whatis meant by the term ‘interculturation’. [3 marks] ‘Total 6 marks 2, (@_ Outline TWO social consequences of the impact of hurricanes on the Caribbean. @ cial ShaiPestion refeie to the presence BF ick sti: d Seabee ne @lDve the. colts » So ayoubs coldcl are pgakad 9% 9°G6'ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0211 1010;CAPE 2007 Pen eee Pe eer Er eee eee eee ee eee te eee eee eee re [4 marks] (b) Outline ONE economic consequence of the impact of hurricanes on the Caribbean. [2 marks] Total 6 marks 3. (a) Name TWO regional territories to which large numbers of Caribbean people migrated between 1838 and 1920. @ i) [2 marks] (6) Give TWO reasons for such migration. OG eee eee ee eee eee Gi) SRE ssHTEEECSEEEEE CEES EEE EU EEP CS eSEE Conese [4 marks] Total 6 marks 4. State TWO ways in which Caribbean people may benefit from the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), @ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 02111010/CAPE 2007 Gi Total 6 marks 5, Describe TWO ways in which the foreign mass media influence the interests of Caribbean people. @ i) ‘Total 6 marks SECTION B MODULE 2 ~ ISSUES IN CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT 6 (a) Name TWO institutions which facilitate globalization. o wi {2 marks} (b) Describe ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage that Caribbean countries face in borrow- ing money from intemational lending agencies. Advantage GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0211 1010/CAPE 2007 Disadvantage [4 marks] Total 6 marks 7, Outline THREE challenges to the success of CARICOM. ® @ ii) ‘Total 6 marks & @ is meant by the statement that social justice is based on natural rights. 13 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02111010/CAPE 2007 Wee (6) Show how an identified breach of social justice ean affect development in the Caribbean. [3 marks] Total 6 marks 9 Describe THREE unique contributions of Indo-Caribbean peoples to Caribbean society and culture. @ Gi) Gi) Total 6 marks 10. riefly describe THREE ways in which the hosting of international sporting events in the region can have a direct social impact on Caribbean states. @ Total 6 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0211 1010/CAPE 2007 SECTION C : MODULE 3 - INVESTIGATING HUMAN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE CARIBBEAN 11. (@)_—_Whatis a research statement? U mark J} (b) Indicate which ONE of the following is a research statement and give ONE reason for your choice. (“Caribbean society continues to grapple with the ALDS epidemic.” OR (i “Indiscriminate sexual practices have contributed to the rise of AIDS cases in the Caribbean.” (3 marks] Total 4 marks (2) Explain what is meant by the limitation of a study. [2 marks} () Give TWO reasons why a bibliography is needed in a esearch report. ® iy ees [2 marks} Total 4 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0211 1010/CAPE 2007 13. 14. @ (b) (a) b) -8- Ina research study on waste disposal, @ student used observations and unstructured interviews to collect information on peoples’ actions. ‘What TWO methods should the student use in the presentation of data? @ Pee eee eee Gi) eae [2marks] Give TWO disadvantages of unstructured interviews as instruments for collecting information in conducting research. @ An ike vi Cause a ~_M\ nko for _Yecee migls vat Yon bn Ye Ful ond Con Cause in-accuo® clato. [2marks} ‘Total 4 marks If you are conducting research on the personal incomes of citizens in your country, what TWO ethical issues should you consider? ® ch : ae [2marks] ‘Name ONE suitable method of data collection in conducting the research stated at 14 (a) and give ONE advantage of this method. Method: Queckionnarice Advantage: Quekarnories eon dake litle time hy dishibule and taku Shed tne > Gmblele aad iL turfadadal t [2 miarks} ‘Total 4 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (0211 1010/CAPE 2007 -9- 15. (a) __ List TWO criteria that must be considered when selecting sources of information in any research, @ a Gi) [2 marks] (©) Why do you consider these two criteria important? [2 marks] Total 4 marks END OF TEST 0211 1010/CAPE 2007

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