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Managing & Ldg Effective Org - MBAC-6000-92J 1

Concordia University Chicago

MBA Program

Student: Nodirbek Sapaev

W North Shore Avenue Apt 3

Day Telephone: (312) 684 60 43

Evening Telephone: (312) 684 60 43

Assignment Title: The Stand out Leader

Date of Submission: 09/04/2017

Assignment Due Date: 08/04/2017

Course: MBAC 6000 Leading and Managing Effective Organizations

Section Number:
Semester: 1

Course Instructor: Margaret Johnsson Commented [M1]: I am an adjunct professor. Therefore it is

appropriate to refer to me as either Margaret Johnsson, Adjunct
Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I Professor or as Professor Margaret Johnsson or as Prof.
Margaret Johnsson.
received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I also have cited any
sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I certify
that this paper was prepared by me specifically for the purpose of this assignment, as directed.
Students Signature:
[Digital signature] Commented [M2]: You should include your electronic signature
Managing & Ldg Effective Org - MBAC-6000-92J 2

The Standout Leader

Nodirbek Sapaev

Concordia University Chicago


Margaret Johnsson Commented [M3]: See prior comment.

Assignment 1

Note: This paper demonstrates all of the APA Level Headings. For a paper that is 3-7 pages in

length, one, two level headings are generally used-Level 1 & Level 2. The rule is that you need

to have two of each, and headings are not stacked on top of one another without text separating


Internal headings are in bold. Titles are not in bold. Commented [M4]: Delete this paragraph.
Managing & Ldg Effective Org - MBAC-6000-92J 3

APA Referencing Commented [M5]: This section belongs at the end of the paper
and should be entitled References. Page numbers should be included
1. Stephen, R.C.(December 10,2007). The Leader formula: The 4 things that make a wherever possible and/or applicable.
good leader. Retrieved from Commented [M6]: Dr. Stephen Coveys last name should be
2. Balakrishnan,A. (June 21, 2017). Jack Ma: World leaders must makehard choices or used: Covey, S.

the next 30 years will be painful. Retrieved from
3. Goalman,D. ( 2004). What makes a leader. Harward Business Review. Retrieved from Commented [M7]: Spelling error. Commented [M8]: Spelling error.
4. Arruda, W. (2017). 9 differences between being a leader and a manager. Retrieved Commented [M9]: List the publication before the retrieved from
Managing & Ldg Effective Org - MBAC-6000-92J 4

Introduction Commented [M10]: APA style does not include a heading

entitled, Introduction, as it is assumed that is what the first paragraph
Of course, the way how we perceive leadership differs depending on the leaders that are of your paper is the introduction to the rest of the paper.

known and famous around us. For instance, some people believe that people are not born Commented [M11]: The first line of each paragraph should be
indented, for APA style.

with special talents to become either a manager or a leader. And managers can become While this correction applies throughout the document, this is the
only place this correction will be mentioned. I expect that this will
be an easy correction for you to make on the next assignment.
leaders through development in their skills, talents and endeavors in the future. Others might
Commented [M12]: Delete this word.
perceive leadership as innate ability in particular. Therefore, these two perceptions are likely Commented [M13]: Use third-person voice rather than first-
person. Please refer to the Purdue Owl APA guidelines (link
available in Blackboard) or the CUC Writing Center for help with
to affect the way how we become leaders. That is why, we are sometimes confused to choose this type of writing style.

While this correction applies throughout the document, this is the

one and define our way to become a leader. It needs to be pointed out that our beliefs tempt to only place this correction will be mentioned. I expect that this will
be an easy correction for you to make on the next assignment.

influence on how we evaluate our perceptions about becoming leaders through life.
Commented [M14]: Use third-person voice.

As for me, I totally agree with the people, who are as far as concerned that leaders are not

born, however, without any doubt, it is achieved through continuous improvements in our life

experience. Because, there are a few reasons, that supports my belief in that. Indeed, I am Commented [M15]: This would be a good place to cite a course
resource as support for your statement.

quite curious to learn from famous leaders from the former owner of Apple Steve Jobs and

the present owner of Aliba e-commerce company, Chinese, Jack Ma. For instance, Jack Ma. Commented [M16]: Spelling error.
Commented [M17]: This is an incomplete sentence.
Several decades ago, he was neither a manager nor a leader. Additionally, when he applied a

job he was the only one, who failed in the interview among 24 candidates as he said in one of

interviews. He also advised youngsters to make enough mistakes in their careers. Afterwards

making conclusions and gaining experience from those mistakes is highly likely to enable a

person to develop and become a leader in the future1. That is why, I believe, firstly, we,

young people, should not be scared of possible failures on the way to become leaders.

Certainly, we should understand that the mistakes we are making is going to serve us as an

efficient helpful tool to achieve leadership.

Commented [M18]: Note that proper APA referencing is not

done through footnotes, but instead is done through in-text citations
and end-of-paper reference sections, as discussed and practiced in

Please refer to the Purdue Owl APA guidelines (link available in

Blackboard) for proper formats for reference citations.
Managing & Ldg Effective Org - MBAC-6000-92J 5

When asked about the question what makes a good leader some people might respond that

intelligence, knowledge, strictness and vision are associated with becoming leaders.

However, as far as I am concerned that there should be additional skills to achieved in

particular too. For example, self-confidence, self-awareness, motivation and social skills are

highly related to becoming a leader within an organization since becoming a leader is not all

about owning distinctive knowledge or intelligence2. Therefore, we are supposed to accept Commented [M19]: See prior comments about proper in-text
and end-of-paper citations for resources.

the fact that leadership ability encompasses a mix of those skills and traits as well as enough

experience in our career. The most importantly, leaders are supposed to own sufficient Commented [M20]: Delete this word.
Commented [M21]: Possess is probably a better word than own,
which indicates that something can be purchased.
knowledge, intelligence, creativity, problem solving skills, self-confidence, the ability to

motivate his or her subordinates and quick decision making skills. Developing those skills,

without any hesitation, are likely to result a good leadership within an organization as I Commented [M22]: Subject-verb agreement issue. The word
should be is not are.

observed these skills in my supervisor of the bank that I worked for a couple of months in my Commented [M23]: Details about this example of leadership
should be included. See assignment specific requirements: Why was
this person a great leader? What was this persons name? Was the
country. person a manager before becoming a great leader?

In an organization, there is reasonable difference between managers and leaders in terms of

their responsibility, setting objectives, thinking, controlling and the role of them. For

instance, leaders create an inspiring vision, which are going to be implemented and turn the

attitude of subordinates into reality to achieve it whereas managers mainly deal with setting

and measuring goals in this case. Moreover, leaders are supposed to inspire and persuade

workers to reach goals. Leaders usually seek more innovations and techniques, which are

supposed to produce profitable results for their organizations while managers are dealt with

following existing structures, rules and systems set by their leaders. Besides, managers

always attempt copy the styles, job functioning, characters and even life styles of their Commented [M24]: Avoid the word always as there are
usually exceptions.

leaders. Leaders are able to get involved in long term decision making, taking risks, building

relationships and coaching. Contrarily, managers are expected to know how to control

Managing & Ldg Effective Org - MBAC-6000-92J 6

subordinates, providing guidance for his or her subordinates, giving assistance their leaders to

make beneficial decision making and finding out systems to accomplish goals.

Taking the statement made by Dr Covey into consideration as true, I strongly believe that

leaders are not born with not only leadership skills but also other special and unique talents. Commented [M25]: This statement is not clear.

Life experience, self-confidence, hard work and other circumstances occurring in our life

play a vitally crucial role in reaching leadership over giant companies or other organizations.

Moreover, I am inclined to believe the existence of leadership formula. Looking through the

formula suggested by Dr Covey, the possible candidates to become leaders in the future are

supposed to inspire trust, determine concrete objectives, alignment of systems and seeking

talents as well as guiding the talents into right positions as Dr Covey stated. Because, there Commented [M26]: Excellent paraphrasing!

will be no proliferation or development in the organization without creating confidence in

subordinates, indefinite objectives, right decision making on assigning staff into right

positions. Encompassing the mix of four principles, there will be great leaders, who are

expected to succeed in any fields.

In the end, I have decided to give an example of great leadership, that is about our former Commented [M27]: There should be a final conclusion
paragraph for your paper, and headings should be used throughout
the paper to indicate various topics. Please review the CUC/CoB
passed (unfortunately, died in 2016) president Islam Abduganievich Karimov. He is regarded writing template and perhaps ask for assistance from the CUC
Writing Center.
Commented [M28]: It sounds like he was a great leader, but the
as the first president of Uzbekistan to found out the country and make huge contributions to assignment specifically stated you were to not use a political leader
for the example.
the development of Uzbekistan. Actually, he graduated from Agriculture Institute in Commented [M29]: Would establish be a better word choice?

Uzbekistan, owned mainly knowledge about agriculture, later, learned from social

experiences and concerns that he faced during his life, set objectives, inspire trust among the

Uzbek people with high motivation to live in difficult struggling situations in the country and

became the president with great leadership skills. He also used the existing systems, then,

developed his own one. Moreover, he emphasized to seek and guide his subordinates to right

positions. Therefore, it is regarded as a great example of leadership for me.

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