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Explanation of Final Task

Students will use to create a story about their future. They can talk about
their future goals, plans, and dreams. Specific requirements of the assignment will be
determined through the co-construction of success criteria.

Things that will definitely be included in the evaluation are

The use of future tenses (futur simple, futur proche)
The correct use of qui vs. que
Usage of linking words (Examples: premirement, mais, cependant, malgr,
tandis que)
Negative forms (Examples: nepas, nerien, nepersonne)

All of these concepts will have already been covered in previous activities throughout the unit.

Storybird allows students to privately upload their stories within our digital classroom. These
stories can be shared with other students and with parents. It allows for the teacher to give
immediate and direct feedback.

Students can interact on the website by adding comments to their classmates stories.

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