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Number 311 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Sunday 05-11-2017
News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

The PSV PINQUIRN spotted in the Port de Acu, Brazil. Photo : Capt Danny plug (c)

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articles that may be of interest to the maritime interested people at sea and ashore
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Sunrise over Hoek van Holland Photo : Piet Sinke (c) CLICK at the photo !

Maersk container unit names new CEO

The container development and manufacturing arm of the Maersk Group named heavy manufacturing and management
veteran Sean S. Fitzgerald as CEO Friday. Fitzgerald, who is leaving his position as president of Japanese manufacturer Joy
Global China in which he oversaw eight factories in China, will assume his role as CEO of Maersk Container Industry (MCI)
starting Jan. 1, 2018. Having returned to profitability after some tough years, the company is facing a number of
opportunities, but also many challenges in an industry more competitive than ever, said Soren Toft, chairman of the MCI
advisory board, in a statement. MCI in the second quarter recorded a 161 percent increase in revenue to $285 million, as
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization amounted to $28 million compared with a loss of $21 million in the
second quarter of 2016. MCI had struggled to remain competitive because of its higher costs, but Maersk said in its second
quarter earnings release that it had narrowed the cost gap with its competitors, and MCI is now industry competitive in both
refrigerated and dry containers. Before rising to president of Joy Global China, Fitzgerald oversaw 13 factories in the Americas
as regional vice president of Joy Mining Machinery, and before that held executive positions at General Electric over almost 10
years. Fitzgerald, who holds a masters of business administration from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at
Northwestern University, has held various management, manufacturing, product management, and marketing positions over
the last 20 years. In his new role, Fitzgerald will lead MCIs 5,000 employees at three container manufacturing sites in China
and Chile as well as its research and development center in Denmark. Source : The Journal Of Commerce

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Ghost ships: Derelict vessels present many

By Annie Blanks
Derelict vessels are an issue for coastal communities. The state regulations for declaring a vessel derelict and
pursuing authorization to dispose of it are difficult and time-consuming.
After a 45-foot sailboat named
Phantom of the Aqua washed ashore
on a Walton County beach two weeks
ago, many people wondered when and
how it would be removed. The owner,
John Hale, a boat captain from
Gulfport near St. Petersburg, told the
Daily News he plans to retrieve the
vessel next week. But the problem with
derelict vessels extends far beyond the
Phantom, according to local officials
Derelict vessels are an issue for
coastal communities, said Doug
Rainer, public information manager for
the city of Destin. The state
regulations for declaring a vessel
derelict and pursuing authorization to
dispose of it are difficult and time-
consuming. Currently, there are five derelict vessels in Walton County waters, five in Okaloosa County and one in Santa Rosa
County, according to Phil Horning, derelict vessel program administrator with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission. And in a boating community as active as the Emerald Coast, derelict vessels have long been a problem for local
and state authorities. According to Florida statute, a derelict vessel is defined as any vessel ... that is left, stored, or
abandoned in a wrecked, junked, or substantially dismantled condition upon any public waters of this state or a vessel that is
docked or grounded at or beached upon the property of another without the consent of the owner of the property. Leaving a
boat to become derelict is illegal and punishable by a $1,000 fine and up to a year in jail in addition to paying the costs to
have it removed but Horning said FWC officers often struggle to get owners to reclaim their boats. There are several reasons
a boats owner might leave it derelict, Horning said. Probably the most common reason is as a vessel ages, it becomes less
valuable and needs more work and more maintenance, Horning said. If I buy a brand new boat for $20,000, and I sell it five
years later for $5,000, and then it gets sold again for $2,500, it gets to the point where its not very manageable. People are
trying to sell it for a buck and the person theyre selling it to usually doesnt have the means to take care of it, and for whatever
reason, it ends up becoming derelict so they just walk away from it. Horning noted the second most common reason boats
become derelict is due to storms. After Hurricane Irma, as an example, more than 2,500 boats in Florida waters became
derelict and displaced, and the FWC is in the active process of getting those boats removed. Boats also become derelict if
their owner passes away and didnt have arrangements made for it, or if a person is in financial trouble and doesnt prioritize
taking care of their boat. But most often, a derelict boat can become more costly than a maintained boat. Horning said, on
average, it costs $300 to $350 per foot to remove a derelict vessel from the water. The owner is responsible for paying that
fee, but in rare cases when, for whatever reason, the owner does not pay that fee, the cost for removing the vessel falls back
on the city or county in which the vessel is located. We have money in our state derelict vessel removal grant program where
we can offer grants to counties and cities where we pay 75 percent and they pay 25 percent, Horning said. But if we dont
have money in the program, its up to the cities. Removing the derelict vessels is important because there are several hazards
they can present, according to Horning. Oil and fuel can be released into the water, posing issues for nearby fish. Additionally,
the fiberglass material most boats are made of can decompose in the water and present environmental hazards. The boats can
also tear up the bottom by running through sea grass and coral reefs, Horning said. Also, theyre just a blight. Nobody wants
to look at them. And theyre navigational threats if they sink and are just below the water line ... they can cause accidents and
be nasty navigation hazards. Ultimately, Horning said the best way to keep a boat from becoming derelict is by disposing of it
properly. Most landfills will accept boats, and can even recycle the steel and aluminum. We appreciate all those people who do
dispose of their vessel properly, Horning said. Theyre helping eliminate this problem we have in Florida.

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The bulker BUNUN DYNASTY departing Port Chalmers with a full load of logs bound for Incheon in South Korea and Lanshan
in China. Photo : Ross Walker (c)

Alphatron Marine introduces AlphaHeight during

Alphatron Marine is
proud to announce the
introduction of the
AlphaHeight during
the upcoming Europort
exhibition. The altitude
measurement system
consists of a number
of sensors on the ship
that measures the
distances to the bottom of the bridge and the height of the steering house and mast(s) on
a ship, contributing to the increasing safety of inland navigation. On the bow of the vessel
the sensor will vertically measure the distance to the bottom of the bridge and on the aft
of the vessel sensors will measure the height of the wheelhouse and the mast.
Furthermore, there are pressure sensors onboard which measure if a vessel is loaded on a
certain point on the vessel. It also measures how the ship lays in the water without
measuring the depth of the ship itself. The watering up of water by wind and or
countercurrent does not affect the measurement. The trusted 5-inch display shows the measured value and gives an acoustic
and visual alarm if there is too little room left for passing the bridge. The skipper then has the time for the ship to respond to
ensure a safe passage. Depending on the shipping speed and position of the steering house, this time may be 15 or more
seconds for conventional inland waterway vessels.
Meet us at stand number 3405
Europort: 7-10 November 2017

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Prices for dry bulk carriers on the rise

As more shipowners are piling into the market for secondhand vessels, prices were bound to quickly pick up steam. In its latest
weekly report, shipbroker Intermodal said that as it was expected, the strong dry bulk freight market of the past couple of
months has inspired similar activity in the second-hand market. Nonetheless, we witness that asset prices have not increased as
much as someone would expect given the strong enthusiasm out there. Instead, they have slightly scaled back and steadied at
improved compared to a year ago but not excessive levels. Despite the fact that the number of owners inspecting each
candidate is admittedly increased, we dont see excessive competition among them, the kind of competition that would help
prices shoot up. This has kept some ages/sizes of vessels at price levels well below that average of the past five years.
According to Intermodals SnP Broker, Mr. Konstantinos Kontomichis, Panamax prices have covered most of the ground up to
their five year average levels. Representative of this is the 10-yr old M/V CORAL TOPAZ (76kdwt, blt 07 Sasebo SS/DD
due) currently negotiated at region USD14.0, a price implying a small premium on the USD 14.0m fetched by the M/V OCEAN
ANTWERP (76kdwt, blt07 Imabari SS/DD passed) given that the future owner of the Coral Topaz will have to bear the
imminent dry docking cost. He added that Supramax values are even more intriguing, specifically in the 5-yr and 10-yr age
ranges that are still well discounted compared to their respective five year average levels. The M/V NEPTUNE PIONEER
(56kdwt, blt07 Mitsui SS/DD passed) was committed 10 days ago at USD12.7m, 15% lower than the respective five year
average. Handies are the most discounted across all ages. The M/V IVS KITE (32kdwt, blt02 Kanda SS/DD passed) was
reported sold last week at USD6.7m, 19% lower compared to the respective five year average price.
Kontomichis said that it goes without saying that a comparison to five-year average prices on its own is not enough in helping
determine whether a vessel is cheap, a bargain or expensive. Buyers pricing perception is also shaped by freight expectations,
size/sector fundamentals etc. but the discount compared to the five year average amidst decent earnings, does give an
indication of whether the SnP market has gotten ahead of itself and this doesnt seem to be the case in this instance.
Additionally, although buying interest is more Panamax oriented at the moment, 5-yr old Supras and 5-yr/ 10-yr old Handies
are attractive for two reasons; one being the aforementioned discounts and second the stronger resistance these sizes will
demonstrate in a possible market correction down the line, the shipbroker concluded.
Meanwhile, in the S&P market this week, Intermodal said that the strong appetite for dry bulk tonnage continues to impress,
while tanker and container candidates are also attracting increased interest. On the tanker side we had the sale of the LR
ALDEBARAN (109,672dwt-blt 07, China), which was sold to Greek owner, NGM Energy, for a price in the region $15.8m. On
the dry bulker side sector we had the sale of the DARYA UMA (76,520dwt-blt 05, Japan), which was sold to Far Eastern
buyers, for a price in the region of $12.5million. In the demolition market, Intermodal said that the shadow of uncertainty
casted over the demolition market in the past weeks is still very much present, with the negative impact on activity evidencing
the pressure the market remains under. Saying this, there is a sense that Indian subcontinent prices have now started to resist
stronger. Naturally, it is still soon to say whether a bottom is close or not given the uncertainty that still prevails in demo
destinations elsewhere. Indeed, the Chinese market is still very quiet, with talk of very little activity taking place there following
the end of the Communist Party Conference, which reaffirmed Xi Jinpings presidency. The Conference together with ongoing
soft demand in the Chinese market have started taking their toll on Chinese demo prices and we wouldnt be surprised to see
levels closer to $200/ldt sooner rather than later. Additionally, the already substantial price gap between China and the Indian
subcontinent is currently leaving very little incentive for owners contemplating selling their vessels for scrap to do so in China.
Average prices this week for tankers were at around $250-410/ldt and dry bulk units received about $240-390/ldt source:
Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

The 81.129 Dwt bulk carrier MATISSE passing Curacao on her way from Carbonera Muelle (Colombia) to Singapore.
Photo: Aart van Essen (c)

Nice and Warm to Destinations Unknown

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The world is not only expanding for the traditional export markets, but for tourism as well. In the past, for Europeans going on
a holiday meant booking a sun holiday to Spain in the summer and to Austria for winter sport in the winter. Nowadays,
booking a holiday means a flight to Asia or a cruise to Alaska - where the ice is not only in your drinks, but also in the water
surrounding you.

Many cruise operators offer trips to the coldest parts of

the world. One of them is Seabourn Cruise Line, owned
by Carnival Corporation. They take their guests to Alaska,
but also places like the Baltic Sea, the northern parts of
Greenland, Canada and even Antarctica. On these cruises
the passengers often step into smaller boats or kayaks to
explore the surroundings and have an enjoyable and
unforgettable experience. As they come across harsh
weather conditions, they are all obliged to wear
protective clothes such as kayak suits, immersion suits,
parkas, winter boots etc. Seabourn does not only focus on providing the passengers with an
ultimate experience, they also take good care of their crew. The crew have a high responsibility
of keeping the passengers safe by navigating through the sometimes rather rough waters and
working in temperatures of below -20 degrees. By investing in an economical and sustainable
drying system also their protection wear stays nice and warm. Additionally, by drying them
professionally by means of a large amount of air, they can reduce 99% of the bacteria growing
inside. That is why, after already having equipped the SEABOURN QUEST and ENCORE the
drying systems were also installed onboard the SEABOURN SOJOURN
The drying systems, which are made of stainless steel, work rapidly and dry from the inside out,
while only needing a small amount of energy. The automatic timers and added bonus of a 10
year warranty contribute to the fact that the drying systems are your guarantee of properly dry and maintained PPE and
consequentially satisfied guests and motivated employees. Pronomar is convinced that the drying systems are contributing
positively to the working environment onboard the Seabourn ships. If you are also interested how Pronomars drying systems
could be favorable to you in this or another industry, please visit our website and dont hesitate to
contact us. We can of course provide AutoCAD drawings for easy implementation in your ship's design.

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Heeremas AEGIR moored at the Huisman premises in Schiedam Photo : Wouter van der Veen (c)

Shipbuilder topics at Europort: VR, AR, Big Data

and Digital Transformation Workshops
Shipbuilder will be present at Europort, where the data management company boosts different topics. From Virtual Reality (VR)
to Augmented Reality (AR) and from Big Data to digital transformation workshops. Geert Schouten, director at Shipbuilder:
Digitalisation is causing turmoil in the maritime sector right now. Many maritime companies are uncertain how to handle topics
like big data or VR. At Europort we show what benefits these companies have by implementing these digital techniques. By
starting with our professional workshops we provide the right kick-off. Im available at Europort to start the digital
transformation step by step!
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
The revolutionary Shipbuilder VR+ and AR+ modules enable full visual access to new and existing maritime projects. Schouten:
We are the first organisation globally that has added useful features to virtual reality for maritime projects. We know from
experience that working aboard a ship with a large set of data can be extremely complex and time consuming. Because where
are pump X and cable Y that need replacement located? The reason us people enjoy using Google StreetView is that we can
see precisely where we need to go. We do the exact same thing with Shipbuilder VR+ and AR+. We link the data to the
precise location of a part. Thats what well present at Europort. Read the related article: Shipbuilder launches 3D access to
real-time data in VR+ module - Exact location of all parts now visible in the 3D web browser
Digital Transformation: Big Data In The Maritime Industry
Big data. Many maritime organisations are preparing to start working with it shortly. It is one of the trends that fits right in with
the so-called digital transformation. But what do you have to know exactly? Schouten: Shipbuilder unveiled a big data top 5 for
the maritime sector to consider before starting. Shipbuilders advice to clients is to first change your mindset. Stop working with
single documents, and start working with connected data. Of course this is not an easy process to start, and everybody can use
some help with the digital transformation. Our workshops help you kick-start the process. Shipbuilder talks about this topic too
at Europort in Rotterdam. Read here Shipbuilders big data top 5 priorities the maritime industry should know.
Meet us at Europort
We look forward meeting you. Please contact Geert Schouten (director) at | +31653643022 or Cees
Verkerk (Marketing & Communications manager) at | +31613746263

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Spliethoffs DYNAMOGRACHT inbound at Caland canal for the Brittaniehaven Photo : Jan Scheurwater (c)

Low Orderbook Bodes Well for Future of MR

Product Tanker Market says Shipowner
The still historically low orderbook for MR product tankers is boosting the long-term prospects of the product tanker market,
said shipowner Capital Product Partners during the past week. According to the companys market review and outlook after the
end of the third quarter, the product tanker spot market modestly improved in the third quarter of 2017 compared to the
previous quarter, although rates remained on average at relatively depressed levels. The improvement was fueled by firm oil
demand on the back of robust economic growth in Europe, the US and Asia, as well as high oil product imports into Latin
America. The product tanker spot market saw a short-lived increase in oil product movements in the wake of Hurricane Harvey,
which led briefly to a significantly tighter Atlantic MR market. The impact was more sustainable east of the Suez Canal, as the
reduced availability resulting from vessels being diverted to ship oil products to the United States and Mexico applied upwards
pressure on rates. This trend notwithstanding, incremental product tanker demand during the third quarter was mostly offset
by high tonnage availability following relatively firm fleet expansion since the beginning of 2017. In addition, high oil product
inventories continued to weigh on the product tanker market. However, over the last few months, OECD oil product stocks have
been decreasing, which bodes well for product tanker demand in the medium to long run. In the U.S. in particular, gasoline
stocks declined in September to their lowest level since November 2015 at approximately 219 million barrels. In the period
market, rates remained flat compared to the previous quarter, while activity was dominated by short-term charters of up to one
year, said the shipowner.
Capital Product Partners added that on the supply side, despite somewhat increased activity in terms of new orders for product
tankers in the first nine months of 2017, the orderbook remains at historically low levels. The MR product tanker orderbook
currently stands at 7.2%, the lowest level on record. In addition, product tanker deliveries continued to experience significant
slippage during the first nine months of 2017, as 33.5% of the expected MR and handy size tanker newbuildings were not
delivered on schedule. Analysts estimate that net fleet growth for product tankers will amount to 4.5% in 2017, below the 2016
growth rate of 6.2%. On the demand side, analysts expect growth of 3.7% in 2017 on the back of growing intra-Asian and
Middle East-Asia products trade and firm products imports into Latin America.

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Meanwhile, in the Suezmax Tanker Market, sentiment in the Suezmax spot market was soft during the third quarter of 2017,
as rates further retreated compared to the preceding quarter. Rapid fleet growth was a key factor for the weak spot rate
environment, as newbuilding vessels continued to enter the market at a high pace. At the same time, demand was seasonally
weaker, with crude oil imports to China in particular dropping to an eighth-month low in August. The seasonally soft demand
was further exacerbated by the lower crude oil output and exports, as a result of the oil production cut agreement between
OPEC and Non-OPEC oil producers. On the positive side, Nigerian and Libyan oil production further recovered in the third
quarter, while volumes on long-haul routes from the Atlantic to Asia remained firm, partly offsetting the pressure on Suezmax
rates. With spot freight rates at subdued levels during the third quarter, the time charter Suezmax market was marked by low
activity and rates, it said. According to the company, on the supply side, the Suezmax orderbook represented, at the end of
the third quarter of 2017, approximately 11.0% of the current fleet. Contracting activity continues to be limited, as 12 Suezmax
tankers have been ordered since the beginning of the year. Analysts estimate that slippage for the first nine months of 2017
amounted to 15.5% of the expected deliveries. In terms of demand, Suezmaxes are projected to experience solid growth of
7.2% in full year 2017, driven by a significant increase in US exports this year, higher crude volumes from the Atlantic to Asia
and strong Chinese crude oil imports. Finally, it is worth highlighting that overall tanker demolition activity has increased with
7.1 million dwt being sold for scrap in the first nine months of 2017 representing an increase of 5.6 million dwt over the same
period last year. Source: Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

the Dive Support Vessel SWORDFISH alongside A&P Tyne shipyard

Photo : John Strachan Chief Engineer Simar Esperana (c)

Bob Bishop appointed chairman of Selandia Ship

V.Group is pleased to announce Bob Bishop has been appointed chairman of Selandia Ship Management in addition to his
current role in business development of the Group. The acquisition of Selandia Ship Management in 2016 provided V.Group a
unique opportunity to promote and develop a well-established specialist brand working in vibrant and developing markets. This
appointment will allow Bob to focus and use his significant expertise to build on the quality reputation of Selandia to enhance
and expand their current fleet of more than 140 vessels. In welcoming this move Martin Christiansen, Group Chief Commercial
Officer at V.Group, said, We are delighted to retain Bobs experience and passion for ship management. He is an important link
in the continuity of quality service to our clients. Bob Bishop commented: The acquisition of Selandia Ship Management
provided us with an intriguing opportunity to further develop an already strong brand to meet tanker specific client expectations
out of India and South East Asia. Service delivery and a passion for quality and excellence remain the best-selling tools and
Selandia is a company with a well justified reputation for both. I am delighted to work with their excellent team as we seek to
develop and enhance the satisfaction of our client base and in this way grow the business. Source: V.Group

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4 black Oakland dockers sue PMA, SSA Marine for

racial harassment
FOUR black Oakland dockers are suing the Pacific Maritime Association and SSA Terminals for failing to prevent their suffering
from racially racial slurs, frequent jokes and comments from fellow longshoremen after the election of US President Donald
Trump Plaintiffs say offensive behaviour included three white men driving a liveried company pickup truck flying a Confederate
flag the day after the election and the later discovery of hangman's nooses at the dock site. Plaintiffs attorney Angela Alioto
said the men complained to SSA and the PMA, but that nothing was done to stop or prevent the harassment, reported
American Shipper. The lawsuit, before Alameda County Superior Court, in January, seeks US$25,000 for mental strain and
anguish for each act found to violate the law and will as punitive damages and legal costs. Source : Schednet

Titan LNG Premieres with Fast Bunkering in Rotterdam

Titan LNG has yet again secured a first in the LNG bunkering market. On the 27th of October, Titan LNG bunkered the WES
AMELIE chartered by Unifeeder A/S, a retrofitted 1000 TEU container vessel in the Port of Rotterdam with 6 trucks in total
discharging 2 trucks simultaneously. This resulted in reduced downtime for the vessel. Approval for the operation in the Prins

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Willem Alexanderhaven was obtained after constructive discussions with all stakeholders under supervision of the Port of

M/V WES AMELIE was bunkered with trucks discharging in parallel

Titan LNG successfully illustrated its ability to safely and with zero-venting of methane deliver the LNG with its transfer system
that enables two truck to discharge via one bunkering hose. Michael Schaap, Commercial Director Marine, commented: We
are aiming to use this perfect spot more frequently for bunkering sea going vessels as the quay is suitable and well located for
this activity and has sufficient draft."

Top 15 Largest Shipping Companies in the World


The ELEONORA MAERSK moored in Wilhelmshaven Photo : Alexander Gorter (c)

The top 15 largest shipping companies in the world command the shipping industry, whose value is estimated at around $500
billion. The companies at the top of the list have hundreds of ships under their command (both owned and chartered) and have
total carrying capacities of over 1 million Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEU). The shipping industry relies on many factors to
determine its performance. The most important is the global economy, as it directly affects international trade. After the last
recession, global economic growth slowed down and exports volumes saw an average annual growth rate of 2.9% between
2008 and 2015, which is less than half of the what the rate was during the period between 2001 and 2008, according to the
International Monetary Fund. This created a major headwind for the global shipping industry, which had to start lowering prices
for shipping goods. The Baltic Dry Index, which measures changes in the cost of transportation of raw materials through
aggregating data for 23 shipping routes and four different sizes of bulk cargo ships, is over 85% down compared to 2008, even

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though it has advanced by over 95% in the last year after having touched its lowest level ever in February 2016. As the cost of
shipping has declined, this has affected the revenue of shipping companies, many of which have registered either weak growth
or even revenue declines. Given that shipping is a capital intensive industry and companies have taken on a lot of debt to
acquire new ships or conduct other operations, the financial performance of some companies has started to worry investors and
raise questions about their sustainability. Last year, South Korean shipping company Hanjin Shipping, which had been one of
the largest shipping companies in the world, filed for bankruptcy.
Given the recent developments, such as the Brexit and the new White House administration, which has imposed import tariffs,
international trade might pose further headwinds for the global shipping industry. On the bright side, prices for metal have
been gaining ground lately and Chinas plans to abandon the production of steel in exchange for imports should help the
shipping industry. Based on that, the Baltic Dry Index has shown some recent growth recovery. The oil tankers industry, though
affected by the drop in oil prices, has received some help in the form of the U.S becoming an oil-exporting nation (take a look
at the 10 largest oil tanker shipping companies in the world). The headwinds have also sparked consolidation in the shipping
industry, with two major transactions announced last year. Maersk Line said last year that it would pay $4.2 billion to buy
Hamburg Sud; both Maersk and Hamburg Sud are currently among the 15 largest shipping companies in the world. Earlier this
year, Hapag Lloyd, which is also one of the largest shipping companies in the world, completed its merger with United Arab
Shipping Company (UASC). In July, China-based Cosco Shipping Holdings Co. said it would buy Orient Overseas International
Ltd for more than $6 billionHaving said that, lets take a closer look at the top 15 largest shipping companies in the world based
on their total TEU capacity. The data is taken from the Alphaliner TOP 100 list. Source : Insidermonkey

The STENA SPIRIT arriving morning time in Gdynia coming from Karlskrona in Sweden
Photo : Joran Buijk Chief Engineer JUV "Vole Au Vent" (c)

Chinese Crude Imports: Upwards And Outwards

After China overtook the US as the worlds largest seaborne importer of crude oil in 2014, Chinese seaborne crude imports have
continued to expand firmly, with imports in 2016 increasing by 16%. Whilst 2017 is expected to be another strong year of
growth, albeit slightly slower than 2016, changes to Chinas crude import patterns are providing positive impetus to crude
tonne-mile trade.

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Tipping The Scales

In 2016, Chinese seaborne crude imports rose to 7.1m bpd, accounting for 18% of global crude trade and around 60% of the
increase in global volumes. This strong growth was supported by the liberalisation of Chinas oil market in mid-2015 which
allowed teapot refiners to import crude, as well as the continued filling of Chinas SPR. Whilst China imports crude oil from over
40 countries, traditionally the majority has been sourced from the Middle East. This region supplied 52% of Chinas seaborne
crude imports in 2016 and accounted for the largest share of the increase in volumes of any region (26%), followed by Russia
(22%). So far in 2017, Chinese seaborne crude imports have continued to expand firmly, by 12% y#o#y in January-August, to
7.9m bpd. Whilst this is a slightly slower pace than seen in 2016, there has also been a notable shift in the regions which have
accounted for most of the growth.
Changing Diet
Due to the OPEC-led oil production cuts imposed at the start of 2017, tighter supply in the Middle East has encouraged China to
diversify its crude sources this year. Whilst Chinese imports from the Middle East have increased marginally in the year to date
to 3.7m bpd, the regions share of total imports has fallen to 47%. Meanwhile, Chinese imports from Russia have also risen in
the year to date (16% y#o#y), largely due to the preference of teapot refiners for Russian oil over other grades. However,
Russian seaborne exports to China have only accounted for 10% of overall growth in Chinese imports a much smaller share
than in 2016.
A Varied Palate
Instead, China has sourced more crude from further afield this year, notably from Atlantic suppliers. Imports from West Africa
and Brazil have already increased by more in the year to date (0.35m bpd) than in full year 2016 (0.24m bpd). Meanwhile,
imports from the US have accounted for 13% of the growth in Chinese seaborne crude imports (though just 2% of the total
volume). As a result, while growth in total Chinese seaborne crude imports in terms of bpd has slowed slightly, from 16% in
2016 to 12% y-o-y so far this year, growth in estimated Chinese tonne-mile imports has actually picked up, from 15% in 2016
to 17% y#o#y in the year to date. Interestingly, while West Africa has supplied the greatest additional volume of crude this
year, the US has driven the largest share (over 20%) of crude tonne-mile import growth.
So, while growth in Chinese crude import volumes has slowed slightly this year, the diversification of Chinas crude supply has
provided support to tonne-mile trade. With China expected to account for the vast majority of the expansion in global crude
tonne-mile trade this year, its clear that Chinas growing appetite for long-haul crude is enabling crude tanker tonnage demand
to gain further weight. Source: Clarksons

PHP Family in Bangladesh certified as eco-friendly

ship recycling yard
THE PHP Family recycling yard in Chittagong, Bangladesh has been awarded a Statement of Compliance (SOC) with the Hong
Kong Convention, for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (HKC) from Italian class society RINA, helping to
foster a more sustainable ship recycling industry. President and CEO Anil Sharma of GMS, a major buyer of ships for recycling,
commented on the accreditation saying: "Their great passion and continuous efforts combined with a significant investment in
yard infrastructure according to the standards set by the HKC, must be rewarded and receive support by the international
maritime community. "PHP Family yard has worked hard to improve their safety and environmental standards by following
successfully the HKC guidelines, which are enabling the whole ship recycling industry to achieve sustainable goals for ship
recycling," said Dr Sharma. "We sincerely hope that this great achievement will attract more shipowners to yards that are

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endorsing responsible ship recycling and lead as an example for the rest in Bangladesh," he said, reported London's Tanker
Operator. Commenting on the European Union's forthcoming list of approved recycling facilities, non-executive director of GMS,
Dr Mikelis, said: "A decision is awaited for the yards that are outside the EU and have applied for inclusion in the EU approved
list of recycling facilities. "These yards are already holding SOC with the HKC, so they have proven that they meet the high
safety and environmental standards laid out in the HKC through significant investment, training and development within the
region. "Excluding these yards would create an insurmountable divide within the industry based solely on their geographic
location, and threaten to halt the positive progress made by the HKC in South Asia. "At the moment, there are over 45
recycling yards in Alang, India, that have received a SOC with HKC from international class societies, and another 15 yards
working towards it, which means that almost 50 per cent of the active recycling facilities in India have met the standards set by
the HKC guidelines," he said. Source : Schednet

Wallem works with US Coast Guard to enhance

safety at sea
Two US Coast Guard Marine Inspectors were welcomed
onboard the Wallem-managed vessel, the M.T. Tofteviken
as part of the US Coast Guard Ship Rider Programme. The
programme is aimed at ensuring and enhancing safety and
security at sea by enabling USCG Marine Inspectors to
experience operations on tanker work firsthand. Wallem is
one of the few Ship Management companies to have offered
this learning experience for the USCG Marine Inspectors and
gave them a warm welcome onboard. During their three-day
voyage, the Marine Inspectors learnt all about various
operations onboard, including discharging, loading and
STS/Lightering operations. They shadowed the crew
onboard, occupying their work spaces and asking them
questions about the work involved.
Third Officer Jonalyn Alarin Sabornido (centre) pictured
with the two USCG Marine Inspectors
The Inspectors were very grateful for the opportunity and to
the crew for sharing their expertise, stating that they learned
an immeasurable amount of information which will only aid in building better Marine Inspectors. With safety at sea as one of
our main focuses, Wallem looks forward to working together closely with the USCG to further support this programme. STS
Operations observed firsthand by the USCG Marine inspectors from onboard the M.T. Tofteviken Source: Wallem Group

The HS TOSCA in Wilhelmshaven Photo : Alexander Gorter (c)

UK-Flagged Containership Drops 42 Containers

The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch has begun to investigate a recent accident involving a UK-flagged containership
dropping 42 containers into the water. Containers were lost off 7,024 TEU containership Ever Smart while it was 700 nautical
miles east of Japan on October 30, 2017. Ever Smart was underway from Taipei at the time, and is scheduled to arrive at the

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Port of Los Angeles on November 8, 2017. A low-pressure system, potentially bringing dangerous weather conditions, had been
spotted in the Pacific on the same day, according to gCaptain MAIB two years ago investigated Ever Smart for a collision that
occurred off Jebel Ali on 11 February 2015 EVERT SMART and the Marshall-Islands-registered tanker ALEXANDRA 1 collided
at the entrance to Jebel Ali ports approach channel. Read a related paper from Soka University about how operators can
support vessel berthing work and to reduce maritime accidents by using camera systems A harbour pilot was transferring from
the outbound container ship to the inbound tanker by launch at the time. Both vessels were damaged, and the incident led
MAIB to recommend that Jebel Ali port improve the vessel traffic and pilotage services it provides. Involved shipping companies
also took action to improve the standard of bridge watchkeeping on board their vessels, according to MAIB. Source:

AMADEA entering Valletta Harbour 02/11/2017. Photo : Mario Schembrie (c)


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Vessel will arrive this fall for service beginning in summer 2018
VICTORIA BC Ferries Northern Sea Wolf,
the vessel acquired for the new route from Port
Hardy Bella Coola, and named through a
community engagement process, is on its way
to British Columbia. The vessel departed from
the port of Piraeus in Athens, Greece, on Nov. 3
for the 10,097 nautical mile journey to its new
home in British Columbia. The Transatlantic
voyage will take approximately 35 days,
depending on weather, fuel stops and canal
transit. Refuelling stops include the Canary
Islands, Antigua, Panama and after transiting
the Panama Canal, Manzanillo, Mexico. From
Manzanillo, the ship will continue to sail up the
west coast of North America to British Columbia.
BC Ferries customers can track the ships
progress virtually, including course, position and
speed at We are excited
about the new ship joining our fleet, and look
forward to its arrival in B.C. waters, said Mark Wilson, BC Ferries Vice President of Strategy & Community Engagement. We
have undertaken some preliminary work including dry docking and maintenance on the Northern Sea Wolf in Greece to ensure
a safe and reliable voyage to British Columbia. We will complete the main mid-life upgrade, including renewal of passenger and
crew areas, here in B.C. to ensure the new ship is ready in all respects for summer service in 2018. BC Ferries acquired the
vessel from Greece to support the Provinces commitment to the new route last year. The Northern Sea Wolf was built in 2000
and will accommodate a minimum of 35 shipyard in B.C., with a contract for this work to be awarded later this fall. The vessel
will undergo various upgrades to shipboard systems, crew living and working spaces and a complete passenger accommodation
and food services modernization. Sailings will depart from Port Hardy and Bella Coola five days per week during peak season.
Fares for this route will be consistent with the fares on the existing indirect service. Reservations for summer 2018 on this route
and other northern routes are now open for booking. As these are popular routes, reservations are recommended well in
advance of your planned travel. For the schedule and additional information, please visit

On July 30, 2017 Al Manara Marine Services had successfully completed salvage and wreck removal operation of the 5,000
DWT Bunkering Vessel MT ROJEAN shipwreck, towing it safely for recycling. MT ROJEAN grounded at Al Hamriya seaport
following explosion and fire on May 13, 2017.

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The VIVIAN A outbound at the river Elbe Photo : Jan van Vuuren (c)

Pakistan's Engro eyes 2019 start for new LNG

terminal in Karachi
Pakistani conglomerate Engro Corp expects to complete building its second liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in early 2019, a
senior company official said, as Pakistan bets heavily on LNG imports to curb energy shortages. Engro built Pakistans first LNG
terminal in 2015 and is now finalising plans with Royal Dutch Shell, Fatima Group and trading house Gunvor for another
terminal with capacity of 4.5 million tonnes per year. Pakistan has become a hot destination for global energy giants, with
producers such as Exxon and traders like Vitol seeking partners to build terminals after Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi re-
oriented Pakistans energy policy towards gas. A second terminal is due to come on line later this month, easing gas shortages
that have hobbled Pakistans manufacturing sector and wider economy for more than a decade. Private companies are racing to
build several other terminals. Jahangir Piracha, chief executive of Engros LNG unit, Elengy Terminal Pakistan, said his
consortium expects to sign a final investment decision (FID) in the next few months and would then build the terminal in about
a year. The technical studies are all done. We are looking at early 2019 (to complete the project) if everything goes right,
Piracha told Reuters in Karachi this week. A rival LNG terminal project by a six-member consortium that included ExxonMobil
and Qatar Petroleum, appears to be in trouble after the American company pulled out, Pakistani officials said. ExxonMobil,
however, remains very keen on Pakistan and is looking at other terminal projects. Unlike Pakistans first two terminals where
the government guaranteed to buy all the gas due to be imported, the subsequent terminals are going to be entirely private
ventures with no government off-take guarantees. Engros Piracha said the biggest challenge for the Engro consortium is to
convince gas buyers such as power plants and factories to sign up before the project is on the ground. Because there are so
many people trying to develop a project, (local buyers) want to bet on the right horse. They dont want to sign up with you to
find out that your project didnt come through, he said. Piracha said this posed a problem for terminal developers who would
prefer to have signed-up customers before making a final investment decision. Its a bit of a chicken and egg story, Piracha
said. My own feeling is that people want to see an investment and then they will sign up. Piracha said other companies in the
Engro group could sign up to be consumers from the terminal, which has the capacity for regasification of up to 600 million
cubic feet per day, as could businesses from consortium partner Fatima, another major Pakistani conglomerate. Source :
Reuters Reporting by Drazen Jorgic; Editing by Eric Meijer

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Siemens Selected for New NSF Research Vessel for

Oregon State University
Islands Shipyard in the construction of a new Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) for the National Science Foundation (NSF)
and operated by Oregon State University (OSU). The vessel will specialize in coastal ocean ecosystem research and observation
in an effort to advance coastal science. With advanced marine solutions from Siemens, the to-be-named RCRV will provide a
cutting-edge and advanced research platform for scientists and educators. The vessel is designed to be environmentally-
friendly and acoustically-quiet during operation, with a host of on-board sensors, including overboard-handling systems for the
launch and recovery of scientific packages. The first of a series of three vessels is expected to launch in early 2020 and will be
operated by OSU on the West Coast as part of the University-Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS). The new vessel will
feature Siemens Blue Drive PLUSC Diesel Electric Propulsion (DEP) system, a unique diesel-electric solution that increases
safety, cuts operational costs, improves lifecycle economics and decreases the environment footprint. Reducing noise and
vibration on the water during research activities is critical, and the Blue Drive PLUSC is capable of reducing varying engine with
load to optimize operations. As the propulsion and control SSV, Siemens is providing an integrated power and energy system
(IPES) scope that includes the propulsion thrusters, engines and Dynamic Positioning (DP) system, as well as Siemens motors,
remote diagnostic system, diesel generator sets, switchboards and power distribution, alarm and monitoring system, on-board
sensors and condition based monitoring. In addition, Siemens will provide the project management, engineering studies,
propulsion system integration and engineering services to support commissioning up to sea trial and delivery. When it comes
to marine research vessels, Siemens has established itself as the go-to technology provider, with proven vessel automation and
electrification solutions that exceed the ever-changing industry challenges that shipbuilders, naval architects, owner/operators
and regulators face on a daily basis, says David Grucza, Director of Siemens Drilling and Marine, U.S. In the design of this
RCRV, Siemens worked with all stakeholders to provide a totally integrated vessel based on the unique mission and operational
profile of the RCRV and the needs of the research community. Siemens technology can also be found on two recently-
commissioned research vessels. The R/V Neil Armstrong (AGOR 27) (Auxiliary General Oceanographic Research), operated by
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and the R/V Sally Ride (AGOR 28) operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography, both
feature Siemens marine propulsion, electrification and control solutions. Siemens has been in the marine business dating back
to 1847, when Siemens purchased the Faraday, a specially-designed ship designed to lay cables across the Atlantic Ocean
between England and America. Siemens installed a generator and bright arc lamp on-board the vessel in 1877, the first case of
electricity on a ship, allowing the crew to work during the night. Later, in 1886, Siemens founder, Werner von Siemens built
the worlds first electrically-powered ship, the Elektra. Today, Siemens continues to bring ingenuity to life in the marine
industry through vessel like the F/V Blue North and the worlds first all-electric ferry, the MV Ampere. Siemens AG (Berlin and
Munich) is a global technology powerhouse that has stood for engineering excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and
internationality for 170 years. The company is active in more than 200 countries, focusing on the areas of electrification,
automation and digitalization. One of the worlds largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies, Siemens is
a leading supplier of efficient power generation and power transmission solutions and a pioneer in infrastructure solutions as
well as automation, drive and software solutions for industry. The company is also a leading provider of medical imaging
equipment such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging systems and a leader in laboratory diagnostics
as well as clinical IT. In fiscal 2016, which ended on September 30, 2016, Siemens generated revenue of 79.6 billion and net
income of 5.6 billion. At the end of September 2016, the company had around 351,000 employees worldwide. Further
information is available on the Internet at Source: MAREX

OMV Petrom drilling four wells offshore Romania

OMV Petrom has resumed drilling in the shallow-water Istria block in the Black Sea.
The company plans to drill three new wells on existing fields and one exploration well. It aimed to complete two of the wells by
year-end and the other two by mid-2018, at a total cost of around Eu70 million ($82 million). Planned drilling depths are up to
2,000 m (6,562 ft) subsurface. Peter Zeilinger, executive board member of OMV Petrom responsible for Upstream, said:
Although the producing fields in the Black Sea have a production history of 30 years, they continue to provide a significant part
of the groups total production. The current drilling campaign is in line with our strategy to exploit the full potential of our core
portfolio and to make production more efficient in order to manage the natural decline. Exploration on the Romanian
continental shelf of the Black Sea started in 1969. The first hydrocarbon discovery was in 1980, and first production followed in
1987. Oil and gas production, of around 30,000 boe/d, comes from five producing fields: Lebda Est (discovered in 1979),
Lebda Vest (1984), Sinoe (1988), Pescru (1999), and Delta (2007). Source: offshore-mag

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Royal Navy helicopter carrier HMS ALBION comes in to Devonport through the moonlight Oct 28.
photo : Raymond Wergan,Newton Ferrers.(c)

Navy's efforts will help socio-economic situation in

Balochistan, says naval chief
Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi on Friday visited naval installations along the coast and said the Navy's
efforts will help the socio-economic situation and law and order in Balochistan, said a statement released by the Pakistan Navy
(PN). Abbasi made the remarks while conducting his inaugural tour of areas under Coastal Command. He visited Turbat,
Gwadar and Jinnah Naval Base Ormara to review the operational readiness of Pakistan Navy Units in the area and port security
measures. Admiral Abbasi expressed satisfaction over the operational preparedness of PN and referred to PNS Siddiq, the
Navy's new air station in Turbat, as a significant milestone towards enhancing PNs operational capability. He added that it
would also lead to commercial flying activities, which would act as a catalyst for economic development in the hinterland of
Balochistan. Admiral Abbasi also highlighted that other civic facilities, including PN Model School Turbat, will enable the local
populace, access to quality services at their doorstep and set off a new era of prosperity in the region in consonance with
Pakistan Navys resolve of nation-building efforts, added the PN statement. Later during the day, the naval chief visited PN
units deployed at Gwadar and Ormara and was briefed on various ongoing and future PN projects and plans as well as
operational activities and security aspects of Gwadar port, particularly with respect to the maritime components of CPEC
project. Abbasi, while expressing the Navys resolve to ensure seaward defence of vital maritime infrastructure and protection
of maritime interests of Pakistan against all threats, reiterated that the Navy will safeguard maritime frontiers of Pakistan at all
costs. Source:

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Outbound down the Clyde recently was the Royal Navy submarine HMS TRENCHANT.
Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND





Robert Allan Ltd., Naval Architects of Vancouver, Canada recently put
the finishing touches to a versatile new 25 metre harbour tug design for
Sanmar Shipyards to add to their ever expanding product portfolio. The
design was developed so that hulls could be outfitted as either a 25
metre tractor tug with aft working deck or as a 25 metre Rotortug with
both fore and aft working decks. This innovative design thus can have
either of two class designations: TRAktor 2500-SX or ART 60-25SX.
Working closely with the Sanmar team, the design was developed with
Sanmars marketing objectives, production efficiencies, and
standardization aspirations in mind. Many components are identical to
those used by Sanmar on other production models. And the propulsion
equipment selected for the design is the same as fitted in other Sanmar
class vessels allowing equipment orders to be made in bulk, thus saving
cost and allowing flexibility to allocate equipment to the vessel where it
is needed most, ensuring the fastest possible delivery to clients. The hull and appendage alternatives were extensively model
tested at the Vienna Model Basin and also analysed in house at Robert Allan Ltd. using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to

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obtain an optimal balance between controllability, manoeuvrability, fuel efficiency, and roll dampening. The stern of the hull
features the simple but extremely effective StRAke stabilizers developed by Voith and Robert Allan Ltd. which improve tractor
tug directional stability allowing for a reduced size skeg and thereby improving manoeuvrability and fuel efficiency. Tractor tug
versions of this new design are available with various bollard pulls up to 70 tonnes. Rotortug versions are available with up to
60 tonnes bollard pull After securing an order from the Port of Taranaki earlier this year for the first hull, a 60 tonne tractor
version customized to suit the Owners requirements, Sanmar is now building a trio of 70 tonne bollard pull tractor versions of
this new series which they will be designating as the Deliay Series. The 70 tonne bollard pull vessels will feature RR US 255
drives. The first of the three is in an advanced stage of construction with delivery scheduled for February 2018. Rotortug
versions of the new design are anticipated in the near future. For more information on the TRAktor 2500-SX or the ART 60-
25SX class tugs, or any other high-performance vessel designs developed by Robert Allan Ltd., please email:

the SIMAR ESPERANCA on the blocks in A&P Tyne for a 10 year Class docking.
Photo: John Strachan Chief Engineer Simar Esperana


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Havila Shipping stays in red in 3Q

Norwegian vessel owner Havila Shipping again posted a third quarter net loss.

HAVILA PHOENIX performing cable survey at Racebank OWF Photo : Egon Spaanderman
Presenting its results on Friday, Havila reported a loss of 57,6 million Norwegian Crowns ($7.1 million) , still a slight
improvement of the 3Q of 2016 when it posted a loss of 65 million Norwegian crowns ($7,95 million). Havila had 25 vessels in
operation as of September 30. Of the entire fleet, 23 vessels are operated from Fosnavg, one by an external owner. One of
the POSH vessels was sold in September 2017. The two remaining vessels operated by POSH Semco in Singapore have been
sold, and delivery to the new owner will take place in November 2017. The JV company POSH Havila Pte Ltd in Singapore is
currently under liquidation. According to Havila, the fleet utilization in the third quarter of 2017 was 74 percent, excluding
vessels in lay-up. The company had five vessels laid up at the end of third quarter, two of these were AHTS, while the three
were PSVs. The laid up PSVs are defined as being outside the core business and are marked for sale. Havila also said in its 3Q
financial report that one subsea vessel was marked for work. Source : Offshore Energy Today

Schade door asbest in straalgrit beloopt zeker 160

miljoen euro'
De vervuiling van straalgrit met asbest betekent een schadepost van 160 tot 200 miljoen euro voor onderhoudsbedrijven. Dat
zegt directeur Spruijt van de branchevereniging Koninklijke OnderhoudNL in het tv-programma EenVandaag. Het Dordrechtse
bedrijf Sibelco/Eurogrit leverde de vervuilde straalgrit aan zo'n 140 bedrijven. Straalgrit wordt gebruikt om stalen en betonnen
objecten waar verf, roest of vuil op zit, schoon te maken. Vorige maand maakte Sibelco/Eurogrit bekend dat er asbestvezels
waren gevonden in het straalmiddel. Het inademen van die vezels kan kanker veroorzaken.De producent riep
onderhoudsbedrijven direct op om niet langer met het vervuilde straalmiddel te werken. Waarschijnlijk zit er al sinds mei 2015
asbest in het grit van Eurogrit. Sinds een maand liggen bij veel onderhoudsbedrijven de werkzaamheden volledig of gedeeltelijk
stil. Het loon van de 2200 gedupeerde werknemers moet wel worden doorbetaald. Ook hebben opdrachtgevers schadeclaims
ingediend en moesten de straalbedrijven hun eigen terrein en dat van opdrachtgevers laten inspecteren op de aanwezigheid
van asbest. Directeur Spruijt spreekt namens de onderhoudsbranche van een mega-schadebedrag, dat vergelijkbaar is met
"andere sectoren waar vogelgriep of het eierenschandaal in hetzelfde rijtje staan". Bekende plekken waar vervuild grit is
gebruikt, zijn Tata Steel in IJmuiden, een warmte-krachtcentrale van Eneco in Houten, het Afval Energie Bedrijf in Amsterdam
en de Willemsbrug in Rotterdam. Volgens de inspectie SZW is het grit mogelijk vervuild geraakt in Oekrane. Een aantal
grondstoffen van het straalgrit komt daar vandaan. Het gebruik van asbest is in Oekrane niet verboden. Bron : NOS
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Rolls-Royce simplifies EU MRV requirements with

new Energy Management Module
Rolls-Royce has extended its marine Energy Management solutions with a cloud-based fuel consumption and carbon dioxide
monitoring module designed to help shipowners meet the European Unions Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
regulation, the company said in its press release. The collection and reporting of voyage data will become a mandatory
requirement from 1 January 2018, when owners of vessels over 5000 gross tonnes that call at European Union ports will have
to monitor, report and verify their fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. With the new module installed as an add-on solution to
the Rolls-Royce Energy Management System launched in May, data can be sent automatically from the ship to the cloud,
where information and reports can be accessed and downloaded from anywhere with an internet connection. The software also
validates incoming data.While the Energy Management EU-MRV Module is an invaluable tool for those with operations in the
European Union, the system is future-proofed to meet anticipated global requirements. China has similar reporting mechanisms
in place, with the International Maritime Organisations data collection requirements entering into force in January 2019. This
requires the collection of fuel consumption data per fuel type, but not CO2 emissions directly. The software has been verified by
the Norway-accredited MRV verifier Ecoxy AS, which also cooperated in the development of the solution to ensure its
compliance with all aspects of the EU MRV regulation as well as to meet customer requirements for a solution capable of
substantially reducing manual data inputs Since its market introduction earlier this year, the Rolls-Royce Energy Management
System has received its first commercial success with a contract for two Nor Lines vessels. Source: Portnews

CMA CGM is part of the 1% most successful companies

according to the CSR ratings agency Ecovadis
For the third consecutive year, CMA CGM received the "Gold Recognition Level" by Ecovadis, the first collaborative platform
providing Supplier Sustainability Ratings for global supply chains, the company said in its press release. The Ecovadis report
underlines the excellent performance of the CMA CGM Group in the following themes: environmental compliance, labor
practices, fair business practices and sustainable procurement. Across all categories, CMA CGM is part of the TOP 1% of the
most successful companies. In the Sea and coastal water transport category, Ecovadis rated the Group CMA CGM among the
TOP 2 % of the most successful companies.
The best ratings of the Group concern:
Sustainable procurement where the CMA CGM Group is in the TOP 1 % of the most successful companies
Environmental compliance where the Group is part of the TOP 5 %
Labor practices where the Group is among the TOP 6 %
Compared with last year, the CMA CGM Group particularly progressed in the field of fair business practices and sustainable
procurement. The Ecovadis methodology is based on the international standards of the sustainable development, in particular
the Global Reporting Initiative, the Global Pact of United Nations and standard ISO 26000. It covers 150 business sectors and
140 countries. Source : portnews

wo LO/LO barges to Puerto Rico service

Crowley Maritime Corp. has retrofitted two of its 400 ft x 105 ft heavy lift, flat-deck barges, 455-3 and Marty J, to provide
additional capacity to customers shipping cargo between the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico With the 455-3 sailing early
Tuesday morning from the Port of Jacksonville, Crowley has now expanded its fleet from nine to 16 vessels, further increasing
U.S. flag capacity to transport commercial and relief supplies to support the island's recovery after Hurricane Maria in late
September. Since the storm, Crowley has offloaded 11,000 loads of commercial and government relief supplies including
more than 4,000 loads for FEMA at its Isla Grande Terminal in San Juan. Thousands more loads are scheduled to be
discharged, including more than 1,600 FEMA loads.
The 455-3 is carrying nearly 300 loads of FEMA and commercial cargo. The flat-deck barges have been outfitted to carry
stacked shipping containers on deck. This lift-on/lift-off (Lo/Lo) shipping operation was made possible by Crowley's recent
terminal upgrades at Isla Grande terminal, which included the construction of a new pier and installation of three new container
cranes. "A tremendous amount of engineering and thought was put into the design of the lash bridge securing system to enable
us to maximize our container lift," said Cole Cosgrove, vice president, marine operations. "These advances will provide support
for Puerto Rico now in a time of need, and continue to serve the island as part of our long-term strategy." The design was
created in-house by Crowley's marine engineers and naval architects, and the build was executed by VT Halter Marine shipyard
in Pascagoula, Miss. The project started at the end of 2016 in preparation for Crowley's transition to a Lo/Lo operation in the

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Northeast and to supplement the South Atlantic peak shipping season, which normally starts in October and continues through
early December.
"We worked with the shipyard to achieve an early completion of the two barge conversions, which allowed us to add over 900
units of capacity to the Puerto Rico service during the critical relief effort following hurricanes Irma and Maria," said Cosgrove.
"In addition to the two Crowley barges, we have added five U.S.-flagged flat-deck tug and barge combinations to our fleet since
the storm. Altogether, the additions to our fleet represent a 67 percent increase in capacity, which is allowing for almost daily
sailings between the mainland and San Juan." Even with the unprecedented levels of cargo being transported by Crowley and
other U.S.-flag carriers, pick-up of containers continues to lag in the Port of San Juan, as does the return of empty containers to
support the flow of supplies to store shelves and distribution centers. Crowley is working with government leaders and
representatives of the food, retail and manufacturing industries to support the recovery of their business operations and supply
chains, which remain negatively impacted by damage on the island. "The record capacity that we have added is sending
valuable goods and supplies to the island it all helps with the relief," said Jose "Pache" Ayala, vice president, Crowley Puerto
Rico Services. "As companies continue to return to normal pick-up levels for goods and supplies, we know the island's recovery
can continue to gain momentum." "We have also added over 5,000 additional containers and hundreds of additional chassis to
the Puerto Rico fleet to alleviate slower equipment turn times," said Ayala. "Our equipment control team has been working
around the clock to identify any available equipment east of Chicago." Source: Marinelog

Remedial works complete at Liverpool 2 sinkhole

Bam Nuttall has completed remedial works at Liverpool 2 as the port prepares for its second phase of
A sinkhole first appeared at the berth of the 400m Liverpool 2 deep water container terminal in February, three months after
the facility opened. Main contractor Bam Nuttall, in a joint venture with Van Oord, was drafted back in to investigate the causes
of the 10m sinkhole. Earlier this year, Peel Ports said remedial works would be complete on the project by August, and Place
North West understands that the sinkhole has now been fully repaired. Work was undertaken to inject grout into a weakness in
the quay wall which caused the initial sinkhole, and Peel Ports said that extensive surveys and investigations were undertaken
to make sure the remainder of the terminal was unaffected. The Bam Nutall-Van Oord joint venture first completed construction
of the 400m terminal in 2016 after lengthy delays blamed on bad weather and engineering issues. The JV replaced original
contractor Lendlease on the project in 2013. It is also understood that Peel Ports has issued tender documents for the second
phase of the container port, which will see three more ship-to-shore cranes and 10 rail-mounted cranes installed at the port.
This next phase is expected to complete in 2019.In September this year, Peel Ports also announced that it was in advanced
contract discussions with both a rail provider and shippers, with the aim of running the first services for its customers before
the end of 2017 Peel Ports and Bam Nuttall have been contacted for comment. Source: placenorthwest.

Abu Dhabi's NMDC may buy stake in Dredging

On Wednesday, the Cabinet approved sale of the governments entire 73.47 percent stake in Dredging
Corporation of India (DCI), according to official sources.
On Wednesday, the Cabinet approved sale of the governments entire 73.47 percent stake in Dredging Corporation of India
(DCI), according to official sources DCI would be a most suitable and best fit for us, Mahesh Zagade, director at National
Marine and Infrastructure India Pvt Ltd, told the newspaper We are weighing plans to submit a bid, he added. National
Marine and Infrastructure India Pvt Ltd is the Indian unit of the Abu Dhabi stock exchange-listed company in which the Abu
Dhabi government has a 32 percent stake. The move will help create a global giant to fight competition from Dutch and Belgian
majors that are market dominants in the sector. The UAE-based NMDC is the sixth biggest dredging contractor in the world and
joining hands with DCI will bring it a notch up to spot 5. According to the report, there were talks between the two companies
to bring DIC's dredgers in the global market. However, that deal did not work out Currently, NMDC has a USD 316 million EPC
contract with Swan Energy's floating storage unit-based LNG port near Jafrabad in Gujarat. It had also worked on the
expansion of the Suez Cana in 2015. As for DCI, the company is involved in maintenance dredging, capital dredging, beach
nourishment, land reclamation, shallow water dredging, project management consultancy and marine construction. It is under
the administrative control of the shipping ministry. A Moneycontrol report says that Dredging Corporation has enough potential
for growth as a number of ports are coming up around the country and government is planning to increase use of waterways.
The report further says that a management with a strong focus on growth rather than survival can take the company to a
different level given the experience and expertise that DCI has. Source : Moneycontrol News

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