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Student Name: TIJ1O7 - Exploring Technologies

Green screen show intro: Semester: Teachers: Mr.Snyder and Mr. Elsie

Unit Objective: Students are to create a 25 - 30 second energetic green screen introduction video for their groups Summative television show. Students will create original music for their
intro video using Garageband. Students will include a show title at the beginning and production company name at the end. Video will be edited using iMovie.

Grade 9 Exploring Technologies - Green

screen/Garageband Rubric
Clean key - removal of green background without N Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 - 4+ Mark
transparency or fringing Application <5 5 - 5.9 6-6.9 7 - 7.9 8 - 10

Does Not Most shots need refinement 3 or more shots need 3 or more shots need All shots have clean keys
Key/Overlay around subjects has clean edges (no green Meet of the key refinement of the key refinement of the key
fringing) Require Cannot see transparency
No trace of green screen or transparent subjects ments Can see transparency and/ Can see transparency and/ Can see transparency and/ and/or green fringing on /10
or green fringing or green fringing or green fringing on a any shots
couple shots

Title Style Communication

Includes interesting/relevant Show name at beginning, stu- Does Not Missing 1 title elements that Includes both titles but they Includes both titles that use Includes both titles that use
Meet is difficult to read are difficult to read due to a font style and colour a font style and colour
dent names on each shot and Production team name at Require font style/colour choice(s) which are easy to choice(s) which are easy to
end of video ments read read and compliment the
Easy to read text based on choice of font style and colour on Word choice shows
colours of the other visuals /10
top of chosen background visual creativity. Word choice shows

Trimming Clips Knowledge

Does Not In/out points of clips need Many of the in/out points on Most in/out points are All in/out points are
Clips begin on subjects movement or when they enter Meet refinement to include the clips need refinement to selected to include the selected to include the
and exit frame Require best portion of the clips include the best portion of important portion of the important portion of the
ments action the clips action action. action.
(no delay in the action from clip to clip) /10
Duration of most of the clips Duration of all of the clips
Backgrounds capture the excitement of the intro with- creates creates a exciting creates creates a high
out being a visual distraction show intro energy and exciting show

Garageband Music Intro Knowledge

Appropriate tempo (bpm - beats per minute) is chosen to Does Not Music tempo needs to be Music tempo begins to Music tempo creates an Music tempo creates an
Meet increased to create a high create a high energy feel energetic feel that matches energetic and fun feel that
create an upbeat and energetic piece of music Require energy feel but needs refinement to the energy of the visuals. matches the energy of the
Music is in time (on the beat) ments match the energy of the Includes visuals.
Beats are not in time visuals
Most of the beats are in Music temp is complex and
Many of the beats are not time in time
in time

Garageband Music Intro Application

Uses a minimum of 5 loops to create complex (not repetitive) Does Not 2 or fewer loops used which 3 - 4 loops used but is 5 loops used that vary in More than 5 loops used
Meet lack energy repetitive and lacks sound and matches resulting in music that
music intro that matches the energy of visuals Require excitement that matches excitement of visuals varies throughout.
Music comes to a definite ending ments Does not come to definite visuals Demonstrates a level of
end Music comes to a definite complexity in mixing sound /10
Does not come to definite end loops
Music comes to a definite
end using


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